More Than Friends (Russia x America)

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Six-year-old Ivan Braginsky is crouched in the sandpit at Summer Hill Elementary school, digging up the sand with a green shovel and placing it in a little yellow bucket. A small smile on his face as he plays by himself, wondering when he'll make any friends in this new country his family moved to.

Ivan moved from Russia to the United States about four months ago, he doesn't understand why but his Mama says it was for the best. His English has gotten better since the move, he can understand what people say just fine but he still has a heavy accent, and many people struggle to understand what he says, especially the other children in his class, hence why he hasn't made any friends yet.

Ivan often plays by himself like this, he knows his teachers are worried and have asked other students to play with him, but they never want to include him, always complaining that he is scary. Ivan hopes that one day he won't be so lonely, that someone will come along and want to be close to him.

As the little boy's mind is consumed with these thoughts, his bucket is kicked out from under him.

"Why are you digging sand like a baby?!" A little boy yells, hovering over him

Nick if Ivan remembers correctly, followed by his two friends Josh and Chris

"Yeah, the sand pit is for babies!" Josh agrees

"Please leave me alone," Ivan mumbles in his heavy Russian accent

"Speak English! I can't understand what you're saying!" Chris yells

"Yeah, this isn't Russia you're not allowed to speak Russian!" Nick adds

Ivan stands up, but he is still shorter than the three boys. His heart races as the other boys take a step closer and he takes a step back, certain he is about to be punched.

"Hey, you buttheads, why don't you pick on someone your own size?!" A little boy yells from across the sandpit, causing the four boys' heads to snap toward the voice

There a little boy with blond hair, glasses, and a missing tooth stands with his hands on his hips.

"Hero mode activate!" The little boy yells before running across the sandpit at full speed...

...before falling flat on his face in front of the four boys, he doesn't waste a second though, and stands straight back up, brushing the sand off himself.

"I'm ok," he says "Now, leave him alone!"

"Alfred go away!" Nick yells

"No, you're bullies, and I won't let you be mean to anyone!" Alfred exclaims, taking another step in front of Ivan

"Then we're going to beat you up!" Chris shouts

"Not if I beat you up first!" Alfred replies, lunging forwards and pushing Chris to the ground

Nick and Josh quickly get pulled down to the ground as well and the four boys scuffle in the sandpit, pulling hair and kicking until the teacher on yard duty finally notices what is going on and runs over.

"Alfred, Nick, Josh, and Chris, stop this immediately!" She yells, attempting to physically separate the boys "What on earth has gotten into you four?"

"They were bullying him miss! They were going to hit him!" Alfred yells, pointing to Ivan

"No! We were jus' talking to him!" Nick shouts back

"Right well, I'll be telling your classroom teacher about this," The teacher states "I imagine he will be giving your families a call."

"But miss!" the four boys yell in unison, Ivan remaining silent

"No, I won't hear it," She states, "You're lucky I'm not immediately sending you to the principal's office, now go play on separate sides of the yard please."

The teacher watches Nick, Josh, and Chris run off to the oval to play soccer before heading over to a little girl who has tripped on the asphalt and scraped her knee. Alfred remains in the sandpit with Ivan, turning towards him.

"Are you ok dude?" Alfred asks, with a big toothy grin

"Yes, I am, thank you," Ivan replies with a small voice

"I'm Alfred Bonnefoy-Kirkland, but you can call me Al!"

Alfred extends his hand and Ivan stares at it for a moment before smiling.

"I am Ivan or Vanya" he replies, shaking Alfred's hand

"Want to come play superheroes with me?" Alfred asks

"Yes, I do,"

The two little boys run over to the climbing frame and play superheroes for the rest of lunchtime, during their next lesson they sit together on the floor and partner up when their teacher assigns a group activity. Each day the boys look forward to school and seeing each other, and playing together on the weekend as their houses turn out to be only a few streets away.

The pair become inseparable, each year they were in the same class and when it came time to go to high school, they begged their parents to let them go to the same one. But nothing ever remains the same in this ever-changing world.


Alfred and Ivan stand in the airport, both braces-wearing, anxiety-ridden sixteen and seventeen-year-olds respectively.

"Promise me you'll message me, okay?" Alfred asks as he hugs his best friend, liking the way the smaller boy felt in his arms

"I promise," Ivan replies "But it's only a few months. I'll be back before you know it."

"I'm going to miss you dude, who else am I gonna hang out with?"

"You have other friends, Kiku, Mattias, and Gilbert,"

"Yeah, but they're not you, you're special."

Alfred misses the blush on Ivan's cheeks as he gives his best friend a final squeeze before pulling back. He takes one more look at his best friend who is heading back to Russia over the summer break before their last year of high school.

