Chapter 1

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A/N - This is my first straight ship fanfic I've written, be proud guys. Carry on now!

Also, a few more things. This is taking place after they graduate from high school, so yeahhh. Enjoy!

Yu's Point of View

I sat boredly in class, tapping my pencil against my desk. Until someone grabbed it out of my hand. I already knew who it was, Nao Tomori. Also known as, the smartest girl in the class. Well to be accurate, she was the smartest in the class, right above me.

"Can I have my pencil back?" I said and tried to snatch it out of her hand. She pulled it back farther though. "Stop tapping it and I'll give it back." She said with a glare. "Okay. Whatever, give it back." She handed me my pencil and continued to write down notes.

I never take notes, for the fact I have really good memory and unless someone distracts me. *Cough* NAO * Cough* Then, I usually always remember what the professor had said.

It really didn't help that Nao and her boyfriend would always be in the room next to me. Yeah, she lives in the dorm room next to me. We never see each other though.

Well, actually we did see each other one day when we were going to the showers. We only glanced at each other, then looked away though.

Last thing you should know about us, we are best friends. Yup! I was friend zoned. A lot of times we go out to eat or I follow her around the mall. Not in a stalkerish way of course. >_>....

After class was over, we got our stuff together. I pissed her off by taking a 'long' time to pack up. "I'm about to leave you. I have to meet with Yusa." She stated and started walking towards the door, I grabbed my book and my pencil and hurried after her.

"Okay, bye." I said and waved her off, she waved back at me. I watched her go into her room and close the door, I sighed and went into my room as well.

I threw my stuff down next to my desk and fell down onto my bed. I started looking through my phone for something to do, finding nothing I turned it back off. I cuddled my pillow and fell asleep.

Later that night, I was awoken by a knock on my door. My roommate still wasn't back. I yawned and started to walk towards the door. I unlocked it and opened it.

Nao flung herself into my chest and wrapped her arms around me. My eyes widened, I shut the door and stepped back a little bit. My shirt was turning wet from the amount of tears she was crying. "Nao?..." I said quietly and put my arms around her. She has never, EVER, came to me for comfort.

She continued sobbing into my shirt, she finally started to calm down. "What happened?..." I asked and petted her hair a little bit. "I- lost t-them both i-in one d-d-day" She hiccuped out to me, I frowned. "Yusa and..." She nodded him my shirt, still sniffling.

"Can I stay here for tonight...?" She asked when she finally stopped crying, I nodded to her. "I'm not going back into that room to get something to wear..." She said and started to dig through my drawers to find something.

She finally pulled out one of my favorite oversized shirts that was black. "I'll be back!" She said happily and skipped out of the room, I sighed and changed into my sweat pants. I realized I had no sleeping shirts. She just took my last one I had that was clean.

I mentally punched myself in the face and waited for her to get back. I opened the door when I heard a knock, I was half expecting it to be my rommate but it was actually Nao's ex. "Is she here?" He said and pushed me out of the way. "Who?" I asked with confusion in my voice. "Nao." He hissed and continued looking around. "Well, she's not here." I said looking out the door, checking for her. "Why are you even looking for her?" He paused and turned to me. "That's none of your business." I shrugged, then opened the door wider. "Then you can go look for her somewhere else." He glared at me, then left the room.

About a minute after he left Nao tiptoed back into my room. "He came here." I said when she walked in. "I know, that's why I left." She mumbled and flopped down onto my bed. "Where's your roommate?" She asked, eyeing the other bed. "No clue, they should've been here by now..." I said and sat down next to her.

She told me about why she broke up with him, it was a likely story. Sexual abuse, rape, ect. I felt really bad for her, no one deserved that. Especially the top of the class, she shouldn't be worrying about if when she goes home to her dorm that she'll be hurt in any way.

"You can stay here however long you need to." I said with a small smile. "The only problem is that he has the key to my dorm, my roommate could get hurt..." She said and started to tear up. "This is all my fault..." She quietly said and let a few tears fall from her eyes. I pulled her into a hug and let her cry into my shoulder.

About an hour later she fell asleep, I put her under my blankets and stood back up. I heard my door unlock, I turned to my door. "Why is she here?" My blue haired roommate said, also known as Jojiro. "She just fell asleep be quiet." I ignored his question. "She's having problems is the best way to put it." I said and watched him undress and change into his pajamas. He shrugged and put his glasses down on his side table. "Well, I'm going to sleep. Night."

