Korean Bros x Sister!Fem!Reader x Japan-My Brothers

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(A/n):Requested by Bunnielover54 , Hope you like it :)

Japan-Kiku Honda
North Korea-Im Hyung Soo
South Korea-Im Yong Soo

(Y/n)-Your name
(F/r)-Favourite restaurant
(F/f)-Favourite food

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm sitting on a large brick wall with my boyfriend Kiku Honda. We're discussing how we're going to tell my brothers we're dating. My brothers made it very clear I shouldn't be dating anyone but then I met Kiku.

He used to be very closed off and wouldn't let anyone touch him but he said I changed that. He lets me touch him now and sometimes we even kiss. But I know I need to take things slowly or else it will make Kiku uncomfortable.

"How should we tell them?" I ask

"If we do terr them wirr they try to break us up?" Kiku asks

"They might, maybe we shouldn't tell them." I reply "But then if they find out by accident I'll be in more trouble."

"Maybe we should just terr them and see where it goes?" Kiku offers

"Yeah, promise no matter what they say we won't break up." I say

"I promise, we're stronger than that." He replies

"So should we go now?" I ask

He nods and we hop off the wall down to the ground. It wasn't to high so it's safe to jump down from. We begin the short walk to my house hand in hand. When we arrive we nervously knock kn the door and my brother Yong Soo answers.

"Back so soon (Y/n)?" He asks but then notices my hand in Kiku's "What going on?"

"We have something to tell you." I say "Get Hyung Soo."

We walk inside and my other brother is reading a book, he looks up at Kiku and I and raises an eyebrow. Yong Soo stands next to Hyung Soo Both looking at us suspiciously.

""Kiku these are my Hyeong, Hyeong, this is my boyfriend Kiku." I say

(Korean:Hyeong-Older brothers)

"Boyfriend?!" Yong Soo shouts "You're not allowed to date!"

"(Y/n), we warned you, he could hurt you." Hyung Soo states

"Kiku wouldn't hurt me." I reply feeling upset that they would suggest that

"I promise I wourd never hurt (Y/n)." Kiku interrupts "What can I do to prove it?"

Hyung Soo And Yong Soo whisper between them and I feel more nervous than I ever thought I would have. What are they going to do?

"(Y/n) we want to talk to him privately." Hyung Soo says

"Ok, but please be nice." I say and stand up, walking to my room hoping for the best

Japan's P.O.V.
I feel nervous but I know I can answer whatever questions they ask. I would never hurt (Y/n) and if I need to prove that then that's ok. (Y/n) was the first person to date me and I don't want to give her up.

"So how long have you been dating?" Yong Soo asks

"Three months." I reply

"So (Y/n) kept it secret for three months?" Hyung Soo questions

"I suppose so." I answer "She said she didn't want to make you angry."

"Why didn't she tell us? We wouldn't be angry!" Yong Soo says glaring

"Yong, you're angry right now. Calm down." Hyung Soo sighs

"I'm not angry!" Yong Soo yells

We both look at him for a few seconds and he becomes embarrassed.

"Ok I see your point. Now what are we going to do?" Yong Soo says

"How about Kiku takes us all out for lunch, (Y/n) included." Hyung Soo states, looking to me

I fidget nervously and nod. That should be ok.

"So Kiku where are we going to go?" Hyung Soo asks

"We should ask (Y/n)." I reply

They look at each other and nod impressed, then they call (Y/n) back from her room.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I hear my name being called and I head back to the living room. Everyone turns to look at me which is a bit unsettling but I walk over to Kiku.

"What's going on?" I ask

"Kiku's taking us all out for lunch." Yong Soo states

"Did he agree to that or did you tell him I'd break up with him if he didn't?" I ask

"I agreed (Y/n)." Kiku states "Where do you want to go?"

"Umm what about (f/r)?" I offer "But are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, that sounds fine." Kiku replies

We begin to walk to my favourite restaurant, Kiku and I are still holding hands. I can feel my brothers' eyes on us which is kind of annoying but for now I can ignore it. We arrive soon enough and we take our seat.

"What are you going to get?" Kiku asks me

"Probably (f/f)." I reply

Yong Soo bing the mature person he is orders the most expensive thing but Kiku doesn't even bat an eye lash. Hyung and Yong Soo continue to ask questions but it doesn't scare Kiku at all.

After our food comes Kiku continues to be respectful as always and very polite. He doesn't ask anyone else to pay and when I offer he politely rejects. As we go up to pay my brothers turn to me.

"I like him, I think he's a good boyfriend for you." Hyung Soo says

"I guess he's alright." Yong Soo mumbles "He obviously cares about you a lot."

"I'm happy you feel that way." I giggle happily

"We can't make our little sister sad." Hyung Soo says petting my head

I give them both a tight hug and then Kiku comes back looking a little tired, probably upset from all the money he just spent.

"So should we go?" I ask, wanting to spend some time with Kiku

They all nod and we begin to walk home. I tell Kiku that my brothers are fine with him nd he smiles softly. As we are saying goodbye we share a short kiss in our happiness.

"I rove you." He says

"I love you too." I giggle "I'm so glad they like you."

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