Latvia X Shy!Reader

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You knocked on the door very quietly, not wanting to intrude on anything important. Your friend Latvia had invited you over to his house to read some romance novels with him. You were really excited that you had asked you. Out of all the other countries that he could have choose from, he picked you, simple (your countries name). You knocked again, a little harder, but not much harder then before. You started to think that no body was home until someone opened the door. It was that strange man that always had a smile on his face and at times had this weird thing around him...kinda scary if you think about it too much.

"Hello, who are you?" Said the man in what seemed to be an Russian accent.

"I-I...I was invited by read some-"

"Oh, so his girlfriend?"

You waved you hands as a blush started to form on your cheeks

"N-No sir! J-Just as a fr-"

"M-Mr. Russia? Who is at the door?"

You heard a small voice from behind 'Mr. Russia'. You look around the man and smiled. Thank goodness, it was Latvia! Once he saw you, his face lit up like the stars in the sky at night.

"Oh, you girlfriend is here."

"M-My girlfriend?" Latvia said with his face red.

Russia stepped out of the way and revealed you to Latvia. Latvia's face seemed to twitch for a moment until he stepped forward and grabbed you hand.

"I'm so glad you came! Come, let's go to my room!" 

Before you could say good bye to Russia, you were rushed off by Latvia to his small room upstairs.


Latvia sat you down on his bed and got out different kinds of romance novels from his shelf.

Love Story

The Notebook

The Fault In Our Stars

 Fifty Shades Of Gray?

Latvia looked up at you and smiled.

"Now my favorite is Love Story! It's simple and isn't too crazy...unlike Fifty Shades Of Gray...anyway what's you favorite?"

"M-Mine would be...(favorite romance novel)." You said nervously.

"Really? I like that one too! One of the best! Though it does have one of the saddest endings I have ever read."

You nod you head in approval.

"But you know what?"


"I have read many romance novels, but you what my most favorite one is?"

"Is it The Notebook?"

"Nope! It's about a boy and a girl that have known each other for a very long time. They had spend so much time with each other and had become very close friends. One time the boy invited the girl over to his place. And guess what happened next?"

"W-What happened?" You asked excited.


Latvia brought his face to yours and lightly kisses your lips. Your eyes widen from this, but you kissed back, melting into his soft lips. You put you arms around his neck as he brought his arms around you waist. He quickly after that broke the kiss and looked away.

"W-What romance novel was that from?" You asked a blush forming on your cheek once again.

"That is from our romance novel~" He smiled then kissed you once again with more passion and purpose. You enjoyed you time with him, kissing his soft lips and having his arms around your waist. You felt...alive for once. Like you were a small trapped bird inside a cage and he was the one to open it for you.

You were free.

Free to be yourself.


Russia was looking through the small crack in the door. This was one of the best things that Latvia has done for him so far! Maybe this will help (Your country name) agree to join Mother Russia!


Sorry this chapter was shorter then the last! I just don't know that much about Latvia and kind of had to wing it! I had to look him up and this was the most interesting things I could pull out from my search! Please comment you next country and I shall see you then!



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