Story: Really Obama?!? Part 2

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[ Canada's POV ]

Mother paused in thought...

For awhile now..

At least for 12 mins...

"Is something wrong mom/mother?" America and I asked her at the same time.



"Nothing, it's just nothing."

"I was just thinking about something important, that I just forgot which is now in my to do list"

Mother's frown turned to a smile, but it was fake.

"Oh, okay, Mom!" America bought the fake smile, that craved into her porcelain face.

I didn't have anything to say to a fake smile, that could appeal, as a real one.

[ Wonderland's POV ]


He knows what I was going to add to my to Di- Oops!

To do list~

I tucked in my precious boys in their rooms.

Oh I missed watching over them, they the best things that changed my life, but I better get going with finding that bloody git.

I began to check my gun and knife.

That stayed in its holsters strapped to my thighs.

The door creeped, as I open the front door.

"Are you really going to do it, mother?" The voice whispered.

I sighed thankfully and turned to see Matthew.

Shinning from the creeked door of the full moon flooding through.

"Yes, my little maple leaf, I am."

"Why?" I asked.

I sighed, " I thought you were smart enough to figure it out"

"But anyways it's because that man's purpose to enter Alfred's house."

"To be claiming to be his boss." I told him quietly , knowing he wouldn't budge without a reason.

"I understand, But..." He paused.

"But what my dear?" I questioned.

"Please come back safe and unharmed, mother." He asked.

"Of course my dear."

I kissed his forehead, " I'll be back quickly, as I can."

[ Canada's POV ]

"But never speak of this to America." Mother said seriously.

Mother never speak about any personications like that but, only if she was angry, or serious.

"I promise mother." I responded, she quickly run out the door and leaping on rooftops to find the impersonator.

I watched her figure disappear from my view and I went upstairs towards my room.

I opened my brother's door to his room to make sure he's still asleep, but I found him sleeping on the window couch.

"I know you're awake, Alfred."

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