Russia x Lithuania-It's Not Christmas

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(A/n):Requested by Llamaseatingwotsits1 . I really hope this is ok :)

Belarus-Natalia Arlovskaya
England:Arthur Kirkland
Estonia-Eduard von Boc
Lithuania-Toris Laurinaitis
Latvia-Raivis Galant
Russia-Ivan Braginsky
Ukraine-Irunya Chernenko

Lithuania's P.O.V.
I walk down the hallway of Mr.Braginsky's or Ivan's mansion carrying a box of green and red tinsel and ball-balls. Eduardo is right behind me carrying a tree with the aid of Ravis and Natalia.

We are working together to decorate the Braginski household for Christmas. I'm very excited as I will be able to celebrate Christmas with all my friends. Although there is one issue, what is Mr.Braginsky going to do?

Will he celebrate with us or ignore us completely?

"We'll put the tree down here." Eduard says walking as we arrive in the living room

Natalia, Ravis and Eduard carefully place the tree down, making sure it's balanced and then take a step back to admire it. I place the box down and we grab some decorations. I wrap the tinsel around the tree while Natalia and Ravis hang the decorations.

Eduard uses the side of the couch to put the star on top of the tree. We hear heavy footsteps and the door bursts open with Ivan holding a red ball-ball and looking angry with Irunya close behind him.

"Vhat are you all doing?" He asks

"Setting up zhe Christmas tree Starejšy brat, it's almost Christmas." Natalia states

(Belarusian:Starejšy brat-Big brother)

"Not for another month, you should be taking zhe tree down." He replies

"What do you mean? It's on the 25th?" Ravis asks nervously, hiding behind Eduard

"It's on the 7th of January." Irunya replies

"What? No it's the 25th." Natalia, Eduard, Ravis and I say at the same time

"Vhat are you four talking about, be taking down zhe tree now!" Ivan yells

"No way!" Natalia replies

Wow I don't think I've ever seen Natalia defy her brother like that, usually she would ask him to marry her. Christmas must be important to her.

I didn't know Russia And Ukraine celebrate Christmas on different days to the rest of us. I only came to work for Ivan in the middle of the year, Ravis and Eduard came in early February and Natalia only came back from Belarus in August.

"Vhat?!" Ivan yells and Belarus flinches

I step up behind her to defend her.

"I guess Christmas is celebrated on different days in our countries, but can we please celebrate it on the 25th?" I ask "Then you can celebrate it on the 7th."

"No, this is my house and I don't want anyone celebrating it early, come along Natalia." Ivan sighs and walks away with Irunya close behind him

I can see Natalia shaking in anger, I guess Christmas must be really special to her.

"No way in hell, I celebrating Christmas when everyone else is." Natalia states "I'm just as much in charge as you are."

She turns around and continues setting up the tree. Ivan looks shocked but walks away. His sad expression hurts me for some reason, but why would he be sad?

The rest of us help decorate the tree and even Irunya helped with the decorations. The tree looks really good and very christmassy. We then go on to decorate more and more of the house.

After all the decorating I realise that it is Ivan's tea time and I only have a few minutes before I am late. I quickly brew a pot of tea and grab some scones with Arthur brought around, surprisingly they aren't bad, and place them on a tray,

I knock on Ivan's study and he tells me to come in. I open the door and he is sitting at his desk over some paperwork. I place the tea down and as I turn to leave Ivan calls my name.

"Do you really want to celebrate Christmas early?" He asks me

"Well in Lithuania we celebrate it on the 25th Of December so it isn't early for me, it's the same in Estonia, Belarus and Latvia." I explain "Why are you so against us celebrating Christmas?"

"Because I von't be able to celebrating Christmas with you all, I vas so excited zhat Natalia had come home and ve having three new members to zhe household." Ivan states "But now I'm going to be alone on Christmas because Irunya is going back to Ukraine to spend time with her friends."

"It's ok, we'll all still be here." I say walking over to him and wrap my arms around him

He wraps his arms around me, tighter than I expected so I loose my balance, falling into his lap. I look into his violet eyes and I feel a blush rise to my cheeks.

"M-Mr.Braginsky?" I question confused

"Ivan." He corrects

"What are you doing?" I ask nervously

His hand moves down my back and to my butt, but strangely I don't dislike him touching me there.

"Do you vanting to know vhy I hired you to vorking for me?" He asks

I nod slowly, curious as to why he is bringing this up now,

"It'd because vhen I first laid eyes on you I thought you were zhe most beautiful person I have ever seen." Ivan states

My face explodes in a blush and I look deeper into hi violet eyes to see that the cold exterior he puts out isn't all he is.

"So you like me?" I ask

"Net, ya lyublyu tebya." He says pulling me by my tie

(Russian:Net, ya lyublyu tebya-No, I love you)

"Aš taip pat myliu tave." I reply moving closer t him

(Lithuanian:Aš taip pat myliu tave-I love you too)

We slowly pass out lips together and his large dominating figure takes over, picking me up and sitting me on his desk while he stands up and hovers over me.

"How about we start a new Christmas tradition?" Ivan asks

I didn't think I would be making out with my boss a few days before Christmas is here. This is a shock but it's still fun. Next time Alfred tries to tell me Ivan is bad I'll make sure to defend Ivan.

We move our lips in sync and my mind begins to cloud over. Ivan takes complete control and I listen to what he tells me to do. But even so he makes sure I'm happy and comfortable.

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