Rich!Scotland x Fem!Maid!Reader-Housekeeping *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by AngryTurtle8 , hope you like it :)

Scotland-Allistor Kirkland

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I sit up in my bed and stretch, quickly slipping out of bed and into my shower. Yawning I turn on the water and undress out of my pyjamas. After stepping into the shower and cleaning myself I head to my closet and grab my maid uniform.

I work as a maid for Allistor Kirkland, a famous business man who lives in Scotland. He hired me a year ago but I don't see him much, he's always cooped up in his study or out on business meetings.

I dry off and get dressed in my uniform. Quickly brushing my hair and tying it up I make sure I'm neat and tidy before heading out of my room and to the kitchen. I quickly make a coffee just the way Allistor likes it and walk up to Allistor's room. He has a business meeting today and he needs to wake up.

I silently slip into his room and quietly place the coffee on his bed-side table. I quickly but quietly grab a suit for him from the closer. After placing his outfit on the end of his bed i walk up to him and shake him softly. Wow he looks really handsome asleep.

"Mr.Kirkland, you need to wake up." I say gently

I continue shaking him and he groans softly. I look at his red hair and large eyebrows, Wow he's really attractive. His green eyes open and I smile softly.

"Good morning Mr.Kirkland, I have your coffee and your suit for today." I state

"Good morning lass, I'm glad they sent the prettiest maid to wake me up today." He says sitting up, revealing his shirtless chest

I blush slightly at his words and I take a few steps back, averting my eyes.

"Well you've asked for me to wake you up every morning sir." I mumble quietly

I pass him his coffee and look into his beautiful green eyes.

"I'll let you get ready, the driver is waiting out the front when you are ready." I say and quickly leave the room

Scotland's P.O.V.
I woke up with my favourite maid in my room, granted she wasn't in my bed next to me but the first thing I saw was her beautiful face. I run a hand though my red hair and sip at my coffee. After I have finished my drink I get dressed in my suit and head downstairs.

(Y/n) is sweeping at the base of the staircase, either ignoring me or she hasn't seen me yet.

"(Y/n)." I say as I reach the base of the stairs

She looks up surprised and blushed, cute.

"When I get home I want to talk to you." I say

She nods and I walk out of the house to the car. When I get home I intend to finally confess my feelings for her, although she might not feel the same way...

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
My heartbeat quickens as I watch Allistor walk away. Crap I think I like him, a lot... I can't fall for my boss, everything could go wrong!

But he might like me back...

*Time skip to night*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I've finally finished all my jobs and so I'm sitting in the couch in the living room, I'm not really allowed to but no one will rat me out. Suddenly I hear the door open and I jump up, grabbing my feather duster to pretend I was doing work.

Allistor walks in, smoking a cigarette and smirking.

"Good evenin' lass." He says walking over to me

"Hello Mr.Kirkland, would you like dinner or shall I run you a bath?" I ask

"Actually I'd like to talk to you now." He says sitting down on the couch

Allistor gestures for me to sit next to him and I follow his instructions. I look into his eyes and begin to feel nervous.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask

"I want to tell you the reason you came to work here lass." He says in his Scottish accent "You weren't going to be hired, you weren't as qualified as the other workers. But one day I by chance walked into the waiting room and saw you I knew I couldn't let you go."

My cheeks begin to redden more and my heart is beating like crazy, what does he mean by he couldn't let me go? Suddenly I feel his fingers under my chin and he tilts my head up to meet his eyes.

"It's like an obsession with you, you're so different from everyone I'm surround by." He says moving closer "So natural and real, as well as beautiful."

Suddenly soft lips press against mine and I nearly jump in fright, this is it, I'm kissing my boss! I kiss back and my hands slowly move up to his hair. His hand is placed on my lower back, pulling me closer.

We pull apart for air and I see a soft blush in his cheeks.

"Mr.Kirkland?" I say

"Allistor, when we're alone." He whispers into my ear "Sorry the moment felt right."

"N-No I liked it, I just want to know how you feel about me." I reply

"I love you, I have since I first saw you." Allistor says kissing my forehead

"But you're my boss, and you're a different class to me." I question

"I don't buy into that crap about how you an only like certain people, or that somehow only rich people are deserving of love." Allistor says "People who think that are idiots."

He connects our lips again but this time it's more passionate and heat filled than the last one. His hands hold onto my waist tighter as he pulls me in. My hands land in his hair and he begins to rub circles in my waist.

We pull apart again and he lifts me up bridal style, carrying me upstairs to his room. Luckily no one saw us, when we get inside the room Allistor shuts the door, locks it and kisses me roughly again, dropping me onto the bed with him above me. Damn he looks sexy.

**Lemon Start**

Allistor licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance but I don't give it to him, growing softly Allistor roughly squeezes my butt making me gasp.

"I'm the master here." He says huskily and shoves his tongue into my mouth

I moan at the surprise and his tongue explores all around my mouth, claiming it as a new territory. His hands begun to untie the corset at the back of my dress. His lips trail down by neck and behind sucking and biting around until I moan.

"Found it." He says and leaves a large hickey over it

His hands work their way around my dress, unzipping the back and slipping it off my shoulders. I kiss him again and he fully pulls of my dress. My shoes and stockings are next to go leaving me in just my underwear.

"Allistor~" I moan as he gropes my mounds

After he removes my bra his kisses trail down to my left peak and bites it softly. He pinched my right bud and I feel the heat pooling in my nether lands. He switches sides, using his free hand to rub my inner thigh. I moan at his touch and become breathless.

"First time lass?" He asks

I nod and he smiles softly.

"I'll be gentle." He says and pulls off my panties

"Why am I naked and your not?" I complain

"Patience." Allistor says and rubs his fingers around my clit "You're so wet."

He pushes a finger inside of me making me squirm in discomfort but it doesn't hurt. He adds a second and third, stretching and pumping them. I begin to moan and the friction caused and I tug lightly in his hair asking for more.

He pulls his fingers out and licks them clean before unbuttoning his vest and shirt, throwing them somewhere in the room. He unbuckles his belt, kicks off his shoes and removes his pants, leaving him in only his boxers with a large tent.

I feel a little nervous but this is what I want, I love him and I want to give myself to him. Allistor removes his underwear and his large erection springs out.

"I can't wait anymore." He says pinching and pulling at my nipples again

He grabs a condom from his bedside table and slips it on, applying some lube as well.

"Now stay relaxed." He whispers soothingly into my ear

He pushes in quickly, covering my mouth so I don't scream to loudly. He whispers sweet things in my ear and kisses the tears away to distract me from the pain. After a few minutes I rock my hips and moan in pleasure.

"Please move~" I moan

He slowly thrusts in and out of me, picking up speed as he goes. I tug his hair harder and he thrusts at an inhuman pace. As he changes his angle he hits my sweet spot making me see stars. I moan breathlessly and feel a knot building up inside me, What is this? It feels so good!

"A-Allistor what's happening?~" I ask

"Shh just let it all out." Allistor whispers and I feel the know snap

I release with a loud moan and Allistor releases shortly after me with a groan and he slips out of me. After discarding the condom he lays down next to me and pulls the sheets over us, kissing my forehead.

**Lemon End**

"Tha gaol agam ort." Allistor whispers

(Scottish Gaelic:Tha gaol agam ort-I love you)

"I love you too." I whisper quietly

He smiles and holds me tighter.

"You know, I'm going to marry you and give you a bette Rolfe than a house maid." Allistor says

"I look forward to it." I giggle

I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep, snuggled into the Scotsman's chest. He falls asleep shortly after me and we don't wake up until midday the next day.

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