Russia x Japan-Size *Lemon*

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Japan-Kiku Honda
Russia-Ivan Braginsky

Japan's P.O.V.
I sigh as I hear Germany yelling again. Another world meeting; this time in Berlin, Germany, which means another several hours of yelling by all of the nations. It's not like I can just go home either. I mean I'm small and could probably slip out but I need to make sure nothing bad could happen to my country.

Italy is offering everyone pasta again and China is handing around sweets. Greece is asleep and Turkey is drawing a moustache on him and smirking. The Nordics are talking with each other, well four of them, Iceland and Hong Kong snuck off an hour ago and they have yet to notice.

As the yelling increases I sink back into my chair and try to focus on my paper work. I guess I can at least do something productive with my time here.

"Ve~ do you want some pasta Japan?" Italy interrupts me holding a big pot of pasta, how did he even get a pot that big

"No thank you Itary-Kun." I reply turning back to my work

I feel a soft pounding in my head and I take a deep breath. Just what I need, a headache. I try to ignore it and continue reading my paperwork but soon enough America comes up to me and starts yelling.

"Heyo dude!" He exclaims and wraps an arm around my shoulders

I try to shake him off as I don't like being touched.

"Greetings America-Kun." I say, trying to hide my pain

"Are you ok dude? You look really pale." He says peering into my eyes

"Hai I am fine. Prease just reave me arone." I sigh


"Hmm alright dude, but if you need help you can come to me." He says and walks away, still glancing back at me

Some of the yelling calms down and my headache dulls a little bit. I finish my paperwork sooner than expected so I try to close my eyes and sleep off the pain. That's when I feel a large figure loom over me.

"Japan you're feeling sick da?" A voice asks

Oh no... it's Russia. I turn around and I am met with his violet eyes which see, soft but I know better than to trust them.

"I feer fine." I say looking away

"Don't be lying to me, I'll take you back to your hotel da?" He says and grabs my hand

Due to him being bigger than me I can't fight him off. I wish we didn't have such a size difference. When we are almost out of the doors I hear a yell from America.

"Hey where are you taking Japan you commie?!" America yells to Russia

"I'm taking him to his hotel room." Russia says and I realise Belarus is glaring at me

"I don't think so, you'll probably kill him or something!" America shouts

The pain in my head returns and I feel extremely dizzy. I grasp onto Russia for balance and he looks at me with a little surprised.

"Russia let him go, I can help him better than you can!" America shouts stepping closer to me

Germany and Italy are looking at me with concern but I can barely make out what is in front of me. Finally Russia snaps, picks me up bridal style and walks out of the meeting hall carrying me. I hear America yelling after me but everything starts to get hazy. I can't even ask Russia to stop touching me.

Russia's P.O.V.
I noticed Japan looked sick about an hour ago and I was watching over him. When America went up to Japan and started yelling I wanted to go over there and strangle him, but that would have caused more noise.

Japan and I are staying at the same hotel; Tryp Berlin Mitte which isn't to far from where we are now. I call a taxi and as we drive I hold Japan to me.

The colour is retuning to his face and he seems to be a lot calmer than before. After we get to our hotel I pay the man and take Japan to my room since I don't know his code. The service attendants give me some weird looks but due to my height and intimidating features they leave me alone.

After I open my door I place Japan down on my bed and take off his shoes. After covering him with blankets I pick up my book and begin to read it. It will be a while before he wakes up. Eventually I begin to doze off as well.

Japan's P.O.V.
I wake up in an unknown room very confused. From what I can remember Russia was carrying me close to him and then I passed out. Wait my headache... it's completely gone.

I smile a little at this and then look around the room. Russia is sitting in a chair with a book on a lap fast asleep. Should I take this chance to escape? Or should I stay and thank him? I mean if he really wanted to do something to me surely he would have already done it.

Deciding to stay I softly walk over to him and nudge his shoulder.