"Enjoy Russia, say hi to your family from me," Alfred says, flashing Ivan that same toothy grin that he always does

The one that makes Ivan's heart skip a beat.

"Come on Alfred, Ivan needs to board the plane, or he'll miss his flight," Alfred's Dad Arthur says, placing his hand on his son's shoulder

"Oui, and we will make you pay for his new ticket," Alfred's other Dad, or Papa, Francis adds

"What? That's not fair!" Alfred whines "If I had enough money to buy a ticket I'd be going with Ivan!"

Ivan smiles softly as he grabs the handle of his suitcase and begins to walk towards the ramp to board.

"Ivan wait!" Alfred yells, causing Ivan to turn back where he is unceremoniously pulled into a tight hug "Just one more hug before you go, Vanya."

"Alright Al," Ivan says, squeezing the taller boy back and blushing at his nickname "I'll be back before you know it."


"So, you really haven't seen Ivan since he got back?" Matthew, Alfred's younger twin brother asks as they walk to school

"Nope, he only got back a couple days ago so there hasn't been any time," Alfred replies "I'm super excited to see him today though! Gonna show him that I got my braces off finally"

"Yeah, the first day of school is always fun, are you two in the same class again?"

"We sure are, or I'd head to the principal's office myself and get the classes switched!"

"I'm sure the principal would have listened to you,"

"Whatever Mattie, look there's the school!"

The brothers make their way into the school, finding their lockers for the year which are next to one another, as they are alphabetically ordered in grades. They pack away their books and bags which doesn't take too long so they have time to talk before homeroom. Although Alfred spends more time looking around the hallway excitedly, waiting for Ivan.

"Who's that?" Alfred hears a girl whisper to her friends, not thinking much of it he continues talking to his brother

"Is he new?" A different guy asks his group

"He's really hot,"

"Wow so tall,"

Alfred and Matthew turn around, trying to see what the buzz in the hallway was about, everyone seems to be staring at something. Alfred cranes his head and sees the attention is focused on a guy with blond hair, his heart skips a beat hoping it's Ivan but realises that whoever it is would be six feet at least and Ivan has always been shorter than him, Alfred was only five foot nine.

"Guess there's a new student," Alfred states, turning back to his brother

"Guess so," His brother replies "Any way where was I? Oh yeah, so I was about to score a goal when this guy skates right in front of me and..."

Matthew trails off and the hall seems to go silent. Alfred suddenly feels as if everyone is looking in their direction, shuffling uncomfortably he glances towards the hallway and sees the 'new' student standing right next to him.

Only he isn't new at all.

"Ivan?!" Alfred exclaims "How... what... I mean... it's you!"

"Da it is me," Ivan replies with a small smile

"No way, that's Ivan!" A girl whispers to her friend

"He's so much taller now," Another girl whispers

"He got a haircut too," One of the guys adds

Alfred stares at his friend in shock, he looks different, but his pink scarf confirms that it's Ivan. His hair is no longer a dull beige but a much warmer blond and it's been cut and styled. His acne has cleared up and his braces have been removed. The baby fat around his face has gone and is replaced by a sharp jawline. The girl was right he is tall now, taller than Alfred who has never been the short one in their friendship. His uniform is no longer baggy and ill-fitting, he has grown into it well. Sure, he always thought Ivan was cute, but now Alfred would have to say his friend is hot, like really hot, like Alfred kinda wants to kiss his best friend hot.

Alfred shakes that last thought away and pulls Ivan into a hug, a bright grin painting its way onto his face.

"Vanya! I missed you so much!" Alfred exclaims "How was your trip?!"

"It was good, but I am glad to see you again," Ivan replies "I missed you too."

"Dude why didn't you tell me you got taller, or your braces taken off!"

"I guess it slipped my mind."

"What were they feeding you in Russia? You're like six feet."

Ivan laughs and says a quick hello to Matthew who seems to still be registering that this tall and handsome seventeen-year-old was his brother's dorky best friend just a few months ago. It's only been three months, what the hell happened? The rest of the students seem to be asking the same question.

"You know his accent is kinda hot." A boy says to his friend

"I know what you mean," His friend replies

Ivan doesn't appear to hear any of the comments made about him, too focused on his conversation with Alfred than what others think about him.

The bell for homeroom rings and the hallway starts to clear out with students heading to class.

"Bye Mattie," Alfred says as he waves goodbye to his brother

Ivan and Alfred walk to their homeroom, Alfred noticing the stares his friend is getting and Ivan seeming to be blissfully unaware. Alfred wonders what Ivan's sudden change in appearance means for their friendship and why he suddenly feels things are different between them.


