Prince!Russia x Fem!Princess!Reader-The Runaway Princess

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Lithuania-Toris Laurinaitis
Russia-Ivan Braginsky

(Y/n)-Your name
(Fa/n)-Father's name
(Mo/n)-Mother's name
(St/m)-Step mother
(E/c)-Eye colour's name
(F/c)-Favourite colour
(K/n)-Kingdom name
(H/l)-Hair length
(H/c)-Hair colour

Third Person P.O.V.
A long time ago in a kingdom far, far away there lived a beautiful princess. She was loved by all who met her and throughout the land she was loved by everyone. The people dreamed of the day that she would find a prince and marry. It would be celebrated by all.

However that isn't what happened. As Queen (Mo/n) died King (Fa/n) was made to remarry due to the kingdom falling into poverty. It worked well up until King (Fa/n) died under mysterious circumstances. This left princess (Y/n) alone with her step mother who was cruel and harsh.

Princess (Y/n) sits in her room looking over the kingdom and the ocean which blends into the horizon.

"I wonder if I can ever escape from here." She whispers to herself

In another room of the castle there is Queen (St/m) meeting with the king of Russia Ivan Braginsky. King Ivan is just a few years older than Princess (Y/n) and a marriage between them would further both their kingdoms.

"So King Ivan, would you take my stepdaughters hand in marriage?" The queen asks, sitting back into her chair and sipping some tea

"Da, If she vill have me." Ivan agrees, nodding


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I look out the window as I'm filled with anxiety, my step mother told me that my life would change in a few days and I don't know why. If it's something she's planning then it can't be good. Apparently some king from a neighbouring country is coming today so right now they are in the conference room.

You know what, I want to find out what's going on. I step out of my chair and sneak out of my room. I tip-toe past the stair case and over to the conference room. The door is open a little and I peak inside to see an extremely tall man with short blond hair and blue eyes. He has as a light pink scarf, a long brown coat with the ends of green pants sticking out and black boots.

"So you are willing to marry my daughter, that is excellent." My step mother says sipping on her tea "I can organise a wedding soon and out kingdoms will be joined."


Ok I need to calm down, I need to think this through before I do anything rash. I continue listing to try and pick up more information.

"Well King Ivan, I think both our countries will prosper with the marriage, I hope my step daughter isn't to annoying or stupid for you." My step mother smirks

I gasp quietly as I realise who he is. King Ivan, from Russia, the biggest kingdom and country in the world. My step mother wants me to marry him? She didn't even fucking ask me! No way in hell. I need to get out of here.

I accidentally lean on the door and it freaks open a tiny bit. My step mother didn't hear but Ivan did. His blue eyes meet my (e/c) ones and my breath catches in my throat. He smiles softly but I don't smile back.

"Vould your daughter want to meet me?" He asks turning to my step mother

"No, she can wait until the wedding." (St/m) replies "I thank you once again for choosing to marry my daughter, I wish you happiness."

"I really zhink zhat ve should meet before zhe wedding." Ivan states

"Fine, I'll allow you to meet in a few days." (St/m) sighs

"Vell then, I will go back to my kingdom to prepare for the wedding." Ivan smiles and stands up

I silently run away from the door and hide behind the staircase. I can still see Ivan but he can't see me.

"Princess I know you're here, you should come out da?" He smiles

No way in hell. He needs to leave before I decide to make him. I tighten my fist as he takes a few steps towards where I'm hiding. My breath catches in my throat as I try not to be noticed. Just as he walks over to me he takes a few steps in the opposite direction allowing me to crawl away.

As I make it through the doorway I make a mad dash to my room and start to gather the things I need to run away in the middle of winter. Our winters are freezing as we live close to the top of the world.

I grab warm clothes, a map and some cans of food from the kitchen. I also grab as much money as I can carry in my bag and hide it in a secret pocket to prevent thieves. I put on a singlet and a white long sleeve top, a pair of black pants and thick black boots to walk through snow. Over that I put in a warm dress that is long sleeved and has fur around the hem and sleeves.

I grab my (f/c) winter coat that has white fur around the bottom and hood. I look outside and it has already become dark. I need to leave now or else I will be called for dinner and then it will be to late as a handmaid is order to sleep in my room every night.

