Possessive!Spain x Romano-Back Off

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(A/n):Requested by wolfcatgirl29 , hope you like it :)

Romano-Lovino Vargas
Spain-Antonio Fernández Carriedo

Romano's .P.O.V.

"Hey bastardo, Gilbert's coming for dinner so I'm-a cooking tonight!" I yell to my boyfriend Antonio


In three seconds flat he has appeared out of the doorway.

"Why? Wouldn't you rather we go see a movie or something?" He asks

"We can do that-a tomorrow, Gilbert's going back to Germany, Well Prussia as he calls-a it, tomorrow." I sigh walking to the back door

"Come on Lovi~" Antonio says wrapping his arms around my waist

"Don't-a call me that, now I have tomatoes to pick." I reply pushing him off of me and heading out to the tomato garden

I grab a basket and walk over to the tomato plants carefully selecting the ripe ones and placing them into my basket.

I can't help it if I want to see Gilbert, ever since I started officially dating Antonio I haven't really seen much of my friends. Antonio doesn't like me leaving without him because apparently I can't protect myself. I know Antonio loves me but I wish he would at least fucking let me go out alone sometimes.

I've known Gilbert longer than Antonio and I think that makes him a little jealous, Well he always seems to be jealous over someone. I just want Antonio to understand that I love him but I need space.

I finish picking tomatoes and walk back up to the house with a small glare. I open the door and inside Antonio is sitting on the couch sulking.

"The fuck are you-a doing?" I ask walking up behind him

"Lovi~!" He exclaims happily, turning around to meet my eyes

"Quit-a sulking and help me make pasta." I sigh

He smiles and nods, walking to the kitchen with me. Maybe if I let him help me he won't be to upset about Gilbert coming over. I begin to chop up onions while Antonio cuts the tomatoes. I accidentally smell the onions and my eyes start to tear.

"Aww Lovi's crying." Antonio says wiping the tears from my cheeks

"I'm not-a crying bastardo!" I yell turning away

He hugs me from behind and presses a kiss to my temple, then cheek and finally my neck.

"Ngh, enough, we need to finish-a the food before Gilbert comes." I say pulling away

"So Gilbert ruins it?" He mumbles

"What?" I ask, not hearing him

"Nothing!" He smiles, retuning to his normal happy demeanour and finishing up the tomato's

I begin to boil the sauce and grab the flour for pasta.

"You're really good at cooking." Antonio says watching me

I feel a small smile tug at my lips from the compliment but I don't completely smile.

"When you-a have to live with a bastardo like you, cooking-a is a necessary skill." I reply

"Aww Lovi I can cook." He says

"Don't call me Lovi, and you nearly burnt-a the kitchen down trying to make cereal." I say

"I wanted it crispy." He sulks

I sigh remembering that day, Antonio is always doing crazy shit like that. Sometimes I wonder who is going to protect me from him.

As I'm finishing up the food I hear the doorbell ring and I take my apron off, fix my hair and head to the door with Antonio behind me.

"Ciao Gilbert." I say opening the door


Two strong arms wrap around me and I can smell Gilbert's cologne.

"Hey Lovi." He says finally letting me go

"Don't-a call me Lovi, come in, dinner is almost ready." I say pulling him inside

He sits down in the dining room and I tell them I'm going to go plate up the pasta. Hopefully they won't fight or anything...

Spain's P.O.V.
I look over to Gilbert who is stacking his cutlery on top of each other.

"It smells great." He says happily

"Of course it does, Lovi's cooking is the best." I reply, losing my happy demeanour

"Vhat's up with jou?" Gilbert asks

"Oh nothing, just wondering why you think you can touch Lovi." I growl angrily

"Calm down, I just hugged him." Gilbert says becoming a little nervous, not many people have seen me angry

"Why don't you "just" take him to bed and fuck him as well?" I say stabbing my knife into the table

Gilbert stands up and backs away from me.

"Jou're overreacting, Lovino doesn't belong to jou." Gilbert laughs nervously

I throw the knife and it hits the wall, slightly cutting his face.

"Food's ready." Lovino says walking in through the kitchen door

Gilbert quickly wipes his cheek and grabs his coat.

"Jou know Lovino, maybe ve should do zhis some other time." Gilbert says placing a hand on Lovino's shoulder and walking away

Lovino places the plates down quickly and chases after him, only to come back alone. I get ready to comfort him but I see the glare in his eyes.

"What did-a you do?" He asks

"Nothing I-" I begin to say

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He yells

"It's his own fault, he touched you!" I say trying to defend myself

"Why do you-a always do this? Why can't I have-a friends?!" He yells as if he's finally letting out a bunch of bottled up emotions "Why do you-a have to be so possessive of me? I'm not a fucking object-a and I want a life outside this fucking relationship!"

I try to place a hand on his cheek to wipe away his tears but he slaps my hand away.

"I'm going for a walk, don't wait for me to go to bed." He says grabbing his winter coat and walking outside, slamming the door

I sink to my knees and guilt washes over me. I guess I really am possessive, but I don't want anyone to hurt Lovi. He's been hurt in the past, by his brother always being favoured, his grandfather who left him at a young age and everyone else who forgets about his existence. I just didn't want him to be hurt again.

I hear a clash of thunder and my head snaps towards the window. There's a thunderstorm outside and it's raining. It clicks in my head that Lovino is out in this wether and I need to find him before something bad happens.

I run outside, grabbing my coat on the way and quickly heading to the little Italy market. That's where Lovi always goes when he's upset or angry.

Romano's P.O.V.
I'm still fuming with anger as I look through the different types of pasta in one of the stores. Why does that bastardo need to be so possessive? I just need space I think. No then I'll be alone again. Ugh why is this so fucking frustrating?

To angry to buy something, I exit the store and I'm immediately met with rain pouring onto me. Great, just fucking perfect. I sigh and keep walking down the street, hopefully I can find a hotel or motel to stay in for tonight. As I'm walking o feel someone grab me by the neck and pull me into a dark alley.

I'm slammed against the wall and the person's hand is still around my neck.

"What a cutie you are~" I hear a male voice say

I open my eyes and I'm met with some creepy middle aged man with bad breath and scars on his face.

"Get-a the fuck off me bastardo!" I yell

"I like them feisty, after I'm done with you I think I'll sell you to one of my friends." He says grabbing my right arm to prevent me from punching him

I can't fight him off, he's to strong. Just as I'm about to black out he is ripped from me and thrown to the ground. In my dazed state I can't work out who saved me but they begin to punch and kick the man, eventually bringing out a knife and carving the words "trash" and "kidnaper" into his skin.

"Don't touch what's mine ever again." My saviour says, hiding the knife under his belt

The man passes out from blood loss and I'm wrapped in warm, but wet arms

"Toni?" I whisper

"Sí, it's me Lovi, don't worry I've got you." He says petting my hair


"I-I'm sorry for getting-a so angry." I say quietly, burying my face into his neck

"No I'm sorry for being so possessive, I need to back off a bit." He replies

He picks me up bridal style and begins to walk back to our house while carrying me.

"Hey Antonio, I love you." I say quietly

"I love you to my little tomato." He says and presses his lips to my forehead

I move my head and out lips meet in a kiss, he comes to a standstill as we kiss in the streets. When we pull back I see his usual happy demeanour. I burry myself further in his warmth and fall asleep in his strong arms.

Third person P.O.V.
While Antonio was still very possessive he learnt how to control it better and not snap and any of Lovino's friends. Lovino was still to scared to go out alone after the encounter with the strange man so he would always go with Antonio. Gilbert still has nightmares about Antonio's dark side and only confides in his diaries and Gilbird.

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