The bell for lunch rings and Alfred packs away his maths book, happy that this lesson is finally over. He turns to speak to Ivan, but his desk is already crowded with students.

"Ivan, do you want to come sit with us today? We have a really nice table in the cafeteria."

"Nah that's lame, how about you come play soccer with us instead?"

"Come hang out with us instead Ivan, can you teach us how to speak Russian?"

"I apologise everyone, but I will spend lunch with Alfred," Ivan states

"Aww but you always hang out with him,"

"Yeah 'cause we're best friends dude!" Alfred yells over the crowd, missing the flash of disappointment in Ivan's eyes

"Anyway, we must go now," Ivan says standing up and grabbing his things

The boys head to their lockers which are also pretty close as both their last names begin with B, packing away their things and grabbing their food. They never eat in the cafeteria; Alfred's papa loves to cook and always packs his lunch and Ivan's Mama always packs Russian food that tastes delicious. The two boys find their usual spot under the shady trees in the schoolyard.

"Wanna play switch?" Alfred asks

"Ah izvini, I forgot to bring mine," Ivan replies "You play, I will watch."

"Are you sure dude? We can do something else."

"Da I am sure, I want to watch you beat up all the bad guys,"

Alfred pulls out his switch and turns it on to a superhero game, Ivan moves closer to see the screen and rests his head on Alfred's shoulder.

"I can only see from this angle, the sun has a glare," Ivan explains

"All good dude," Alfred replies coolly

But on the inside his stomach was filled with butterflies for whatever reason, it's not like they haven't done this before, but that was when Ivan was shorter and didn't have to strain his neck as much to rest on top of Alfred's shoulder, surely this is uncomfortable for him now?

Alfred beats up the bad guys in his game with encouragement from Ivan until the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch and time for the final period of the day.

"We should go to class," Alfred says quickly, turning off his switch

"That is a shame, I was enjoying this," Ivan replies

Surely, he meant watching the game, right?


The last lesson of the day went by uneventfully; people were still whispering about Ivan, but Alfred had gotten used to his best friend being the talk of the school. Maybe he should ask Ivan if he's heard, but what if that makes him self-conscious? Probably not a good idea, Ivan will bring it up if he wants to.

Other students are gathered around Ivan's desk, asking if he wants to go to the mall with their friends after school or join their basketball game. Alfred found it shocking the number of people suddenly interested in Ivan when only a few months ago they didn't even know who he was. Ivan was his dammit, well his best friend at least...

"Al, do you want to come to my place after school?" Ivan asks, moving away from the crowd

"How about mine instead? I got a PS5 for my birthday!" Alfred replies

"I would like that,"

The boys pack their things and head to the lockers to get their bags when Micah, one of the most popular boys in their school walks over to them.

"Hey back to school party at my place this Saturday! You in?" He asks

Ivan looks to Alfred, clearly confused as to why Micah is even talking to him, Alfred shrugs as he is just as unsure.

"What do you think?" Ivan asks Alfred, "Should we go?"

"Oh, sorry man," Micah interrupts awkwardly "The invite is just for you, y'know, tryna keep the numbers down."

"Then I am sorry, but I will not be attending," Ivan states "Thank you for the invite."

"Whatever dude, the invitation is still there when you change your mind," Micah says, walking away from the boys

"That was strange, I do not remember ever talking to him before. Maybe he had me confused with someone else?"

"Who knows dude, come on I want to go home," Alfred replies, pulling at his friend's arm

The pair of boys wait for Matthew by the gate and then walk home together, Ivan calls his Mama and tells her he will be home late. The three boys walk in silence, tired from the first day back at school. When they enter their home, they are immediately met with the smell of something delicious baking and a French song playing through a speaker in the kitchen.

"Bonjour boys!" Alfred and Matthew's Papa yells from the kitchen "I was just making mille feuille, come and have one."

They walk into the kitchen and see their Papa piping cream onto pastry and layering strawberries on top. He looks up and a confused expression crosses his face as he realises Ivan is also present.

"Mon dieu..." He mutters, looking at Ivan's changed appearance "Ivan, I almost did not recognise you."

"Hello Mr. Bonnefoy-Kirkland," Ivan states

"How many times have I told you to call me Francis," Francis replies with a smile "Now would you three care for some afternoon tea?"

The boys sit down, and Francis places a pastry in front of each of the boys, they dig in and Francis begins to clean the kitchen before their dad gets home and sees the mess.

"So, Ivan, how was Russia?" Francis asks

"Very good thank you, I enjoyed seeing my family and hometown," Ivan replies

"That's good to hear, I should take Matthew and Alfred to see where I grew up in France, we were nearly going to raise you boys there."

