Prussia x Fem!Reader-Hickey? *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by _CookieCrumbs_ , hope you enjoy it :)

Belarus-Natalia Arlovskaya
France-Francis Bonnefoy
Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt
Russia-Ivan Braginsky
Spain-Antonio Fernández Carriedo
Ukraine-Irunya Chernenko

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I pick up my phone to message my boyfriend of three years Gilbert and ask if he's going to be late tonight but I realise he hasn't replied to my last four messages.

"Huh that's weird, I haven't had a message from him for five days..." I mutter to herself

I place my phone down and head to the kitchen to start making dinner. I had the week off of work because our building is being fumed for termites or something. I begin to boil some spaghetti noodles and pasta sauce.

My phone rings and it's my friend Natalia. I quickly answer it and she seems to be out of breath.

"Hey (Y/n), you haven't seen starejšy brat Ivan anywhere have you?" She asks

(Belarusian:Starejšy brat-Big brother)

"Nope, Hey Natalia can I ask you something?" I reply

"Yeah sure, but only if you tell me if you see starejšy brat." natalia states

"Ok sure." I giggle "Gilbert hasn't replied to any of my messages since Tuesday, it's mainly just me asking when he'll be home or what food he wants but I can't help but feel worried."

"Well that is a little weird but is it only ignoring messages?" Natalia's asks

"Come to think of it Gilbert's been coming home late, I don't know if it's just work or not." I say "He's all's been giving me short replies, like one word answers."

"Hmm sounds suspicious, let me ask vialikaja siastra Irunya." She says and the phone is silent for a few minutes

(Belarusian:Vialikaja siastra-Big sister)

I plate up the spaghetti and Natalia arrives back at the phone.

"Vialikaja siastra says that he's either cheating or he isn't interested anymore, or both." Natalia says

I sit down and sigh deeply. This hurts a lot, what if Gilbert really has lost interest in me? What would of hurt more, being cheated on or being rejected like this?

"Do you think so? Maybe he's just tired from late nights." I reply

"Late nights vhere? Vouldn't a good boyfriend say vhere he is?" Natalia asks

"I guess you're right, my birthday isn't for a few months so it's not like he's planning a secret surprise birthday party." I sigh "Maybe I should break up with him."

"If you do I'll be right here for you, and vialikaja siastra." She says

"I think I'll wait for him to come home, have a final dinner and then do it." I state, I hear the front door open and close "Oh here he is, wish me luck."

I hang up the phone and walk to the hallway entrance.

"Hey Gilbert I made din-" I begin to say before bung cut of

"Sorry (Y/n), I'm to tired." He says and walks up to our shared room

As he walks past I see a red mark on his neck and I feel my heart leap into my throat. I hear the door close and I begin to fell angry and hurt. How dare Gilbert do this to me? I storm up to our room and slam the door open.

Gilbert screams and I see he is shirtless and pantless. The red mark is still obvious.

"(Y/n)?!" He yells and tries to cover himself up

"Save it Gilbert, I want answers." I say angrily

"Answers to vhat?!" He asks

"Why have you been ignoring my messages, why have you been giving me one word answers, why are you coming home late, and why the fuck do you have a red mark that so closely resembles a hickey on your neck?!" I yell "Are you cheating on me, do you not love me anymore?"

I sit down on the bed and try to calm down after my outburst.

"(Y/n) vhat are jou talking about?" Gilbert says sitting next to me "I'm not cheating on jou. I lost my phone a few days ago so I can't call or text. Francis just came back from his trip so Antonio and I have been spending heaps of time vith him, the red mark is from Francis' curling iron when he threw it at me. I've just been really tied and I've barely slept because of work. It's not because I don't love jou because I do."

"Really?" I say feeling my heart being mended

"Really, I love jou (Y/n)." Gilbert says kissing my lips softly

**Lemon Start**

I kiss him back and the kiss becomes more heated. He pushes me down onto the bed with our lips still attached and his cold hands trail up my sides under my shirt. We pull apart and he takes off my top.

I connect our lips again and I feel something poking my leg. I feel Gilbert's hand move around my back and my bra clips open. He pulls it off and my hands shoot up to cover myself. He quickly presses his lips to my neck and pins my hands above my head.

"Ngh Gil~" I moan as he finds my sweet spot and begins to create a hickey

I can feel myself become wet and I rub my legs together to feel some friction. Gilbert leans four hickeys and then kisses me again, pushing his tongue into my mouth.

Suddenly one of my buds is pinched and it hardens immediately.

"Kesese jou're so sensitive to my touch." Gilbert whispers in my ear and moves his mouth down to my second bud

He begins to suck on it, biting it with his teeth and pinching the other. His hand that was holding my wrists sneaks down my body and into my pants. He pushes past my panties and rubs my soaking woman hood with his fingers.

"Wow it's like a waterfall down here." He says and slips a finger inside me

I let out a large moan as he presses a second and third finger into me. Gilbert pumps them in and out of me, stretching me out. I feel a tightness forming but before I can release Gilbert pulls his fingers out.he quickly pulls off my pants and underwear leaving me naked before him.

"Jou look awesome like this." He says giving me another hickey above my left mound

I see the large tent in his boxers which looks slightly painful. I switch our positions around so I'm on top of him. I pull off his boxers and reach for a condom from his nightstand. I tear it open and place it on the tip of his member. Then I use my mouth to push the condom onto him and he lets out a groan.

He pulls me off of him and presses my back into the bed. Gilbert lines himself up with my entrance and quickly thrusts himself inside me.

"AH GILBERT~" I scream in pleasure and claw into his back

He groans and smirks, beginning to thrust in and out of me. I moan breathlessly and he continues to pick up his speed. Soon he is pounding in and out of me and an uncontrollable pace and his lips connect to mine in a passionate kiss.

Finally I feel a knot form in my stomach and I call out to Gilbert.

"Ngh Let's cum together~" he groans

Finally it snaps and I feel release  coming over me. Gilbert releases a second after and quickly pulls out. He discards the condom and lays down next to me.

**Lemon End**

Gilbert holds my body close to his and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I vant jou to know zhat I vill alvays love you." He says kissing my forehead

"I know, I was just worried over nothing." I giggle

"Shh liebe, jou're feelings aren't nothing." Gilbert states "Ich liebe dich."


(German:Ich liebe dich-I love you)

"I love you too you big dork." I say kissing his cheek and closing my eyes

Soon sleep overcomes and I let myself rest against Gilbert. He makes me feel safe and warm and loved. I cuddle up to Gilbert's large chest and fall into a deep slumber.

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