I grab my bag and jump out the window into one of the trees. I climb from tree to tree as I finally make it to the wall. I know I shouldn't be leaving as this kingdom is my responsibility but I didn't ask for this, you can't expect someone to take responsibility because they were born into it. That's not fair. I'm sure there are other people who want to rule the kingdom so it can become their job.

I jump down the wall into a line of snow and slowly crawl out of it. I run into the forest and don't stop running until I'm at least and hour away from the castle. I lay down on a tree root and catch my breath.

"Wow I can't believe that I escaped." I laugh to myself out of breath

I close my eyes and my breathing calms down. Slowly I find myself falling asleep, I will continue running tomorrow.

*Time skip to a few days later*

Russia's P.O.V.
I received word from (K/n) that Princess (Y/n) had been kidnaped. I know better than that though, she has run away due to the marriage. I'm really disappointed and heart broken as I have always loved (Y/n).

We met a few years ago at a ball, I don't think she remembers me at all. I was nineteen and she was seventeen so it wasn't that long ago. It was right after her father died so she was very sad. I asked her to dance and she accepted.

I fell in love with her as we danced, she seemed so different from the other royals and nobles I had met. She wasn't spoilt or rude, in fact she was sweet and kind as well as beautiful and smart. I had always wished to marry her.

After my parents were killed I became, king overnight and I realised that I would need to have a queen, I wouldn't settle for anyone other than (Y/n) but I wanted to make sure she loved me as well. I'm not into forced marriages.

I receive word that a woman with (h/l) (h/c) was spotted a day ago over the border of our kingdoms but did not enter from my advisor. That could be (Y/n). I jump out my desk and order my guards to find her.

"Do not hurt her." Is my final order before they leave

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I need a way to get over the Russian border. Then I can make my way through Russia and down to the other kingdoms. Unfortunate the only kingdom that we are connected to is Russia and I can't sail away due to the fact I'll be caught by the border patrol.

The guards are alway on duty and there is never a switch over time. They will only leave once the other guards come. I need to find an opening. My food has run out already so I need to get inside the kingdom.

That's when I hear footsteps and it's a group of guards coming out of one of the gates. I quickly climb up a tree and watch as they pass under me. More and more groups of guards exit the gates.

"Shit this is going to make it harder to get in." I whisper to myself

"I zhink I heard something over here!" A Russian accented voice yells, one of the guards

I hold my breath and hope they will just pass. Right now they are right below me and I grip onto the tree tighter.

"I don't see anyone." One of the guards yell "Ve need to hurry and find Princess (Y/n), King Ivan's orders."

What? Ivan is looking for me? Why? Surely if I ran away he could take a hint that I don't want to see him again. Why is he even bothering?

The guards leave and I slowly climb down. As my boot touches the snow I hear footsteps running towards me and I'm grabbed from behind.


I'm restrained my two more people grabbing my arms and I continue thrashing.

"Be quiet little girl, King Ivan has ordered for you to be found." The guard says "I'm sorry to do this princess."

A cloth is held up to my mouth and I can tell that it's chloroform. I try not to breath it in but I fail and soon enough I pass out. I swear when I get my hands on Ivan he is going to wish he never met me.

*Time skip to a couple hours later*

Russia's P.O.V.
I hear a knock at my door and I look up hopefully.

"Enter!" I call out

One of my advisors walks in and smiles at me.

"We found Princess (Y/n)."He states

I quickly stand up from my chair and walk over to him. He leads me to one of our guest rooms and there lays (Y/n) looking as beautiful as ever. She seems so peaceful. I tell everyone to leave and I am left alone with her.

"Come on, vake up podsolnukh." I whisper brushing her (h/c) hair out of her face


Her eyes clench and they slowly open. I smile at her but all I am met with is a cold glare.

"What the hell do you want?" She asks

"Princesses shouldn't use such language da." I smile

"I asked you a question." She states

"Vell I vas vorried about you and I vanted to make sure you were safe." I say brushing my hand on her cheek

She slaps it away and sits up properly.

"First of all don't touch me, secondly I'm safe, now let me go." She replies

"Net, I can't let you go, you need to be safe." I reply


She turns away from me and looks around the room.