"Russia-Kun?" I whisper softly

His violet eyes flicker open and he meets my blown ones and he gives off a childish smile.

"You're feeling better da?" He asks

"H-Hai I am, Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita." I say bowing slightly

(Japanese:Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita-Thank you very much)

"Come now, zhere is no need to be so formal." He says and places a hand on my head

I jump back at his hand but it doesn't make me completely uncomfortable. How strange...

"So vhat do you want to be doing?" He asks in his Russian accent

"Werr since I'm feering better I can return to my room." I say taking a few steps away

He grabs my hand softly and his eyes meet mine.

"How about we go to a park?" He asks standing up

I would have rejected but I remember our size comparison. I don't know what he will do if I say no...

"Werr I guess since we can't go back to the meeting, we can go for a smarr wark." I sigh and he pulls me along with him

Berlin is really beautiful this time of year, it's a little cold but both mine and Russia's country's get cold. The park is beautiful and there are many people here.

"You want to be seeing the flowers da?" Russia asks me

"I guess." I reply following after him

He takes me to a green house where inside there are thousands of flowers. It takes my breath away a little and I see the rainbow assortments of flowers.

"Pretty da?" Russia smiles "I'll show you the sunflowers."

He takes my hand again and walks me over to a small patch of sunflowers and smiles.

"Sunflowers are my favourite flowers, what about you?" He asks

"O-oh Yeah, I rike sunfrowers." I say not meeting his eyes

"Are you sure or are you just doing zhe agreeing with me so I don't hurt you?" He asks catching me off guard

He leans close to my face and my heartbeat quickens but it isn't in fear, what is this feeling?

"I vouldn't hurt you, you're my little Sunflower." He smiles and stands up fully again

I look up at him in a little bit of shock. I'm his Sunflower?

He continues holding my hand and the warmth is comforting. He may be very large but he isn't as scary or intimidating as others say. Sure Russia and I have had issues in the past but what county hasn't? I haven't felt like how I do for Russia before...

Is this love?

*Time skip to nighttime*

Russia's P.O.V.
We are walking back to our hotel as I took Japan out to dinner earlier tonight. I wanted to feel like I had a date with him. I have liked Japan for a few years now but it's a shame the only time I can see him is at meetings when there are people in the way.

Mainly America, he never buts out of anyone's business. When he because  friends with Japan I thought I had no chance but I do, I still have a chance.

"Hey Russia-san-" Japan starts

"Ivan." I state, revealing my human name

"Ivan-kun; then carr me Kiku, I was wondering why you took me out?" Kiku asks

Hmm he changed my honorific, but I don't know much about Japanese culture so I don't know what that could mean...

"I'm going to call you sunflower and I can do what I want." I smile

"Why do you keep carring me your sunfrower?" He asks

I stop walking and wrap my arms around him from behind, strangely he doesn't do anything to try and move away from me even though I know he doesn't like being touched by people.

"Because I love you." I whisper in his ear

"Rearry?" He asks "I rove you too." He says and turns to hug me

He is so small and tiny, so cute. But I'm starting to wonder how else he can look, like panting under me, covered in sweat and begging for me.

I softly press my lips to his and he kisses me back a little shyly. He tastes like cherry blossoms and sake. After kissing for a bit in the street I pick him up and walk as fast as my legs can take me back to my hotel room. My scarf flaps behind us and Kiku's eyes widen in surprise.

After I make it back to my room I place him down on the bed and smile at him. Due to our difference I'm heights it looks like I'll be the one dominating, well I wouldn't want it any other way, I like being in charge.

**Lemon Start**

Russia kisses me again, deeply. I can taste the vodka on his lips and it ales me feel something inside of me. He licks my bottom lip and asks for entrance. I know where this is going so I slowly open up my lips. 

His tongue enters my mouth and moves all around. While he is sowing this he unbuckles my white jacket slowly. His lips trail down to my neck and sucks and bites around a little bit leaving hickeys.