"Good thing you didn't, or I'd have never met Ivan," Alfred states, joining in the conversation

"We would have met, it was fate," Ivan replies "Although I would have probably been bullied a lot more."

"Ah Alfred did cause a fight to protect you when you were young," Francis says, nostalgia washing over him "Now you look like you'd be the one protecting him, you've gotten so much taller."

"Stop it, dad, I'm not even that short," Alfred replies grumpily "And you sound like such an old man."

"That's because he is," Alfred and Mathew's dad states, walking through the kitchen doorway

They must have missed the sound of the front door opening and closing.

"I am not that old, only three years older than you," Frances exclaims dramatically, feigning offense before pressing a kiss to his husband's lips

Arthur greets his boys and then does a double take when he notices Ivan in the kitchen as well.

"Good heavens Ivan, I didn't recognise you," Arthur says, looking rather shocked

"I have been getting that a lot today," Ivan replies "I suppose I look different, but I do not really see it."

"Dude seriously? Before you were like short and cute but now you look like a superhero," Alfred states, missing the knowing look his parents shoot one another

Ivan looks down, attempting to conceal his blush. Knowing Alfred only views him as a friend he should not be this embarrassed, but when he said he was cute his heart nearly jumped out of his chest, and saying he looks like a superhero? That almost made Ivan melt because, for Alfred, he would be his hero.

"I suppose I have gotten a lot taller." Ivan states "Iryna had to take me to get new clothes during our trip."

"Ah, and how are your sisters doing?" Arthur asks

They quickly lose themselves in their conversation and the boys finish up their snack, before heading to Alfred's room to play with his PS5. As they're playing, Alfred lets his mind wander to Micah and guilt sets in that Ivan wouldn't go to the party without him, although it made him just as happy for whatever reason as well.

"Hey, if you want to go to the party, you can," Alfred states, clicking at his controller "Like I wouldn't be upset, I can stay back and play Mario-Kart with Mattie or something."

"I do not wish to go to a party if you are not there," Ivan replies "Especially with people unable to see how amazing you are."

"Aww Vanya," Alfred says blushing at his friend's compliment

"Now pay attention as I win again,"

"What no way will I let you beat me for the fourth time!"


The next two weeks pass by much the same way, Ivan getting a lot of attention from other students, being asked to go to parties, out to the movies, play sports and join clubs, and even out for dates. Ivan does not accept any invitations if Alfred is not invited, and he especially does not accept anyone asking him out for a date, not that he isn't polite while rejecting them, but there is only one person he would accept the feelings of.

"Dude everything good?" Alfred asks, snapping Ivan from his thoughts "You're staring at me."

Ivan blushes, looking back at his English textbook.

"Sorry I just got lost in thought," He mumbles

"All g, was just worried there was somethin' on my face," Alfred chuckles, turning back to his schoolwork as well

Mrs. Harris walks around the classroom, ensuring the students are on task, but she does not seem to notice the number of students who are staring at Ivan, who have been staring at him since school started. Everyone at school seemed to agree that Ivan was now one of the most desirable students, and his rejection of all dates seemed to become a challenge much to Alfred's annoyance.

A note lands on Ivan's workbook and he quickly hides it under, hoping Mrs. Harris didn't see. When her back is turned, he peeks at the note.


My friends and I are going to the beach on Saturday, and I want you to come, message me for the details, my number is xxxx-xxx-xxx

Call me,

Alex <3'

Ivan pockets the note, immediately deciding he wouldn't go, there's someone he'd rather spend his Saturday night with anyway, even if they're solely friends and nothing more.

"Al," Ivan whispers as the teacher is helping a student across the room "Do you wish to come to my house on Saturday night? I would like to play animal crossing with you."

"Sure dude," Alfred says, "I'll need to ask my parents but I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

With their plans made, the boys turn back to their English work, eagerly awaiting the weekend so that they may spend time together playing games and eating snacks. Alfred's heart skips a beat thinking about their usual sleepover arrangement, they often share a bed but for once, Alfred feels nervous.


It felt as though months had passed but Saturday night eventually came, Alfred was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. His parents had made sure he packed everything he needed, and his dad made a bouquet of thirteen roses from his garden to give to Ivan's Mama as a thank-you present.

Alfred waits until mid-afternoon and then begins the walk to Ivan's house which only takes about fifteen minutes. He knocks on the door and Ivan's younger sister Natallia opens it, with her characterising scowl painted on her face.

"Hey Natallia, I'm here to see Ivan," Alfred says nervously

The scary look remains on her face, but she steps away from the entrance to let Alfred in the door. Alfred stops by the kitchen to give Ivan's Mama the flowers and she gives him a big hug, thanking him in Russian. Next, he heads down the hallway to Ivan's room and knocks on the door, realising that barging in might be rude.

