Scotland x England-Rabbit

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Australia-Jett Kirkland
England-Arthur Kirkland
Ireland (Republic of)-Liam Kirkland
Northern Ireland-Seamus Kirkland
Scotland-Allistor Kirkland
Sealand-Peter Kirkland
Wales-Dylan Kirkland

Third person P.O.V.
If there is one thing England hates it's his older brothers. Scotland, North Ireland, Ireland and Wales. Sealand and Australia are an entirely different story. England has always struggled with love and family, especially since he was raised by his older brothers.

Scotland was the worst, the ringleader. He would bully and beat up little Iggy any chance he got. North Ireland and Ireland were always pranking him and picking on him. Finally Wales, who acted like he didn't care if England was there or not. England could have died and he wouldn't have cared.

England has always wondered if it was him who was the problem. The way his brothers treat Australia and Sealand is amazing, they are always watching out for their little brothers so why not England?

The truth is that Scotland and his brothers didn't know how to express their love to England so it always got twisted. They were raised separately and only came together because of England. They would have done everything differently if they knew how hated they would be by him, that's why they try so hard with Sealand and Australia.

England's P.O.V.
Another world meeting how fun, especially since I'm not feeling well due to stress. I open the door and try to find my seat. Just as I find it a loud obnoxious voice interrupts me.

"Yo Iggy-brows!" I hear America yell from across the meeting hall

"What is it you bloody wanker?!" I shout back

America pays no attention to my insult and runs over to me.

"Hey dude did you hear?!" He shouts "Your brothers are going to be here!"

I immediately go pale. Every time I see those wankers it ends up in a huge argument and I already don't feel well. Not to mention what happens between us... I fall silent and try to push America off of me.

"Huh what's wrong bro?" He asks confused

"N-Nothing you wanker. Go find your seat." I reply pushing him off of me

"Come on Iggy, what's wrong?" He asks but this time in a quieter voice

Why can't he just leave me alone? I already feel like passing out.

Scotland's P.O.V.
I can't believe my brothers and I are being forced to attend this meeting. Usually Arthur represents the British Isles but since we had a massive argument and Arthur kicked us out we have to represent ourselves.

I look over to Liam, Dylan and Seamus who look a little nervous. I don't blame them, last time we saw Arthur was when he was yelling at us that we were horrible brothers. That I don't blame him on that though, he isn't wrong,

We never paid attention to him, I always bullied him and we basically raised him to be as bitter and cold as he is today. But since that American kid betrayed him he has been different, he blocks everyone out to protect himself.

We make it to the door of the meeting hall and before I open the door Seamus stops me.

"Do yer really think this is a good idea lad?" Seamus asks

"No, but what choice do we have?" I reply

He sighs and steps back. I force open the doors and straight away I am met with yelling. But it's not the kind I'm used to, that American kid is yelling at Arthur. It takes all my self control to not storm over there and get him away from my little brother but I can't. He isn't my little brother anymore.

It looks like he just told Arthur that we are going to be here. I walk up to them with my brothers right behind me.

"Huh what's wrong bro?" America asks looking very confused

"N-Nothing you wanker. Go find your seat." England tells him trying to push off America

"Come on Iggy, what's wrong?" America responds in a whisper

"He doesn't want us here." I say interrupting their conversation

I see Arthur's hand softly grasp America's jacket and I can feel anger in my chest

"You dudes hey!" America says oblivious to what is going on

Suddenly Germany yells at everyone as we are forced to take our sears. Mine is right next to England while Liam is on the other side of him. Now I've known England since he was born and I can tell when he doesn't feel well and England looks like he is going to pass out any second.

My other brothers can see it as well but they know they can't say anything, not since...

*Flashback Start*

England's P.O.V.
I'm sitting in the living room reading a book while trying to ignore my brothers. I hear someone at the door and I look over to see Allistor walking in. This is bad, every time we are in the same room we end up arguing, what's more is this is a really bad day for me as it's July 4th.

My other brothers are in the living room with me but they aren't going to do anything to defend me, if something happened I'm on my own. I close my book and stand up to go to my room when Allistor walks up to me and I try to ignore him, hopefully he will go away.

"Where are are yer goin' wee bugger?" He says

"Don't call me that." I reply calmly "I'm going to my room."

"Don't talk to me like that!" He yells grabbing my arm "I'm still yer older brother!"

I try to pull my arm away from him but he is to strong.

"L-Let me go!" I yell back

"Yer nothin' but a wee baby!" He yells at me

"Shut up you bloody wanker!" I yell back

At this point Liam, Dylan and Seamus come over and try to seperate us. When they get him off me and Liam tries to check for brushing I yank myself away.

"Don't touch me!" I yell

I try to storm off but I am cut short by Allistor.

"Don't talk to your brother like that." Allistor says

"Oh really? You guys are my brothers?" I yell getting more and more upset "Because from the way you treat me I wouldn't have guessed!"

"Arthur stop..." Wales says apathetically

"No why don't you all stop, from the second I was born you decided that you all had it out for me!" I yell kind of relieved I can finally get this all off of my chest "I ended up with a brother that beats me up every chance he gets, a pair of twins who like to destroy my things and claim it's a prank and who also view beating me up as a fun part time activity and another brother who couldn't care less if I was dead or alive!"

"Arthur you know that isn't true." Liam states in his Irish accent

"Oh isn't it?" I reply bitterly "Then why do you treat Jett and Peter so differently to me?"

