If A Fangirl Is Transported Our World

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England: I'm home Wonderland.

Wonderland: Welcome Bac-
^-^ ~> 0_0
What happened at the meeting, England?

England: Darn I knew you were going to ask me that.
What gave it away?

Wonderland: ಠ_ಠ
Your asking me that?

England: Well...

Wonderland: The girl, your trying to carrying.

England: Oh..

Wonderland: Do you need help?

England: No, I'm fine.
*Slightly struggles*
What did she even eat?
Wonderland I regret my decision from the beginning, can you take care of her?

Wonderland: Of course.
*Takes the weight off of England's hands*
So tell me how did this happen?

England: Well...

{Flash back}

It all started, at meeting then sudden...

(Name): *Appears and landed on her tush in the middle of meeting table*
Where am I?
*Looks around and gaped*
'(Name) Don't Fangirl!'
'You'll freak them out!'

Every Nation: *Stares at the (Name)*

(Name): *Freaks out inside*

Every Nation: *Confused, stares back.*

(Name): *Sweats nervously*

Every Nation: *Deers in the headlights*

(Name): *Frozen*

Russia: *Smacks her on the head with his pipe*

Every Nation: *Gasps*

(Name): *Unconscious on the table*

America: Dude!
Why did you do that ?!

Russia: Because no one was doing anything.

Italy: Poor Bella...

Japan: I have to agree..
That was certainly uncalled for...

Germany: Well we have to decide what to do with this girl.
Anyone would be considerate to take in the girl, until she wakes up?

America: Hey Iggy can you take care of the girl?

England: No!

America: And why is that!?

England: Because Wonderland will flip, You twat!

America: Oh well guess I'll have to take care of her.
*Begins to walk to Germany*

England: Wait!
Bring her back!

America: No way, the hero will save her.

(Having that 'Explanation' of health issues in America)

[Back to reality]

England: And that's why we have an unexpected guest...

Wonderland: Alright...
But why is she still unconscious!?

England: Russia hit her with his pipe.

Wonderland: But she's Human!!
How could she survive a sudden blow and not inflict!?!

England: I know...
But how did she get here?

Wonderland: Maybe you'll get your answers, when she wakes up?

England: Good idea, anyways I have work to do.
Take care of her please.
*Goes up to his room*

Wonderland: Of course, England, dear.
*Carries the girl  to a guest room*

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