"Ahh Ivan!" I yell as he finds my sweet spot

He sucks and bites there a little bit more and then gets bored. He slips my jacket off and takes off the singlet I have underneath. He slowly trails his tongue down to my chest and licks one of my hardening buds. He bites it a little and pinches the other one, then switches.

I start feeling tighter in my pants and I'm breathing heavier. He kicks off his boots and takes off my shoes. He slips of his scarf and his coat. He has a white shirt underneath which he also takes off, I blush when I see his muscular chest, I mean he has an eight pack. What if I'm not good enough?

He kisses my cheek again and slips a hand down my pants snapping me out of my depressing thoughts. His thump grazes over my tip and I let out a moan.

He pulls of my pants and his as well leaving us in our boxers. He stands up off the bad and makes me sit on the side. He slips off my boxers and softly grasps my manhood. He smirks and licks up the length. I try to hold back a moan

"Don't hold back moy podsolnukh." He whispers huskily

(Russian:Moy podsolnukh-My sunflower)

His mouth closed over my tip and he licked around my head. I let out a moan and he smirks. Slowly he starts to take more and more of me into his mouth. Once he fits all of me into his mouth he starts to bob his head up and down while sucking on me.

I feel a knot begin to form in my lower abdomen and I grip the sheets. Just as I'm about to release his mouth disappears. I look down to him and he smiles like a child.

"There is still so much more to do." He smiles

He pushes me back on the bed and sucks on two of his fingers. One of his fingers slips into me making me moan again. He slips a second finger into me and a third. I feel so full but so empty at the same time.

"Prease Ivan, more~" I moan out

He slips off his boxers and I gasp at his size. How is he going to fit? He doesn't need lube as he is dripping with pre-cum He kisses my neck as he pushes himself into me.

I almost scream in pain but I hold it back.

"Shhh the pain vill subside, zhen you will be feeling good da?" He whispers

After a few minutes I buck my hips and feel nothing but pleasure.

"Ngh Ivan, move, prease." I beg, breathing heavily

He moves himself about three quarters of the way out and then slams back in causing me to scream in pleasure. This is so out of character for me but I don't care.

He continues this motion until he flips us around so I'm on my hands and knees with him ramming into me from behind. I won't be able to walk tomorrow. He kisses the back of my neck while snaking his hand around my front and grasping my rock hard erection. From this position he can hit that one special spot in me making me see stars.

"Prease Ivan, right there!" I yell breathlessly

He smirks again my neck and slams into me again. I feel a know begin to form in my lower abdomen again and I get ready for sweet release.

"Cum with me podsolnukh." He whispers

I can feel him twitching inside me and I can't hold back anymore, just as I release I feel him fill me up with his fluids, so much that some starts to trail down my legs. After he slips out of me he holds me in bed next to him.

**Lemon End**

"You vhere amazing." Ivan says kissing my forehead

I look down blushing and smiling a little.

"Tomorrow I'll do everything for you as I can imagine you vill have a hard time valking." He smiles

I close my eyes and allow sleep to overtake me. I feel safe in Ivan's large arms.

*Time skip to next morning*

Japan's P.O.V.
Ivan was right, I can't walk at all. I feel pain whenever I try to walk or sit down. He has made it all up to me though by carrying me everywhere and taking care of me. We have made it official that we are together however we haven't told any of the other nations. They can just figure it out themselves.

"Hey podsolnukh, When you can walk properly again want to go out of a date with me?" Ivan asks

I allow a ghost of a smile to grace my face and I meet his purple eyes.

"Of course." I reply

He stands up and walks over to me, out size difference will never fail to amaze me but it feels so right. Like I have a protector. We fit together strangely perfectly.

"Ya lyublyu tebya." He whispers

(Russian:Ya luyblyu tebya-I love you)

"Watashi mo anata o aishitemasu" I reply kissing his neck

(Japanese:Watashi mo anata o aishitemasu-I love you too)

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