Stitches; Distanced Love Nyotalia Version

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[Far in Forest]

Nyo! Wonderland/ Shawn's Silver eyes widens, stood in front of her.
His beloved, Nyo! England/ Alice...
'The terrible pain it hurts much more than the last time I disappeared...'
His right hand hovered over his well built chest, through his chest pocket of his black vested tail coat.
'I'm a dream demon why do I feel the pain from my heart...'
He gripped though the cloth where his heart beats a sad song.
Even if a single feeling take over, just like a single reminder, when he stabbed enemies; the rebels.
He was what's left of the massacre of faceless rebels, they had a purpose and yet here...
It felt like he was the one jabbed straight to my heart/ crystal vial...

{I thought that I'd been hurt before
But no one's ever left me quite this sore
Your words cut deeper than a knife
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life}

My memories where he slept motionless, though my physical body the chilling weightless feeling...
Trapped, once again that feeling drowned him.
His eyes were hidden and closed shut like a saltwater oyster protecting his eyes.
But this time, it was to hide the feeling remorse embedded in his steel colored eyes from the salty flavor sorrow.
His usual closed smile was it's usual professional carefree smile passed on to his distant and younger cousin, Sebastian.
It was a carved fake smile showned, "Then England are we no longer lovers. Does that mean you don't need me?"
He hoped she was joking...

{Got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
Move on}

"Your right Nyo! Wonderland/ Shawn."
"I don't need you!" Nyo! England/ Alice exclaimed at him.
His Hope shining from his eyes, shattered and blandly lifelike silver burned to cold steel.
He lost his strength to even stand, as she turned and walked away from him.
Leaving him falling on his knees, on his own feeling his existence was fluttering thin flakes of goldish blue and he needed to find a reason why, before he leaves this world.
He stood up and began running after her.
He tripped over a hooked roots of the tree, 'Augh!'
He checks his leg, to see his right foot disintegrated, 'Shit!'
'I need to find her!'
"Alice!!" He screamed for her, his scream echoes though the forest.
He grabs the nearest thing to use for support and used it as a walking stick.
He longed for the reason, why...?

{You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
Shaking, falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
Tripping over myself
Aching, begging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches}

He blindly searches for her.
Her beautiful emerald eyes with red glasses framed and alluringly look at his silver eyes lovingly.
Her scent of fresh roses, her long dirty blond hair, she was the definition of perfection to him.
She was his Alice in his Wonderland.
"I guess this is where love is blind comes from..." He sadly gazes around, as he continues to journey around on a look out for any familiar features.
He couldn't believe the time was nearing to end him here, in the forest where his lover abandons him to die..

{Just like a moth drawn to a flame
Oh, you lured me in, I couldn't sense the pain
Your bitter heart cold to the touch
Now I'm gonna reap what I sow
I'm left seeing red on my own}

His visions blur once again to see the future.
The same blue crystal clear liquid consuming his from the pain.
He shook his head, disapproving of the sudden film.
His perseverance was the only thing that kept him from giving up to his true consent and her reason.
He still in love with her, but he was still slowly disintegrating to golden blue thin flakes far up of the tree tops and disappearing to nothing.

{Got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
Move on}

He was still looking for her and noticed he was feeling slightly weaker than usual.
He shook in fear in cold, his right leg was dripping dark blue blood from his right knee, which used to  be connected to his past leg.
It was infected, but it didn't seem to matter.
What matter to him now was finding Nyo! England/ Alice.
He once again fell and howled in pain to his discreet, a root of a tree stabbed in his newly disintegrated leg and now left him handicapped.
"Where are you, Alice!!" He screamed dragging himself to continue his search before he leaves.

{You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
Shaking, falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
Tripping over myself,
Aching, begging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches}

"Alice!!" He called out, grabbing on anything attached to the ground to pull himself forwards.
'I can't live without you, nor will I be able to stand to be left hindered with the undeniable question.'

{Needle and the thread,
Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the thread,
Gonna wind up dead}

"Alice!!" He yelled out for her again, still growing slightly more weaker.
'Why, Alice!?'
'Alice, what did I do to deserve this?'

{Needle and the thread,
Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the thread,
Gonna wind up dead}

"Alice!!" He screamed for the third time, hoping that third times' charm would work.
Only left to disappoint him...
He was hardly close to becoming a dead man, but he was still losing his sanity.

{Needle and the thread,
Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the thread,
Gonna wind up dead}

"Alice!!" He screamed with his life bargained, bursting to tears dripping down his sickly pale skin.
He didn't notice the cliff below him.

{Needle and the thread,
Gotta get you out of my head, get you out of my head}

Down his body torn between the thick thorny ravines.
The piercing thorns inflicted wounds were nothing more painful than he was feeling throughout his time spent alone.
His blue blood smearing though his white dress shirt and his pants, but only darker.
The stench of pure metallic, dripping from the slits and cuts bared around his body.
What still remains was his top half, for the past time he lost his full pair of legs and the bottom part of his hips.
He couldn't escape what the future predicted...
Even if he was a demon...
His mind and body was devoted to the one he loved, Alice..

{You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
Shaking, falling onto my knees (falling on my knees)
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches (and I'll be needing stitches)
Tripping over myself,
Aching, begging you to come help (begging, "Baby, please.")
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches}

That single thought of her, what only brought down to tears.
He sorrowfully accepted, he closed his eyes once more.
His body began to deformed to gold glowing cerulean thin flakes fluttering in the guiding breeze.
Flowing like flower petals, along with petals from the roses he grown to love and they managed to bloom beautifully for their caretaker.
He was almost there...
His last words he wished to say, 'You never said Goodbye...'

{(And now that)
I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
(And now that)
I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches}

Nyo! England/ Alice was taking a stroll in the garden, to curiously find a leather bound book engraved with gold symbols of Spades, Diamonds, Hearts and Clovers on the borders.
Slightly covered, or surrounded by pieces of clear remainders of shattered glass, she carefully brushed off the fractured glass off before she picked up the book and carried it back inside.
What she didn't know was it was Nyo! Wonderland/ Shawn, but in his place was only remain the leather bound book inscribed of his life...

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