Canada x Fem!Reader-The Assignment *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by Vlzqz123 , I'm sorry that this isn't amazing or very well written, I'm exhausted from my dance concert coming up and my first exams. I can write another if you want :).

Austria-Roderich Edelstein
Canada-Matthew Williams
China-Yao Wang
England-Arthur Kirkland
Hungary-Elizabeta Héderváry
Russia-Ivan Braginsky

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
It's Monday which means school. Most people hate Monday's but I love them. It means I can get away from my over#controlling family. Of course I have to get good grades but it means I don't have them pushing their nose into my business.

My mother and father are really over-controlling and act like all I do is partying and drugs. i have never gone to one of those alcohol fuelled parties and I would never touch drugs but they still try to keep tabs on whatever I do.

Right now I'm walking to school with my backpack on my back and my scarf wrapped around my neck. It's really cold. It's only autumn though so why the hell is it 8 degrees celsius?

I walk though the school gates and I see all the little cliques standing around. I don't really have any friends at this school, just some people I occasionally sit with or talk with. I head to my locker and open it, grabbing my things for my first lesson.

I head to class and feel my phone vibrate with a message, I open it and it's just my mother asking me if I remembered all my homework. I message her back telling her I have and she leaves me on read. Wow, real mature mother.

I take my seat in class and open up one of my books as I begin to study until the first bell goes. I feel as though I'm not alone I think he class but I don't see anyone else in here. That's when a small polar bear tugs on my leg.

I look down and see the small creature looking up at me with curiosity. I know this polar bear, it belongs to my biggest crush of all time Matthew Williams. I pick up the small polar bear and he cuddles close to my chest.

"Hey Kumajirou, what are you doing here alone?" I ask petting his ear

"Tired." He whispers

"Tired huh? Me too, mother made me study all night and father was up late watching horror films." I giggle

Soon I hear soft snores and Kumajirou has fallen asleep. Kumajirou And I because friends a few months ago when he was separated from Matthew. I fed him some of my lunch and he basically became attached to me. Every now and then he will come find me for food or cuddles.

Because of Kumajirou'a attachment to me this often leads his owner me coming to find him. , we have to talk which is hell for me, how are you supposed to talk to someone when all you can focus on is their stupid sexy face and how fast your heart is beating.

I try to focus on my work but I can't properly as this means Matthew will come in here at any moments. I think he is in my first class as well.

I hear footsteps coming quickly  towards me and a tall, blond haired, glasses-wearing boy run into the classroom. My face already has a small blush that I try to hide.

"Oh hey (Y/n), is Kumajirou here by any chance?" He asks

"Oh yeah." I say hiding my face "He's right here."

I pick up his sleeping form and Matthew gives a sigh of relief.

"Thanks (Y/n), I don't know what  I would did I lost him." Matthew smiles

He takes a seat next to me and smiles. I feel my heartbeat faster then it ever has and I just want to run away.

The bell for the first lesson rings and other students begin to fill up the classroom. Some Russian guy tries to sit on top of Matthew because he didn't see him but I made him move. Soon enough the teacher walks in and straight away tells us that we are having an assignment. I hate my teacher, her name is Mrs.Gates.

"I will sort you into partners as well so you don't need to worry about working with your friends." She says with a fake smile

Ugh I'm going to kill her, I'm going to end up working with someone I hate aren't I?

"Alfred with Arthur." She calls out "Ivan with Yao, Matthew and (Y/n), Roderich and Elizabeta..."

She continues talking but I freeze when I hear that I'm working with Matthew. Maybe this assignment won't be so bad...

"So (Y/n), can we go to your place to work on the assignment after school? My brother is having a  party and we won't be able to work." Matthew asks

"S-sure, my parents won't be home for a few hours so we can work without them breathing down our necks." I reply

He smiles softly at me and Kumajirou accidentally &all's off my lap. We look at each other and laugh.

*Time skip to after school*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Matthew and I are sitting around my desk finishing up the last few pieces of our assignment and out hands keep accidentally brushing up against each other, or we catch each other staring, or we say the same thing at the same time.

"Hey (Y/n), I'm really glad we were put together for this assignment." Matthew smile

"Same." I reply happily

"Umm there's something I want to tell you..." he says in a quieter voice "I really like you."

"I like you too." I say confused

"No, I really really like you." He adds "Ever since Kumajirou first found you, thats when I knew you would be prefect for me and I know I'm probably screwing this all up and I'm so sorr-"

I cut him off by kissing him on the lips. We ultimately loose our balance and I end up pinning him to the floor. We pull apart and look into each others eyes.

"I like you too." I giggle kissing him again

**Lemon Start**

He kisses me back and it begins to grow more passionate. I'm glad that he left Kumajirou at his house so he won't hear or see anything. He rolls us over and licks my bottom lip.

I open up my mouth and he slips his tongue inside. We battle for dominance but he ultimately wins, moving his muscle all around my mouth. One of his hands goes to my waist to rub circles.

We pull apart and he picks me up bridal style. We continue kissing and making out until I feel something poke at my leg. His face explodes in a blush and I giggle. His hand trails up my shirt and gropes my boob under my shirt.

He trails his lips down my neck and leaves three hickeys.

"Ngh ahh~" I moan out

He slips off my shirt leaving me in my bra, I try to cover myself but he shoos my hands away.

"Don't, you're beautiful maple." He says

He clips off my bra and removes his jumper and shirt. He attaches his lips to my left but an pinches the right one. After abusing my buds he trails kisses lower to my my waistband. He slips them off and rubs me through my panties.

He pushes a finger around them and into me, then he adds a second and third. After stretching me out as mush as he can causing me to feel a lot of pleasure he takes off my panties. He gives my woman hood a long lick and pushes his tounge inside of me.

"Ahh Matthew~" I moan as I feel a knot tighten in my stomach

He pulls away before I have the chance to release.

"Are you sure this is ok maple?" He asks taking off his pants to reveal his bulge

"Yes, I love you." I say

"Je t'aime." He whispers as he slips off his Canadian flag boxers

(French:Je t'aime-I love you)

Oh my god he is huge, how the hell is he going to fit?

"I'll be gentle maple." He whispers as he slowly lines himself up with my entrance

He pushes himself inside me all the way and I feel myself stretch. Tears build up in my eyes and he kisses them away. He waits until I adjust and I give my hips a roll. All I feel is pleasure.

"Ngh please move~" I say breathlessly

He begins to pump in and out of me at such a fast pace that I feel like I'm swimming. I scream out his name as all I can hear is his moans and grunts. I feel the knot returning to my stomach and just when I think it can't get any better he hits that one bundle of nerves causing me to see stars.

"Ahh Matthew I'm going to-Ahh~"I call out as I reach my release

"Ngh me too~" he says and pulls out of me, cumming on my lower abdomen

**Lemon End**

We lay breathlessly next to each other and close our eyes. Mine snap open when I realise my parents will be home soon.

"Matthew we need to get dressed, I can't be caught by my parents." I say quickly

He smiles softly and nods.

"I understand, let's be quick." He replies

We have a short shower together and get dressed at a fast as we can. Luckily the sheets are clean and the room doesn't smell bad. We open a window and light one of my scented candles. I hear the front door open and we pretend we are doing school work.

Thankfully my parents believe me when I say we were only doing school work and nothing happened. At least now I have an amazing boyfriend and an adorable little polar bear son. Matthew and I kiss again and we hold each others hand under the table.

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