"Alfred!" Ivan says as he opens the door "Come in, I am so happy you are here!"

"Me too dude, I can't wait to get tonight started!"

"What do you want to do first?"

"Anything dude, I bought my switch so we could play animal crossing together!"

"Then we shall do that,"

The two boys turn on and play their switches up until dinner time where Ivan's mother has made Olivier salad and beef stroganoff. Alfred loves her cooking, almost as much as he loves his own Papa's, but definitely more than he likes his dad's cooking...

The boys finish their meals and decide to watch a movie, they find that Ivan has been logged out of the Netflix account the family share, so he heads to Iryna's room to ask her what the password is. Alfred remains back in the room and sets up the pillows and blankets so that they are comfortable.

As he steps back, he bumps into Ivan's desk chair which has some clothes hanging over it, a piece of paper falls out of one of the pockets and onto the floor.

"What's this?" He asks himself and picks it up


My friends and I are going to the beach on Saturday, and I want you to come, message me for the details, my number is xxxx-xxx-xxx

Call me,

Alex <3'

"Huh, so he got invited to the beach with the popular kids, and Alex is asking him to call, he really is popular now," Alfred mutters to himself, ignoring the pang of jealousy in his heart "But wait this is tonight, and he invited me to this sleepover instead."

Realising Ivan would rather spend time with him just playing games and watching movies more than at the beach with the popular kids and getting a date with Alex made Alfred's heart thump uncontrollably.

He felt like he was floating.

"Why is my heart beating so fast?" Alfred mutters to himself, stashing the note back in the pocket before Ivan sees it fell

Ivan walks back into the room, closing the door behind him and holding a piece of paper, presumably with the password on it but Alfred can't tear his eyes away from him.



At that moment Alfred realised, he was in love with his best friend. How was that even possible? Sure, he knew he was bisexual, that was a given, but his best friend? How long had he even felt like this? He always thought Ivan was cute, but he still is cute, his smile and laughter, the way he tries to make those around him happy, he always puts others before himself and when he had the chance to become even more popular, he chose Alfred instead...

Was that not the way all friendships felt?

Surely everyone kind of wants to kiss their friends a little.

"Al, did you hear me?" Ivan asks, interrupting Alfred's crisis

"S-sorry what was that?" Alfred stutters

"I asked if you could read out the password to me,"

"Oh, uh yeah sure dude, pass it here, but are you sure you should be giving it out?"

"I trust you,"

And Alfred's heart skips a beat.

Ivan passes Alfred the paper with the password on it and he begins to read out the digits. Once the password is entered, Ivan turns off the light and starts scrolling through the options.

"How about Captain America?" Ivan asks, "The second one with the winter soldier?"

"That's my favourite one!" Alfred exclaims happily

"I know,"

Alfred averts his gaze to hide the blush painting its way onto his cheeks. Ivan starts the movie, and they fall into a comfortable silence as they watch the opening scene. The movie is full of action and fighting, but the plot is getting lost on Alfred as he is more focused on understanding his feelings towards Ivan.

A hand rests itself upon Alfred's fingers, he glances next to him to see Ivan staring straight forward at the tv. The room is dark, illuminated only by the tv and Alfred is thankful Ivan can't see his face properly, or else he'd be able to see just how nervous he makes him.

What does this mean? Does Ivan love him back? No, that's ridiculous. Ivan may have chosen to stay his friend but that doesn't mean he can't have his pick of anyone in the school, why would he choose Alfred? Besides he can't confess, that would ruin their friendship.

This hand-holding is definitely just a best friend's thing.

Yeah sure...


Alfred may have realised his feelings but that didn't mean he was fully comfortable with the idea of being in love with his best friend. Were there things they couldn't do now because of his feelings?

Should he tell anyone? They'd probably just convince him to confess his feelings and that couldn't happen. Alfred valued Ivan way too much to ruin their friendship, especially when Ivan obviously doesn't feel the same way.

Alfred closes his locker door and Ivan is waiting right behind it, causing Alfred to jump and yelp.

"Izvini Alfred, I did not mean to startle you," Ivan states

"All good dude, just wasn't expecting you to be there," Alfred replies

"Yo Ivan, what's good?" Someone walking through the hallway yells

"Hey Ivan," A group of girls giggle, walking in the other direction

"Ivan, nice shirt today,"

"Cool hair Ivan,"

Every day was much the same, Ivan being showered with attention and compliments, his popularity rising. Alfred didn't care about his popularity, he was just worried Ivan was going to realise what an opportunity he has and ditch him, even if he knows Ivan would never do that, his heart couldn't take it.

"Hey Ivan, Alfred," Alex says walking up to them

Alfred was surprised he was also greeted, that anyone noticed him at all.