I sighed and turned off my lamp. I crawled into bed next to her. I'll be honest, I've never had a girl in my bed so, this was all new stuffs to me. I faced away from the blonde and continued my blushing session.

The next morning, I was awoken by, the one and only Nao Tomori. She had me in a straddle. "Do you have food?" She asked, poking my cheek. "No. Do you want to go out and get some?" I said and grabbed her hand that was poking me. "Starbucks!" She said excidtly and ran to the door of the dorm. "I need to get changed, come on." She said motioning towards the door.

"Why do I have to come?" I said as she unlocked her door and pushed it open. "Because he could be here." She said as she pulled a black ribbon off of her ribbon tray. I sighed and continued to watch her grab a black skirt, white shirt, black knee high socks, and black flats. "Okay! Let's gooo!" She said and pushed me back out of the room.

When she went to the bathroom to change, I got changed into a gray v-neck, black jeans, and my black converse. I brushed my hair out and opened the door when Nao knocked. She was dressed perfectly, as usual. I grabbed my phone and my wallet, then locked the door when we walked out. I felt my phone going off, I sighed knowing who it was.

"Ayumi?" I asked into the receiver, Nao looked over at me with a happy look on her face. "Are you still coming over tonight?" I muted the phone and looked at Nao. "Do you want to go over to Ayu's house later today?" She nodded happily. I un muted myself. "Yeah, Nao's going too." I heard a squeal from the other line. "Okay, okay I'll get the house ready!" She said and hung up. I shoved my phone back into my pocket. "What's wrong? Don't you want to see your sister?" She said sadly. "There's only two bedrooms in that house." She shrugged and hugged my arm. "We slept together last night, what's the difference?" She doesn't get it. "Ayumi is the difference."

We got to the coffee shop finally, she ordered her coffee and two cheese danishes. While she was waiting for her coffee, she handed me the danish and went back to the counter. While I was waiting for her to get her coffee, I looked around the coffee shop. Of course, her ex was here. I quickly walked over to her and made it to where he wouldn't be able to see her. "What?" She asked when she got handed her drink. "He's here." I said quietly and put an arm around her. I saw her go pale as we walked out of the shop.

"Nao, are you okay?" I asked when we were out of the shop, she shook her head. I pulled her closer to me and took a bite out of my danish. "You're the only one I can trust anymore..." She said sadly to me. I gave her a weak smile. "And Ayumi..." She said with a smile, one of the most realest smiles I've seen her smile since yesterday.

"Where do you want to go now?" I asked after I had finished my danish. She grinned at me. "I need to go to the malll..." She said and grabbed my arm. "Fine..." I mumbled and tossed my wrapper into the trashcan. She smiled and started walking towards the mall.

"What about this one?" She said holding up a red dress. "Eh..." I was sitting in one of the chairs, watching her run around trying to find something. "You're no help..." She said and pulled out a blue one, that matched her eyes. "What about this one?" She said and showed me it. "That one." She gave me a confused look, then shrugged.

"Why do you even need a dress?" I asked while I stood outside her changing room. "Because, I want a new one. Is that not a good enough reason?" She said from inside. "Not really.." I mumbled. She opened the door a second later and showed it to me. "How does it look?" She said and twirled around. "It's perfect." I said and watched her twirl around again. "Are you sure it's n--" She started, but I cut her off. "It's fine." She gave me a small smile then went back into the changing room.

"Okay, where now?" I turned towards her. "I'm getting you a matching outfit." She stated and started walking towards a suit store. "Whyyyy?" I whined to her, she turned to me. "Because you're going with me to the winter dance." I looked confused for a second, then remembered that the winter dance was this Friday. "Why do I have to go?" I complained like a five year old. "Because I said so." She argued back, I let out an unhuman noise and followed her into the store.

"How's that one?" She asked, I shrugged. "If you don't tell me, you'll end up going in a suit that doesn't fit. There's no way you're getting out of this." I sighed. "The shoulders are tight..." She nodded and got a different blazer. I took the other one off and put the new one on, it was perfect. "This one." I said, she started testing on how tight or loose it all was. "Okay. I'll be out here when you're done changing." She said and walked out of the changing room.

I heard arguing on the other side of the curtain, I quickly changed back into my clothes and walked out. It wasn't Nao thankfully, she took the suit from my arm and walked to the counter. "Why are you paying for it?" I said walked behind her. "Because I'm forcing you to go." She replied and put it on the counter. "I re--" "It's fine Yuu." She said and smiled at me, I nodded.

