Netherlands x Male!Reader-Misunderstood Confession

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Belgium-Emma Van den Berg
Canada-Matthew Williams
Netherlands-Tim Van den Berg
Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt

(M/n)-Male name

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
I sigh happily looking at my fried Tim. His spiky blond hair and emerald green eyes draw me in and make me just want to kiss him or something. He's talking with his friend Matthew and they seem to be having fun together.

I've been in love with Tim for years but I feel like he doesn't like me back. He is always very silent and ever since he met Matthew he kind of ignores me. Whether it's intentional or not it still hurts a lot.

I look around at the room I'm in, it's Tim's living room and I came over to hang out. But it seems Tim is a bit preoccupied. I hear someone snapping their fingers in my face and I snap out of my trance. It's my friend and Tim's sister Emma.

"What's wrong (M/n)?" She asks

"I'm just feeling upset." I reply

"About my brother?" She giggles

"What? No!" I say surprised she figured it out

"It's obvious you like him, be honest with yourself." She says placing a hand on my shoulder

"Maybe I do, but it's not like I have a chance." I say

"What do you mean? You're so my brothers type." She says shocked

"Look at him with Matthew, he obviously likes him more." I explain "He gives him tulips and even buys him things."

Emma stays quiet and nods silently.

"Maybe you have a point..." she says softly "I don't think my brother has ever done things like that for anyone... and using his money on someone else is really unheard of..."

"Well I'm going home." I sigh "I can't put myself though this."

"I understand, bye." She says hugging me tightly "I'm sure there's someone out there for you."

I nod and walk out of the living room to the front door. I walk out of the house wondering if I should have said goodbye to Tim. Maybe I should go back into say goodbye, Well then that would be a bit awkward...

Belgium's P.O.V.
Poor (M/n), he loves my brother but after he pointed out everything I'm starting to think Tim likes Matthew as well. If my brother is buying him things and giving him tulips then it probably means something.

Matthew and Tim walk over to me and sit down. Suddenly they look confused and turn to me.

"What happened to (M/n)?" Tim asks

"He went home." I reply

"Why?" Matthew asks "We were going to have a games night."

"He said something came up." I lie

Tim looks a little upset and I pick up on it straight away. Maybe Tim actually does like (M/n)...

"I'm worried." Tim says "I'm going to go find him."

Tim walks out of the room and Matthew turns to me.

"Tim likes (M/n)." Matthew says "He told me earlier."

"Wait really? We thought Tim liked you?" I say shocked

"Me? Nope, no way." He chuckles "Tim's not really my type either."

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
I have just arrived home and I'm ready to burst into tears. I'm exhausted and upset that Tim likes os one else but I can't hate him. I walk to the couch and throw myself onto it closing my eyes and feeling tears flow.

I lay there for a few minutes when suddenly there's a knock at the door. I rub my tears away and walk to the door, opening it and seeing Tim.

"Tim? What are you doing here?" I ask confused and shocked

"Why'd you leave, why are you crying?" He replies wiping my tears with his thumbs

"I'm just really tired I guess, I don't really know." I sigh

"Can I come in?" He asks

"Y-Yeah." I reply opening the door more so he can come in

What's he here for? Hopefully Emma didn't tell him about my crush... We sit down on the couch and Tim seems a bit nervous, although I am extremely nervous as well.

"There's something I want to talk to you about." He says "I'm not good with emotions and relationships so I need advice."

My heart sinks, is he asking me for advice about Matthew, do I give it to him or do I lie?

"I like this guy, we're pretty close friends but I'm to nervous to tell him." He says

I feel my heart break even more and I look down, fighting my hardest to hold back tears.

"Well what would you say to him if you could fight back nerves?" I ask, knowing my heart will break

"I'd say, I love you, I have for years and I want to spend my life with you." He says and I can see his hands shaking "You're perfect and I love your eyes, they draw me in. I think you're stunning and you have an amazing personality."

I just want to curl up into a ball and hide somewhere, crying and sobbing.

"I-I think that's amazing, I'm sure Matthew would love it." I says forcing a smile

"Matthew?" He asks confused

"That's who you're confessing to right?" I question

"No, it isn't." He replies firmly

"Then who? I can't think of anyone else..." I say wracking my brain for someone who he might like

"Why not you?" He asks and I freeze

I look up into his blue eyes and he looks completely serious.

"A-Are you for real?" I ask

He nods and I feel tears of happiness and relief in my eyes. He softly wraps his arms around me and I hug him back. I hug him tightly and rest my head on his shoulder, he pulls me to straddle his lap.

"I love you too." I giggle and kiss him on the lips

He kisses me back and we stay connected for a few minutes.

"I thought you where confessing to Matthew, I guess I misunderstood." I giggle softly

"I wouldn't do that." He says in his deep voice "Matthew is dating Gilbert anyway."

I laugh at myself again and hug him tightly, kissing his cheek. I'm so happy right now, nothing can ruin this day for me.

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