"Hello Alex," Ivan says with a small smile

Alex was taller than Alfred but shorter than Ivan, they had black hair with blue streaks and dark blue eyes. They're definitely attractive, Alfred couldn't deny that was probably part of the reason they were so popular, lots of people wanted to date them...

...oh yeah, Alex was the one who asked Ivan to message them, and Alfred's jealousy rises again. Logically he knows they've done nothing wrong; Ivan wasn't his boyfriend or anything, and they have always been nice so it's not like they're just obsessed with Ivan's popularity now. And technically they didn't even ask Ivan out, just sent him a very flirtatious note. Still, his heart didn't want to listen to that and wanted to tell them to go away.

"I'm having a party at my place,' Alex states "I'd love it if you could both come."

Alfred was surprised he was invited too, maybe Alex thought Ivan would only say yes if he was also invited? He didn't really enjoy the idea of only being invited so Ivan would go but he wouldn't complain, Ivan should attend the invite is really for him.

"Would you like to go?" Ivan asks

Alfred almost wants to pretend it's a date, but that is ridiculous.


"Sure, it sounds fun," Alfred answers "When is it?"

"This Friday," Alex states "Ivan do you still have my number?"

"No, I apologise, I lost the paper," Ivan replies

"Oh well that's fine," Alex replies "You should give me your number and I'll message you the details,"

"Actually, can I give you mine?" Alfred interrupts without thinking "I probably check my phone more."

It's not a complete lie, but Alex still gives him a strange look.

"Alright, I guess," Alex states "Just put your number in,"

Alex hands Alfred their phone and he quickly enters his details, before handing it back. Alex sends him a quick message with the address and time.

"Well, I guess I'll see you two there," Alex states, walking away with a wave

"Wow, another invite to a party Ivan," Alfred chuckles

"I am glad you were also invited," Ivan replies "It will be fun to spend time with you."

Alfred knows he just means it as a friend, he really does, but his heart doesn't, and when Ivan says things like that it makes him feel like he is floating.

"I don't really know what to wear though," Alfred states "I haven't really been to a party before."

"I have not either," Ivan replies "I suppose we will experience our first high-school party together."

"I guess so, I just gotta convince my parents,"


Alfred was standing in the kitchen, trying to convince his parents to let him go. He had already promised he wasn't going to drink or do drugs or vape and that nothing illegal would even be at the party.

"Come on, it's a twenty-minute walk, and Ivan is going as well," Alfred said

"I suppose if you're safe there's no reason you can't go," His dad replied, "I went to a lot of high school parties and I turned out just fine."

"He was in a punk band as well and dyed his hair green and blue," His papa added

"You know you're not supposed to bring that up!"

"So, dad was cool once?" Mattie asks, looking up from his book

"I am still very cool thank you,"

"So, I can go to the party?" Alfred interrupted, annoyed that they were taken off-topic

"Yes, you can go," Papa says, "But be back before one alright?"

"One?!" Dad exclaimed, "Why bother with a curfew at all?"

"Oh, I'm sure you remember what time your parents used to catch us sneaking into your room to-"

"On second thought, one is fine," Dad states, interrupting Papa which is probably for the best given the way that sentence was going

"Yes, thank you!" Alfred exclaimed, "You guys are the best!"

Alfred happily ran to his room to call Ivan and tell him the good news. Excitement welled up inside of him knowing he'll get to go to a party with Ivan, but he might have a problem as Alex also seems interested in Ivan.

Alfred knows he should probably just let whatever will happen between Alex and Ivan happen, but he doesn't want to. Even though Ivan is not his boyfriend, his jealousy is still very prevalent. He probably shouldn't think this way if they're not even dating but he can't help it, he just knows he shouldn't let himself act upon his jealousy.

But with the party coming up that may be easier said than done.


Alfred and Ivan walk to the party together, Matthew being the star hockey player this year was also invited but he's spending the night with his boyfriend instead. As they walk through the darkened streets Alfred feels his hand bump Ivan's, he almost grabs it but stops himself.

It doesn't matter though because Ivan grabs his instead, wrapping his warm hand around Alfred's smaller one. Alfred tries not to let his embarrassment and excitement show on his face, somehow keeping his blush under control.

"So that we don't get separated in the dark," Ivan states

Oh, so it was just for that reason...

Alfred tries not to feel disappointed, friends holding hands is completely normal.

They arrive at the party and Alfred lets go of Ivan's hand, while it is completely normal for them, others may misunderstand and think it was romantic or something, but of course, that's impossible.

Ivan on the other hand lets out a little huff of disappointment at the loss of contact, now he might lose Alfred at the party, and he doesn't want to let that happen.