"There! Now we're all done!" She said and handed me the bag with my suit in it. I sighed, "Not really, there's still the dance..." She rolled her eyes at me. "You'll be fine." I shrugged. "I don't even know how to dance." She turned to me like I was crazy. "You're telling me this now?" She sighed, I shrugged. "You're the one forcing me to go." She nodded. "I know."

"Home sweet home!" She said and fell down onto my bed. "It's my home not yours." I said and put the bag in my closet. "It's mine for right now." She said and threw me her dress bag, I caught it and put it in my closet as well. "I'm back--" My roommate walked through the door, he saw Nao laying on my bed. "Welcome back." I said and sat down next to her with my phone. "Why is she here again?!" He said dramatically. "I already told you." I replied and handed her my phone. "Whatever. Doesn't she have a boyfriend or something though?" I glared at him, she looked up for a second with a sad look. "Anyways, we won't be here tonight, she's going with me to see Ayumi." I said and started throwing clothes into my suitcase. "Okay, okay." He said and sat down at his desk.

I sat back down to Nao, she was looking at his laptop. "He's watching porn." She whispered into my ear with a small laugh. I looked over, sure enough he was. I closed my eyes and shook my head. "Ready to go?" I asked her, she shook her head. "I need to pack my stuff too." She handed me back my phone and stood up. I grabbed my bag, shoes, wallet and my keys. "We're going to go now. Bye." I said and locked the door.

I walked into her room, her roommate was there. "Nao are you going somewhere?" She asked her, Nao nodded. "Well your boyfriend came over last night." She said, I saw the blonde freeze from picking up a tank top. "Did he hurt you?" She said quietly. "No, he was just really mad." Nao closed her eyes and took a sigh of relief. "Okay. Don't answer the door if he comes over." Nao said and continued to pack her bag. Her roommate nodded and went back to whatever she was doing on her phone.

"Let's gooo!" I said and took her bag for her. She took my keys out of my pocket. "Can I drive?" She asked looking at the car, I nodded. She smiled at the key and looked ahead of her.

"Which car is yours?" She asked, I pointed to a black SUV. "Oooh, fancy." She said and started walking towards it. I opened the trunk and threw our bags in. After closing the trunk, I walked over to the passenger side and got in.

She somehow knew the exact route to her house that I always use.

"Naoo!" Ayumi screeched once the blonde got out of the car, Nao smiled at her and pulled her in for a hug. I got out our bags and started walking to the front of the house. I walked through the front door and set our bags in the room I always stay in.

"So are you guys dating yet?" We both spit our food out at the same time. "NO." We screamed at the same time. "You guys should." She said and took a bite out of her bread. "We're complete opposites!" I shouted, Nao nodded along with what I was saying. "Right." Ayumi said and stood up from the table. "Well, just leave the dishes in the sink. I'm going to bed." She said with a yawn, we both nodded.

I took Nao's bowl when she was done, I placed it in the sink and walked back to the room we were staying in. "Hey Yuuuu...." She said into my ear and hugged me. "What?" I asked pulling out sweat pants and a t-shirt. "Can I have one of your sweaters for tonight?" She asked, I sighed and nodded. She grabbed a white sweater, that was obviously too big for her and ran into the bathroom. I quickly changed into my sweatpants and shirt, then laid down in bed.

She came out of the bathroom not long after, she ran to the bed. She jumped on top of me. "What are you doing?" I asked, I could feel my member getting harder. "I'm going to sleep." She replied and got under the covers, next to me. I felt my heart racing as she did. "Next to me?" She nodded and closed her eyes. I put my arms around her and closed my eyes.

"You guys are such a cute couple!" I heard Ayumi squeal, we both shot up in bed and hit each others heads. "Ouch..." I said rubbing my head, she looked like she was in more pain. "Nao, are you okay?" I asked and looked at her face, she shook her head and leaned against me. Ayumi was taking pictures in the corner of the room. I glared at my little sister and held Nao's head against my chest.

"Ughhh... I have a headache now..." Nao complained after Ayumi left the room. "I'll go get you some medicine." I said and started to get off of the bed, she grabbed my shirt and pulled me back onto the bed. "Don't leave me like the rest of them..." She said quietly to me. I pulled her onto my lap, she rested her head on my chest. "Will you leave me Yu?" She asked me. "No, I won't." I replied and held her closer to me.

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