France x Fem!Pregnant!Reader-9 Months

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(A/n):Requested by IDKbrowneyedgirly  , Hope you like it :)

England-Arthur Kirkland
France-Francis Bonnefoy

(Y/n)-Your name
(L/n)-Last name
(F/n)-Friend name
(B/n)-Baby name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Month 1
I nervously wait in the bathroom for the three pregnancy tests to give me the results. Francis and I have been trying for a baby for nearly two years and we can't get past the first stage. I just can't seem to get pregnant.

"What if it's negative?" I ask

"Zhen we'll try again." Francis responds wrapping me in a hug

"What if it's me? What if the doctor was wrong?" I question

"Zhe doctor wasn't wrong, you're not infertile." Francis answers "Good zhings come to zhose who wait."

After taking a deep breath I pick up one of the pregnancy tests and my heart skips a beat. It's positive. The other two are as well.

"Oh my god I'm pregnant!" I say excitedly, jumping into Francis' arms

"Zhis is amazing." Francis replies, hugging me tightly

Month 2
I wake up early in the morning, running to the bathroom. I grab the toilet bowl lightly as I empty my stomach. This feeling is absolutely horrible. I love my child and I love being pregnant but I hate morning sickness. Why is it even called morning sickness when it's all the time?

I sit by the toilet bowl for a few seconds until I'm sure I won't throw up any more. I quickly brush my teeth and flush the toilet, groaning at the sick feeling.

"Still 'ave morning sickness?" Francis asks

"I thought it would be over by now." I sigh

"It'll be over soon." He replies kissing my forehead

"I hope so, I love our child but not every part of pregnancy is so great." I giggle

Month 3

"Would you like anything?" Francis asks me while I sit on the couch "Ice cream? Apples? Salad?

"Are you trying to say I'm fat?!" I exclaim in anger and shock

"Of course not amour." He replies placing a hand on my shoulder


"Don't touch me!" I shout pulling myself sharply away from him "Wait I'm so sorry!"

I immediately burst into tears and Francis just wiped them away hugging me softly.

"Shh it's ok, I understand." Francis says

I look into his blue eyes and press a kiss to his lips.

"I'm sorry about all my crazy mood swings." I say

"It's fine, it's just part of being pregnant." He replies

"Oh so you agree I'm being crazy?!" I say angrily, pulling away

Francis just sighs and smiles at me.

Month 4
I yawn as I read my book on parenting. I've been so tired lately and I can barely keep myself awake during the day. What's worse is that I can't sleep at night. I haven't been able to get comfortable.

"Tired amour?" Francis asks

I nod and he takes the book from my hand, marking it with my book mark and placing it down. Then he pulls me up from my chair and takes me to our bedroom, laying me down next to him in the bed.

Francis rubs his hands on my back and stomach, soothing me and making me feel comfortable enough to sleep.

"I love you Francis." I whisper as I fall into a deep slumber

Month 5
I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror. I've begun to show now and it's making me feel very insecure about my body. I mean it's obvious I'm pregnant, and it not like my bump is fat but it's still hard to see.

"I don't know why you look at your body like zhat." Francis says, leaning on the doorframe

I quickly pull a top on to cover up my stomach.

"I know, I just feel insecure. It's strange." I sigh

"You're beautiful any way." Francis says pressing a kiss to my neck and placing his hands in my stomach

"You always know what to say to make me feel better." I some

Month 6

"What if they says it's, you know..." I say quietly

"But zhey're not going to." Francis replies

"But what if they do?" I reply

We're sitting in the doctors office, waiting for my monthly check up and every time I feel nervous and scared. I had such a hard time getting pregnant that I'm worried I'll miscarry.

"(Y/n) (L/n)-Bonnefoy?" One of the nurses calls out

Francis and I follow him to the doctors office where the doctor is preparing my ultrasound.

"Please lie down (Y/n)." She says, gesturing to the bed

I lay down and she pulls up my stomach, wiping the special gel over me and using the special device to look inside my womb. The image pops up on the monitor and I can see Francis and is baby.

"Your baby appears to be very health and a good size." The doctor says "Congratulations, it's highly likely there will be no complications."

Once Francis and I are out of the doctors office we hug each other tightly and celebrate that out baby is healthy. There is noting more I want.

Month 7

"Francis my back hurts." I complain

"I know, just lay down and let me give you a back massage." Francis replies pushing me gently onto the bed

I use pillows to support my body so I'm not pressing on my stomach and Francis begins to run his hands up and down my back. Working out all the knots and helping to make it feel better,

"I knew being pregnant would be hard but I didn't think it would be this painful." I mumble

"In a few months it will all be worth it." Francis replies

"Easy for you to say, you're not pregnant." I sigh

Francis just chuckles and continues to massage my back.

Month 8

"Hey Francis we really should start looking at baby names." I say, reading my baby name book

"You're right amour, What type of name should we choose?" He replies

"Have any ideas?" I ask

"Well I have always liked the name (B/n)" Francis says "And if we're going to ask Arthur to be the godfather then it should have his middle name if it's a boy."

"Hmm." I hum writing the name down on my list "I think Arthur should definitely be the middle name if it's a boy."

"Who should be the godmother?" Francis asks

"(F/n)" I reply "She's my best friend."

"Perfect, we should keep looking for names." Francis says

"I agree, it's not something you want to leave till the last minute." I add "Now what about girl names?"

Month 9

"Francis!" I yell as I feel a sudden pain in my stomach and fluid running down my legs

"What is it?!" He yells back from the kitchen

"It's time!" I should and I'm under two seconds he is in the living room with me

"Vhat do ve do?!" He shouts

"Taking me to the hospital would probably be a step in the right direction." I say

Francis nods and quickly grabs the bag I have packed as I get into the car. Strangely I feel very calm and collected about this whole situation. I know I'm going to have Francis with me the whole time.

Once we arrive to the hospital I'm taken to a private room with Francis, a doctor and a few nurses who will help wiht the delivery. It's all a haze, I remember a lot of screaming and pain, Francis holding my hand and the cry of a baby before I pass out due to exhaustion.

When I re open my eyes I see Francis holding a little baby wrapped in blankets, I'm back in a regular hospital bed, cleaned off and everything.

"Francis?" I say "Is that?"

"Yes, this is our baby." Francis says handing the baby to me "We had a little boy."

I feel tears welling up in my eyes out of happiness as I hug the baby close to me.

"Hello." I whisper "Does he have a name?"

"I wanted you to be awake for that." Francis replies, "Any ideas?"

"(B/n) Arthur (L/n)." I say

We agreed if it was a boy it would take my name and if it was a girl it would take Francis' last name.

"I love it." Francis replies hugging both of us close to him

I not think I could be any happier than this. (B/n) is truly a miracle baby. I can't wait for him to grow up, but I also want him to stay this tiny and adorable. I love my family with all my heart and I'm so ecstatic for the start of a new chapter of our lives.

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