"Why did you run away?" I ask softly

"Why do you care? Now if you don't mind, I'm leaving." She says standing up

As she steps out of bed she falls to the ground in pain. I dash over to her and look at her ankle. It's swollen. She must have sprained it when she fought against my guards.

"This is all your fault, if you hadn't told your stupid guards to find me then I wouldn't be injured." She says

When she tries to stand up she falls and I hold my arms out to catch her.

"Calm down princess, here let me help you." I say and pick her up bridal style

She doesn't say anything but I can feel the anger radiating off of her.

"Oh one more thing podsolnukh, I haven't told your step mother that you've been found." I say placing her back in her bed

"What?" She asks shocked "Why not?"

"Because I know you don't vant to be found." I say

"So you're smart enough to figure that out." She giggles "Well thank you I guess."

My heart is clenching in pain as I know she doesn't like me but when she smiles at me I feel hopeful. I can't give up just yet. Of course she will have trouble trusting as she has been treated so badly by her step mother.

"Hey I just had a thought." She says snapping me out of my thoughts "You were the man I danced with at that ball."

I look at her in shock, she remembers?

"D-Da..." I say

She looks out the window and sighs.

"Well I think it'll be best if sleep now." She says not looking at me

"I understand, I'll see you later for dinner." I say standing up and walking to the door

I take a peek back at her and she has already closed her eyes, she is fast asleep already. She must be exhausted.

*Time skip to a few weeks later*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Over the past few weeks I've slowly adjusted to life in Russia. Of course I don't plan on staying but it's nice here and much better than my kingdom. Ivan and I have become closer and have become close friends.

I do feel something more but I know he would never feel the same way so there's no point in trying anything. I have always worked to make sure I never seemed dumb and if I revealed something like that the survey he will judge me and eventually laugh at me.

I hear my name being called and I look up from my place on the fur rugs in the library floor and see Ivan smiling at me. He steps onto the fur rug and sits down next to me. He is really tall though so he towers over me.

"Greetings podsolnukh, How are you zhis evening.." he asks

His face is illuminated by the fireplace making him look really handsome and royal.

"I'm fine, I was just reading." I reply

"Vhat are you reading?" He continues

"Just a book about fairytales. Did you need something?" I ask

"I vanted to spend time vith you podsolnukh." He says smiling and petting my hair softly "You look very beautiful."

I blush and hide my face with my book. I lean away from him but Ivan doesn't seem to notice.

"Why hide your face?" He says lowering the book

"What are you doing?" I ask as he moves closer to me

"You're so cute." He says placing his big hand on my cheek

We look each other in the eyes and my heartbeat quickens. We lean in closer to each other and I close my eyes right before our lips touch. It feels amazing, he tastes like vodka and sunflower seeds. We pull apart and I look into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Ya lyublyu tebya." He says smiling

(Russian:Ya lyublyu tebya-I love you)

"What? Are you serious?" I ask hopefully

"Da, you are beautiful and sweet and I have loved you ever since we met at the ball." He states

"But I was so mean to you." I say referring to when I first came

"You were defensive and scared, I would have been the same." He smiles

"I love you to, but what do we do? I don't want to rule a kingdom." I say "Unkess I take back my title we can't be together."

"Then let's run away, I hate ruling and I know people who could be better than I." He replies

We both agree to run away tonight and make it over the Russian border into a different kingdom. Now I'm filled with excitement as I'm going to start a new life with the one I love.

*Time skip to three years later*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Ivan and I managed to run away together and now we live in a small kingdom called Lithuania. Ivan knew the ruler King Toris and he helped us escape. We live in a small house and we married last year.

We have decided to wait for children as we want a few more years of complete freedom. My kingdom and Ivan's were merged into one and it is ruled by a new king. My step mother was assassinated by some villagers due to her ripping up the farmland for a new castle.

I hear footsteps and I look up from my place on the couch and I see Ivan walking towards me. I jump up and give him a hug and he catches me, wrapping me in his arms.

"How vas your day podsolnukh?" He asks me

"Hmm it was ok, I finished all my work so I was just reading." I smile kissing his cheek

He kisses my forehead and places me down on the floor. We spend the rest of the nights cuddling and reading books. After dinner we go to bed and cuddle each other. This is how most our nights are spent, but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I'm glad I left the castle.

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