Ireland x Fem!Reader-I Don't Drink

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England-Arthur Kirkland
Northern Ireland-Seamus Kirkland
Scotland-Allistor Kirkland

(Y/n)-Your name
(F/n)-Friend's name
(F/h)-Favourite hairstyle
(F/s)-Favourite soft drink
(L/n)-Last name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"So were going to another bar huh?" I ask my friend (f/n)

She nod and excitedly apples more mascara. I sigh silently and get up to grab one of my dresses. This is the third time this week she has dragged me to a bar despite knowing that I don't like bars and that I don't drink. I think I need to stop hanging out with her...

I pull on a (f/c) cocktail dress that makes my legs and body look amazing. I apply my preferred amount of make up and do my hair in (f/h). I make sure I look perfect and then grab my purse. (F/n) throws me a flask and smirks at me.

"Put some alcohol in this for yourself, that way you don't need to pay as much." She states

I roll my eyes and head to the kitchen where I fill it up with water, it's easier to pretend to go along with her than fight her. She tells me that she called an Uber and it'll be here in a few minutes. I quickly gather all my things and we go wait outside.

"I know you don't like to drink but can't you just drink for tonight?" (F/n) asks

"Maybe." I say half-heartedly

Before she can continue in the Uber arrives and we get inside. I look out the window as we drive, so many dressed up people are outside. Must be on their way to a bar like us. We finally arrive outside the bar and hop out of the car.

This is a bar we haven't been to... it seems Irish themed... we walk inside and I can tell I'm not going to like it, there is a bunch of people dancing and grinding on each other and lots of drinking. I really need new friends.

I had already lost (Y/n) in the huge crowd of people so I make my way to the bar and take a seat. Pulling out my phone I message my friend Arthur to see what he is doing. He says he has the whole house to himself because his brothers went to work and the youngest is at a sleepover, lucky.

From behind the bar someone steps in front of me, I look up and I'm met with emerald green eyes, large eyebrows and red hair.

"What can I get you lass?" He asks happily in an Irish accent

"Just a (f/s) I guess." I sigh

"Want me to mix any alcohol with that?" He offers "Whiskey, scotch, vodka?"

"No thank you, I don't drink." I reply and he gives me a weird look

He pours my drink and then comes back over to continue talking to me.

"Who comes to a bar and doesn't drink?" He asks me

"Thank you, I was forced by my friend." I sigh taking a sip of my drink

"Well maybe your evening can be improved?" He says happily

"I don't see how, no one here really sparks my interest." I reply

"I'm Seamus Kirkland." He smiles

"The owner?" I reply

He nods and continues smiling.

"Can I know your name?" Seamus asks

"(Y/n) (L/n)." I say

"Excuse me bartender!" A voice yells distracting us

He excuses himself to serve the person next to us when a random guy slides to next to me, obviously half drunk and he looks like he has taken some sort of drug. He is smirking and making kissy faces.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing here all alone?" He asks placing a hand on my thigh

I slap his hand off of me and give him a glare.

"Aww what was that for sweet-heart?" He asks

I sigh and turn away from him as he moves closer to me.

"Feisty are we?" He smirks grabbing onto my arm

His grubby hands make me feel disgusting and I try to shake him off of me. Suddenly beer is poured all over him and he gasps. I whip my head around to see that Seamus has doused the man in beer.

The man stands up angrily and grabs me by my arm.

"How dare you, can't a guy pick up a hot girl at a bar?" He yells

"Not a guy like you, get out of my bar." Seamus states glaring at him

The guy tries to pull me with him but I'm quickly grabbed by a second arm and pulled back. I look up to see a tall man with dark red hair.

"Leave the lass behind." He says glaring

The guy storms out of the bar and I try to catch my breath.

"Are you ok?" Seamus asks me, walking out from behind the bar

I nod and try not to let the tears building up, out of my eye. I look down and slowly pull the other man's hand off of my arm. He walks away and Seamus places his hand on my chin, lifting my eyes to meet his green ones.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asks

I feel frozen for a second as I'm entranced by his emerald eyes. I manage or calm myself down and nod. He takes me back to the bar stool and ours me another drink of (f/s). After a few hours Seamus tells me the bar is closing and I turn around to see it empty.

"Shit." I mumble under my breath

"What's wrong?" Seamus asks me

"My friend was my ride, my phone is dead and I have no money." I answer "I guess I'll just walk home."

"In those heals?" He asks

"Well yeah." I reply

"How about instead of that, I take you home?" Seamus offers

"No thanks, I don't want anyone to know my address." I state

"Well then I'll take you to my house." He says and swiftly ushers me out of the bar, locking up behind himself. He walks me over to a green car and the man with red hair follows behind us. I'm pushed into the car and I buckle up.

The other man looks at me confused and then looks at Seamus.

"What's she going here?" He asks

"She can't go home so she's staying with us for the night." Seamus replies "(Y/n) this is Allistor, my brother."

We say hello to each other as Seamus drives me us to their house, which is more like a mansion and he takes me inside. Their house is beautiful and I already feel at home.

"What do you think?" Seamus asks me

"I think it's beautiful." I reply

He takes me up to his room, which is decorated with framed four leaf clovers in the wall, an Irish flag bead spread on a king sized bed, a couch with a table and tv and finally a big green rug on the floor.

"You can sleep on my bed tonight lass." Seamus states "I can sleep on the couch."

I giggle a little and look at him.

"It's ok, I'll take the couch, it's your room." I reply smiling

"Wow." He mumbles staring at me with red cheeks

"What?" I ask confused

"I think that's the first time I've seen you smile." He states "You're beautiful."

I feel a blush rise to my cheeks and I look down.

"Why do you keep doing that?" Seamus asks

"Doing what?" I reply

"Look away from me, it hides your beautiful face." He says

I look up to set his face and I realise how close our faces are. We slowly lean in and as we are about an inch apart the door bursts open and we pull apart quickly.

A man with blond hair and house eyebrows is standing there glaring, when suddenly he sees me and smiles softly.

"Hey Arthur." I say hugging him

"Hey (Y/n), what are you doing here? And with my brother?" Arthur asks hugging back, his voice darkening when he mentions his brother

"I'm staying here tonight." I explain "It's to late to go home, it would piss off my roommate."

"You can staying my room, away from him," Arthur says, glaring at Seamus

"I'm fine here." I giggle

Arthur sighs and walks out of the room. Seamus smiles and hands me some clothes to change into. I head to the bathroom and make a quick change. I emerge from the bathroom and take a seat on the couch. Seamus steps out from the wardrobe in green pyjama pants and shirtless. I blush at the sight and look down

"You can't sleep on the couch, you're sleeping on my bed with me lass." He says and picks us up

We smile at each other and he flicks off the lights. I slip into his bed and she lays down next to me.

"I didn't know you knew Arthur." He states

"Yeah, we've been friends for a few years." I reply

He smiles and wraps his arms around me tightly, the Irishman pulls me closer to him and presses a kiss to my forehead.

"You know, I didn't think a sober girl at the bar would capture my heart like you have." He whispers

"I didn't think a bartender would be the one I like." I giggle

"Well they do say opposites attract." Seamus replies

He presses his lips to mine before falling asleep while holding me. I feel happy that something good came out of this horrible evening. Nothing could be better than finding love.

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