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Admin: WHOAAA!!!

Wonderland: Thank you all for being supportive in the past 2 yrs?

Admin: I think so...
Anyways I haven't been doing much updates is because-

Wonderland: Your obsession and laziness got you hanging, my lady.

Admin: *Looks at Wondy with a glare and twitches, then relaxes calmly back to the screen*
What ever do you mean, Wondy? 💢

Wonderland: My lady, it is definitely a sin to lie to your followers.

Lie is a strong thing to say Wondy.
I was just merely supporting other stories and however not lying to them why I am not updating so often.
And Sin!?
Really, Wondy you're afraid of that!?
Your a demon, for Christ sakes!!

Wonderland: Never use the his lord's name in vain...

Admin: ....

Wonderland: Shhhhhhh-
*Looks around the room with pink and baby blue Ollie cams decorated with glittering stickers*💦
Dam you're right...
I'm only allergic to the so called "Holy Water,"
When I got older and anyways I could never get even near, or even enter the church without flipping the cross upside down.

Admin: So...
Did you go in a church before..?

Wonderland: Yes.
Many times on dam Sunday.
I truly hate church Sundays..
It a waste of time spending with a so called idol.
In other words superstition.

Admin: Oh.
Anyways see ya all sooon!! =D

Wonderland: Goodbye until we meet again!

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