Kirkland Bros x Fem!Reader-7 Brothers

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(A/n): Requested by _CookieCrumbs_ , Sorry it took so long. Hope you like it :)

Australia-Jett Kirkland
England-Arthur Kirkland
Ireland (Republic of)-Liam Kirkland
Northern Ireland-Seamus Kirkland
Scotland-Allistor Kirkland
Sealand-Peter Kirkland
Wales-Dylan Kirkland

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
My feet hit the cold wet floor as I run through the streets of London. I need to get away from here quickly and find my friends house. You see I was raised in an orphanage and when I found out what happens to you when you turn 18 I decided to leave.

I have friends in London, the Kirkland brothers, who I want to stay with for a little while before I can leave permanently. Just until I'm 18. The orphanage doesn't like it when you don't let them murder you apparently so they shot me as I was running away. I'm clutching my side where I was shot but blood is still coming out.

I feel so lost in the cold dark streets and I can barely see what's in front of me. Out of breath I sit on a small step in front of someone's doorway. I hear yelling from down the street and I push myself into the darkness.

Peaking out I can see Arthur Kirkland shouting at his older brother Allistor. I breath a sigh of relief and quickly rush out to them.

"Arthur, Allistor!" I exclaim and they turn around to see me

Arthur smiles and walks over to me while Allistor looks confused.

"What are you doin' out here this late at night lass?" Allistor asks me rushing over and supporting me

"I, Ngh, ran away, they were going to kill me!" I say gripping tightly onto him

He quickly picks me up bridal style and Arthur rushes over to us.

"Let's get her to our house, we can help her there." Arthur states

I feel Allistor carrying me and running but I'm half asleep. I suddenly feel warmth around me and I peak through my eyes to see the Kirkland's mansion around me. I'm carried up to the guest room and Allistor places me down in his warm bed.

"Stay with us (Y/n)." Allistor whispers and Arthur runs away to get Dylan to help

They come in a few minutes later and Dylan has a first aid kit.

"Ok (Y/n) this might hurt but it'll be over quick." Dylan says in his welsh accent "Ok everyone out of the room."

"What? Why?" Arthur asks

"Because I'm going to need her to remove her top and you need to respect the privacy of a lady." Dylan says

They blush and quickly leave the room and Dylan softly pulls off my t-shirt.

"Sorry about that (Y/n) but I need to get to your shoulder." Dylan says

"It's ok, Ngh just be quick." I say trying to stay awake through the pain

Dylan uses an alcohol wipe and cleans all the blood and bacteria. Then he bullet from my shoulder and applies pressure to stop the blood. Then he cleans it again and stitches it up. He helps me into one of Allistor large shirts as mine is covered in blood and dirt.

"You can sleep now." He whispers and presses a shy kiss to my forehead

I'm to tired to blush or respond so I just close my eyes. I fall asleep straight away in the comfort of a warm bed,

*Time skip to morning*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I wake up to the sound of yelling and a smashing plate. I get out of bed and groan with the pain in my shoulder. I walk over to the door and walk down to the dining room. Inside there is peter sitting down eating cereal. Allistor drinking coffee, Arthur munching on a burnt scone, the twins whispering to each other, Jett eating some sort of wheat rectangle and Dylan eating some toast.

"(Y/n)!" Peter yells and jumps on my, hugging me tightly and kissing my cheek

"Ahh Peter that hurts!" I exclaim

"Sorry." He mumbles and gets off

"It's alright, just don't jump on me ok?" I ask

He nods and smiles, handing me a small chocolate wrapped in gold foil.

"For later." He says and sits back down

I take a seat as well and Dylan passes me some toast. I munch on my toast and when I finish and lol up I realise it's only me and the twins here. They smile and walk over to me, each swinging an arm around my shoulder gently.

"Hey (Y/n)." Liam says

"You look lovely this morning." Seamus adds

"We've seen the way a certain someone looks at you." They say together "And we want to see house he'll react."

"React to what?" I question

They both press their lips to my cheeks at the same time and I blush in shock. Quickly their lips disappear and I turn to see Jett holding them by their collars.

"Really big bros?" Jett asks

They chuckle and run off together. Jett turns to me and smiles.

"G'day sheila, how are you feeling?" Jett asks

"Much better, but my arm is still sore." I reply

He smiles and picks me up bridal style. Carrying me to the living room.

"Jett what are you doing? My legs are fine." I giggle

I get no reply but he sits us down on the lounge with me in his lap. Jett turns in the tv and we watch the morning cartoons.

"You two seem nice and cozy" Allistor's voice says

We turn to see him standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Jealous?" Jett asks

"Of course not." Allistor replies walking towards us

Suddenly soft lips are placed against mine and I feel Jett kiss me. His lips are soft and when he pulls away I look deep into his jade eyes.

"That's not how you kiss a girl." Allistor says pulling me away from Jett and seating me on his lap

Allistor roughly presses his lips to mine. Allistor's kiss is more rough and passion filled than Jett's was But I can feel an underlying emotion. Is it love? We finally pull apart and I catch my breath.

"What was that?" I ask

"You're cute lass." Allistor says and leaves the room

Jett smiles and pulls me back over to him. I feel myself blush more and we continue watching the cartoons.

I spend the day resting and waiting for my shoulder to heal. Soon enough it's night time and I can sleep again, this time I'm not as exhausted so when I close my eyes I see all the bad things that happened at the orphanage. I bolt up in cold swear and catch my breath.

I can't sleep like this, I need to talk to someone. I tiptoe down the hallway and knock on Arthur's door. He opens it tiredly and looks shocked when he sees me.

"What are you doing up love? You should be asleep and healing." He says

"I can't sleep, nightmares." I whisper "Can I sleep with you?"

He nods and I enter his room and crawl onto his bed. Arthur lays down next to me and wraps a warm arm around me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks

I nod and begin to tell him all the scary things I saw and went through. He holds me tighter and kisses my forehead.

"It's ok love, I'm here." He whispers

I look up and at the same time he moves in to kiss my forehead again and our lips connect. I don't pull away this time. We stay unmoving for a few seconds and then move out lips to actually kiss each other. When we pull away I let out a small giggle.

"Goodnight Arthur." I whisper closing my eyes

"Goodnight love." He replies

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