"Hey, Ivan!" Some guy yells as they walk up to the front door

"Hello?" Ivan replies, clearly not knowing who he was

"Who are you bro? This is invite only." The guy asks Alfred

"I was invited, by Alex," Alfred states "I have a text message and everything."

"Whatever bro, Ivan you should come hang out with my gang, we're going to play beer pong."

"I would rather not," Ivan answers "May we come inside?"

The guy moves away from the doorway and lets them in, where they can see the inside of Alex's house. It's a nice house, with modern furnishing, and a grey and white colour scheme, not very large but not small either. There are a few tables of food and some soft drinks set out, and a lot of alcohol, Alfred silently apologises to his parents for lying.

"So, this is a high-school party huh?" Alfred asks Ivan "Pretty much what I expected."

"Yes, it is similar to movies, although I don't see red cups," Ivan replies

"I wonder if the police will be called?"

"As everyone is underage, that would not be good,"

The pair walk through the house, not really sure what they are looking for, perhaps just to see the whole party. They grab their own drinks, both sticking to soft drinks as their parents warned them that they'd be grounded for months if they drank alcohol at some random house.

"Hey Ivan, Alfred," someone says, causing the two boys to pause their conversation and turn around

It was Alex, Alfred was immediately irritated.

"Hi Alex, cool party," Alfred states

"Thanks," They reply, giving Alfred a smile "Ivan, can I speak to you for a second?"

Alfred's heart begins to quicken, nervous about whatever Alex is going to ask Ivan.

"Alright, but please make it quick," Ivan says, not wanting to be separate from Alfred for too long

He doesn't doubt there are people here who would want to ask Alfred out.

Alfred watches as they walk away, wanting to follow them but knowing he shouldn't, if Ivan wants to go out with Alex, then he shouldn't stand in the way.

"So do you think they'll start going out?" Alfred overhears a guy say to his friends

"Probably, they be super cute together," A girl replies, "And Alex and Ivan has such a cute ring to it."

"It really does, I wonder if they'll get married," A third person adds

"Imagine how much more popular they'd get?"

"Doesn't Ivan hang out with that Alfred guy though? He's super lame and not even popular,"

"Yeah, hopefully, Ivan will wake up and see things are better being popular,"

Alfred decided he shouldn't be eavesdropping on this conversation, especially if it's just going to stomp all over his feelings. He walks around the party, trying to find someone he knows. Mathias is here but he's flirting with Lukas, Alfred doesn't want to interrupt as he knows about his friend's crush on the Norwegian.

Other than him, Alfred really doesn't know anyone else well enough to start a conversation with, maybe he shouldn't have come...

Meanwhile, Ivan and Alex walk out to the back garden where it is a little quieter, so no one can overhear them.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" Ivan asks, feeling anxious as he can't see Alfred anymore

"Just think we should get to know each other better," Alex replies, "We should meet up sometime."

"We are meeting up right now?"

"No not like this, we should go get dinner,"

"As in a date?"

"If that's what you want to call it, I wouldn't mind~"

"I do not wish to call it that,"

"Why not? Are you dating someone already?"


"Then what's stopping you?"

"I have feelings for someone else,"

"...Alfred, right?"

"How did you-"

"He's literally the only person you ever hang out with," Alex chuckles "And the way you look at him is a dead giveaway, and he does look at you the same."

"What do you mean?" Ivan asks, confused

"I mean that if you confess to Alfred, he'll probably be very happy,"

"I could not do that, Alfred does not feel the same way,"

"Uh, are you sure? Because from how I see it you two are just as in love with each other as you are dense,"

"If you think all of this, then why did you ask me on a date?"

"Dunno, just thought I'd take a shot and see what happens, good luck with Alfred,"

Alex walks away leaving Ivan standing in the dimly lit garden, wondering how to approach Alfred. Alex seems so sure that Alfred has feelings for him but that can't be possible, right? Ivan has loved Alfred for years, surely if he loved him back, Alfred would have said something...


Alfred stands alone on the edge of the room, watching the other teens dance, make out and talk with their friends. He regrets coming, especially since he feels he was only invited so Ivan would go...

Speaking of Ivan, Alfred notices him walking back through the back door without Alex beside him. A ray of hope finds its way into his heart, praying that nothing had happened between the two. Before Ivan can make his way over to Alfred, he is bombarded with people asking if it's true that he and Alex are dating, and that he's going to start hanging out with the popular kids now.

"I should probably just go," Alfred mutters to himself "This is ridiculous, I'm only here so Ivan would go and now I'm not needed anymore."

Alfred quietly steps out of the living room and walks towards the front door, trying not to let tears fall as he exits the house.

"Ivan doesn't need me anymore," Alfred mumbles "Our friendship is just holding him back."

