Poland x Lithuania x Russia-Glitter

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(A/n): So in these One-shots, countries that are close to earthed refer to each other with their real names while countries that don't really know each other use the country names. If countries are under another country they use the country name as a sign of respect like Russia and Lithuania.

Estonia-Eduard von Boc
Latvia-Raivis Galant
Lithuania-Toris Laurinaitis
Poland-Feliks Łukasiewicz
Russia-Ivan Braginsky

Lithuania's P.O.V.
Mr. Russia is in one of his moods again. He is all cooped up in his office doing paper work. I hear Mr. Russia calling me to his office and asking for some tea. I sigh and walk to the kitchen to make some for him.

Eduard is already in there preparing dinner so at least dinner won't be late. As I am waiting for the tea to brew Raivis runs in talking excitedly about something Poland gave him. I can barely understand what he is saying.

"Latvia, calm down." Eduard says "Talk slowly."

"Well you know how Mr.Poland came over a few days ago to try to get Mr.Russia to give us to him?!" Raivis says bouncing around "Well he gave me a huge bottle of glitter!"

Raivis produces a big bottle of hot pink glitter out of seemingly nowhere and unscrews the lid. He grabs a tiny pinch and blows it into the air. I try to wave my hand to save myself from getting glitter all over myself.

Raivis is bouncing around with his glitter obviously very happy that he received a gift, he is so young and to be trapped here at Mr.Russia's house must be hard. I hear the timer go off and I turn to pick up the tea set.

Due to Raivis being over excited he trips and the glitter ends up all over me. Now I'm covered head to toe in bright pink glitter, at least none got in the tea...

"I'm so sorry." Raivis says quickly trying to brush some of the glitter off of me

"It's alright, but I need to get this tea to Mr.Russia." I reply

"Let me do it." Raivis says trying to take the tea set from me

"No, Mr.Russia asked me to and he will get madder if I don't do it." I say taking the tray back

I walk out of the kitchen with a nervous feeling in my stomach. What will Mr.Russia say about me covered in glitter? I hear the rain start to our outside and if makes me feel even more nervous. I knock on Mr.Russia's door and I hear a "come in".

"Please excuse my appearance, there was an accident." I say walking in

Mr.Russia stares at me as I place down the tea set. Suddenly he stands up and walks around the desk towards me. Before I can move away he wraps one of his arms tightly around my waist, too tightly.

"M-Mister Russia?" I ask confused and a little scared

"Maybe you should be taking all of the clothes of da?" He asks with his childlike smile

"W-what? I couldn't!" I say trying to wriggle out of his grasp

He brings his face closer to me and if I move our lips would touch. I try one last time to get out of his grip and I manage to succeed. Although I loose my balance and fall on my side. That's going to leave a bruise.

I look up at Mr.Russia and his eyes seem to have gotten darker.

"Why do you run away sunflower?" He asks crouching down the the floor next to me "You deserve to be punished."

My heart stops when he said that. Being punished by Mr.Russia is never good. He leans over me pinning my body to the ground. He brings his lips so close to mine and just as they are about to touch again there is a knock at the door. Mr.Russia sighs and stands up. I scramble to my feet and Eduard walks in to say that dinner is ready.

As Mr.Russia walks away and I run down the hallway to the kitchen. I don't want to stay with Mr.Russia anymore, I can't be here anymore. After years of abuse I can't take it anymore. I run into the kitchen where there is a back door to the outside world.

It opens and I suddenly remember the storm outside. Well it's better than here. I take a deep breath and run into the rain. This is one of the most exhilarating things I've ever done, I'm running away from Mr.Russia. But where will I go?

Oh I know, Feliks' house. I know the way off by heart. But what will he think of me? Covered in glitter, soaking wet and bruised? I must look like a mess. The truth is I've loved him for ages now but I'm not sure if feels the same way.

Poland's P.O.V.
I hear someone knocking on my bright pink door. It's night time? Who's up now? I sigh and walk to the door, hopefully it's not some crazy person. When I open the door there is Lithuania, standing there bruised, covered in glitter and soaking wet.

"What the hell happened to you?!" I exclaim in alarm

"I escaped from Mr.Russia." Toris says panting heavily

"Why would you, like do that?" I ask

"Just let me come inside and I'll explain." He says meeting my eyes and my heart thumps a little "It's freezing!"

I open the door and realise that he is asking to stay with me for the time being. I can't help but feel excited that this is the way things are turning out, I've had a crush on Toris for ever. I think I might be in love.

I take Toris up to the bathroom to wash off all the glitter, I give him a change of clothes and tell him to explain what happened after. When he is done with his shower he comes sits next too me on my bed.

"So are you going to like, tell me what happened" I ask as I trace my hand over one of the bruises

Toris begins to tell me about what he went through at Russia's house and how he went suffered so much, his eyes seem so sad when he talks about his past. I wrap my arms around him and hold him close.

"Hey Toris can I like, tell you something?" I whisper softly

"What is it?" He croaks through tears

"I love you, and I'll like, protect you from Russia and whatever."  I say holding him in my arms like it's the last time I will ever see him, I guess if he doesn't return my feelings it might be

He pulls away from me and my heart sinks

"Really?" He asks, with a small smile

"Yeah I do!" I say leaning a little on him

"I feel the same way!" he replies a title excitedly, moving his face close to mine so that only a small bit of air separates our lips

I was the one to finally connect out lips and it felt amazing, all of those years of waiting for this moment were worth it, it's like everything had been in black and white and now there was colour. I lick his lips asking of entrance and he opens right away. I push my tongue into his mouth marking my new territory. This is the greatest day of my life.

Our hands roam all over each others bodies when they finally come to a rest in each other's hair. I move so I'm straddling Lithuania's lap and start to rock my hips a little. We don't do anything to dirty though, I mean we only just confessed.

Russia's P.O.V.
I am walking to Mr.Poland's house. Lithuania escaped and I think that's where he might have gone. I hold a bouquet of sunflowers in my hand for my little sunflower, Lithuania. Hopefully he will accept them and come live with me again.

As I am about to knock on the door something in the window catches my eye. It's Poland and Lithuania making out on Poland's bed. I feel a sharp pain in my chest and tears start to pout from my eyes. I drop my umbrella and I start to get soaked by the rain but I don't care. I guess I should have expected this but it hurts, I always though I was showing my love to Lithuania. At least he is happy. I will always love you Lithuania.

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