"So that's it, yer jealous." Allistor interrupts

"Shut up you bloody wanker, like I need you!" I reply

He tries to grab my shirt but misses and grabs my neck extremely hard so I can't breath. I am left with a massive purple bruise. He immediately lets go but the damage is already done. I step away from him with a shocked expression, he tried to kill me.

"That's it, you have all wanted your independence for ages, well you get it" I say coldly "Along with that you are no longer my brothers!" I say and walk to my room to cry

I can't believe I lost more family on this horrible day. I hate myself so much but I hate them more.

*Flashback End*

Scotland's P.O.V.
While I was thinking over the day Arthur disowned us the meeting ended. Liam, Seamus and Dylan come over to me and we begin talking about Arthur.

"Do you think we should apologise?" Dylan asks

"How can we? We put him through so much." Seamus replies

"But he looks horrible." Liam adds "I don't think he has been taking care of himself."

I look over to Arthur who is rubbing his temples and breathing slowly. He looks up and realises that him and us are the only people in the room. He stands up quickly and he turns pale. He tries to collect his things but his hands are shaking. I can't keep the silence anymore, I may act like I hate him but I don't. Quite the opposite actually, I love him but not in the familial way...

"Arthur you don't look to great." I say walking over to him

"That's England to you." He says coldly

"Don't be like that." I say reaching out towards him

He immediately flinches back and I stop. I guess after how I acted last time he would be a little scared of me. I notice how his eyes seem glazed over and suddenly they close. He looses his balance and falls to the floor. I manage to catch him before he lands on the floor. I feel a sinking feeling when he won't wake up.

I check his breathing and he is fine, he just passed out. My brothers crowd around us to check so see if he is ok. I pick him up bridal style and tell them that we are going home.

"Are you sure taking him with us is a good idea?" Liam asks

"Well we don't have any other option Lad." I reply

"We could give him to Amer-" Wales starts

"No way in hell." I say flatly

*Time skip to a few hours later*

Scotland's P.O.V.
We brought Arthur to our house, it's still his house but he's been living with France for a few months. We haven't touched his room at all.  I haven't left Arthur's side. I can't make myself leave. I want to be the first person he sees when he wakes up so I can apologise for what I've done. His eyes start to twitch and he opens them. The second he sees me he looks terrified and angry. It hurts a little but I know it's what I deserve.

"What am I doing here?" He asks noticing he's in my room

"We took ye home after ye fainted." I say

"This isn't my home." He says looking away

His eyes suddenly widen as he looks at something. I look over to it and its the velvet rabbit he gave me when we were kids. I have never let anyone else touch it in fear it would break. I look at his face and I see something on him I haven't seen in ages, a smile.

"You kept it?" He asks

"Yeah, I didn't what anything to happen to it." I reply

*Flashback Start*

Little England's P.O.V.

"Awistor!" I yell trying to catch up to my brother "Awistor!"

"What is it wee brother?" Allistor turns to me with a bored expression

"I made this for you!" I say handing him a velvet rabbit

"Why?" He asks confused, his ten year old self not understanding

"Because I love you." I say smiling

He smiles softly at me and wraps his arms around me. He thanks me and kisses me forehead.

"I promise I won't let anyone touch it." Allistor confirms

*Flashback End*

Scotland's P.O.V.

"But why? I thought you hated me..." he trails off

Before I know what I'm doing I have pinned him to the bed and he looks at me with blushing cheeks.

"A-Allistor?" He asks

"I don't hate you lad." I say "I love you."

I bring my lips so close to his but don't connect them, I can't force myself on him.

England's P.O.V.
What am I doing? Why do I feel like having Allistor so close to me is so right? Why do I feel like I should kiss him? What is this feeling?

I look into his eyes and he smirks.

"Tell me Arthur, do you want me to kiss you?" He asks

I slowly nod and I can't even meet his eyes with all the embarrassment. He leans forward and presses his lips to mine. I feel something amazing when we touch and it's just so perfect. I am shaking as our lips move in sync. Just as we are getting really into it we are interrupted by a knock at the door. Allistor pulls himself off of me and sits down on a chair as Dylan, Liam and Seamus come in.

"Are ye alright little brother?!" Seamus yells at me and jumps on me

I don't want to make eye contact with any of them but I force myself to.

"Y-Yes I feel much better" I say

"Don't be so formal with us, we're your brothers." Dylan says sitting next to me

"I never said that!" I exclaim

"Well we did, we are so sorry for what we did." Liam says

"We love you, we just didn't know how to show it." Seamus says hugging me

"F-Fine, I guess you are still my brothers" I say

After a long series of hugs and apologies Allistor tells them that I need to rest.  When they leave Allistor turns back to me and smirks.

"What aboot me?" He asks "Am I yer brother?"

"No." I say flatly

"Then what am I to ye?" He responds

I pull him by his arm so I am pinning him to the bed and straddling his hips.

"You're my lover." I say and I kiss him again

My pirate side comes out and I grab him by the collar and kiss him. I force my tongue inside his lips an mark his wet cavern as my territory. Now no one will ever touch him again. He places his hands in my waist while kissing back but I pull away. I grab one of his hands, lift it and place it on my ass. He looks at me with a shocked but amused expression.

"I didn't realise ye were so dirty Arthur." He says in his Scottish accent

"Well I was a pirate." I say grinding my hips in his

That was the start to a very long night. After that we both confessed out love to each other and vowed that we wouldn't hurt each other ever again.

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