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I'm going to be a lot more organized in this Graphic Book than before, so it won't be a mess-up in the Chapters Menu! 

This Portfolio will be divided into separate parts for ease of navigation as follows: 


This will be the most important section and the frequently updated part compared to the others below. My cover request form and delivered Cover designs will be uploaded in the respective chapters of this segment.
My work schedule and Request Queue is also updated regularly for you to check and request covers from me when I am free.


I don't think this will be much updated and I don't think I will be joining Graphic Contests for now because of my busy schedule, but I do have a feeling that I would participate in any of the interesting contests for covers since I have never partaken in one. 
But anyway, if I do join and submit my entries, this is where they get posted!


Again, cannot promise that this will be an active segment but since many of you were hoping to see some helpful tips and tutorials from me on how I make my designs, I'll be willing to share some of them in this section when I have the time to record the process, either by video or shot by shot. 


I think this is my second favourite or second-most regularly updated segment.
This is where I'll be featuring great cover designs made by talented and skilful designers I might find in Wattpad, and break them down to analyse the visual design and anatomy of the cover, so as to give some understanding of how Book Covers work. 
I might also open a form if you want me to feature your designs here, but when this segment opens, you will be sure to know!

If you would love to see any more sections on any different things related to art and graphics, feel free to comment them here! 

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