Alfred lets the tears fall now that he is alone, he begins the walk back to his house, making a bitter joke about how he'll be home before his curfew. Alfred makes it about halfway home, not bothering to wipe the tears from his face or his glasses anymore.

"Alfred wait!" He hears someone call out and a rush of footsteps behind him

"Ivan?" Alfred replies, turning around very confused

And there is Ivan running towards him at top speed, the taller boy comes to a stop in front of Alfred and hunches over trying to catch his breath.

"Izvini, I ran all the way here," Ivan huffs, trying to catch his breath

"Wha- why?" Alfred replies

"Because I was told you had left, why did you leave?"

"It's just, you have the chance to make so many new friends, you shouldn't be throwing it away,"

"I do not want new friends, I just want you,"

Alfred blushes and Ivan takes a step closer, resting a hand on Alfred's cheek to wipe away his tears.

"You were crying?" Ivan asks, "Did someone cause you pain?"

Alfred glances up, realising how close he is to Ivan's face, to his lips, and resists the urge to lean forward and kiss them. The pair are only illuminated by the moon and a dim streetlamp, Alfred is surprised Ivan even noticed his tears.

"I just heard some people saying some dumb things," Alfred says quietly

"Who?" Ivan replies, anger flashing in his eyes "I will ensure they don't bother you again."

"It doesn't matter, they weren't really wrong anyway, I'm holding you back."

"You are not, I want to be around you and only you. I am surrounded by many people now, yes, but they do not care about me, they only care about my popularity or how I look. You were friends with me years before everything changed."

Their faces are only inches apart, and Alfred's heart is beating uncontrollably

"You're right, I don't care about your popularity," Alfred states "I liked you before everything changed, and for the record, I always thought you were cute."

"You did?" Ivan asks, with a soft smile

"Vanya it's just-," Alfred sighs, trying to hide his reddened cheeks "You're all popular now and everyone wants to be your friend, I just don't think I belong in your world anymore"

"Alfred," Ivan whispers, pressing a soft kiss to the shorter man's forehead "You are my world."

Best friends don't kiss each other's foreheads, right? And they definitely don't say things as sweet as that. Alfred knows he can't hide his blush at this point, but neither can Ivan.

Their relationship is at a turning point and it both terrifies and excites them.

"Vanya, do you really think that?" Alfred whispers

"Da," Ivan replies

"You're the person most important to me, no one could even compare,"

"Al, what does this mean for us? Because I do not feel we are just friends anymore,"


There is a pause in their conversation, both debating whether or not to share their true feelings. This moment already seems so perfect, what if a confession is pushing it too far? But if they don't confess, they may lose a golden opportunity.

"Ivan," Alfred starts, gathering all his courage "I realised a little while ago that I loved you, I think I've loved you for a long time actually. And I'm sorry if it ruins our friendship but I just needed you to know."

"Alfred..." Ivan says with a soft smile "I have loved you for years, maybe even since the day you saved me from those bullies

"That long?"

Ivan nods and Alfred smiles, without needing any other words the two boys lean forward and press their lips together in a chaste kiss.

"I have wanted to do that for a long time," Ivan says

"Me too," Alfred replies

They kiss again, this time a little more heated, their embrace growing tighter as Alfred threads his hands through Ivan's warm blond hair and Ivan lets his arms come to rest around Alfred's waist. They kiss for what feels like hours, eventually pulling back for air.

"So, what do we call each other now?" Ivan asks

"I assume we can stick with Alfred and Ivan," Alfred replies jokingly

"Alfred," Ivan sighs in mock exasperation

"Just kidding, I guess we're boyfriends now, if you want to be."

"I do want that, a lot."

"Me too."

They kiss again and tighten the hug, so happy and content with the moment.

"Want to sleep over at my house?" Alfred asks, "I'm sure my parents won't mind."

"Yes, I would," Ivan replies

And so, the pair walk hand-in-hand back to Alfred's house, where Alfred's parents agree to let Ivan stay over if his mama is also okay with it. They decide to keep their new relationship quiet for a little while, just between them, before sharing it with everyone else.

They wash up for bed and put their pyjamas on, Ivan has a few spare pairs in Alfred's cupboard, and crawl into bed together.

"So, I'm guessing you didn't agree to go out with Alex?" Alfred asks, snuggling closer to Ivan under the covers

"No, they did ask but when I rejected them, they backed off," Ivan replies, tightening his grip "They knew about my feelings for you and told me to confess."


Ivan nods and presses a kiss to Alfred's forehead. They begin to drift off wrapped in each other's arms and warmth.

"Goodnight Alfred," Ivan whispers

"G'night Vanya," Alfred replies

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