track 1

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jason was jump trough the rooftops of the area along with some swinging with his tail as he show great aglitiy as he jump toward an wall and do an walljump toward another rooftop

jason:man this is fun

he said while keep jump buidings to buidings

808:this is not time for games look you can't go to the exit they expect you we need to outsmart then

jason:oh we can outspeed then i mean an the rate i go i will arrive the exit before they can set the trap

808:even if you go super sonic speed you won't make it

jason:an least at me at once

808:well if it happen i will say i told you

jason:and i take it now

he said while keep jump and see an pipe and use his tail to balanced it and lauch himseft into the air


808:how you soo agile?

jason:maybe the cybernetics have to do it with it besides since i have cat tail and ears i must have the agility of an cat not how it works olso where you gonnad land

jason look down and quicky see an pillar


he land on the pillar

jason:this will be easy

but he feel an shake

jason:god dammit why i say that

he said as the pillar begin to fall down as jason act fast and jump off to land another pillar but that one begin to fall down

jason:give me break!

he jump another pillar and olso fall as jason look aroud and see an billoard below

jason:no choice

he said and jump as he hold into the billoard

jason:that was close

he said and look down as he drop from the billoard and land

jason:okay guess i have to take an alternative route then

808:seems like it

jason keep run trough the area while jump some obstacles as he look the area

jason:damm campus is big heck is an city

808:perks for be the world's leading tech company

jason:yeah same company who want to kill me for be an defect what an company

808:vandalay likes to show off but i looking for what they're hiding

jason:you are an egnima 808

???:808 is the name of my cat not my real name you know

jason:really i trough it was some sort of code name since you know you be secret all the time,soo what is you name

???:if you take this long to ask then you can wait an little longer

jason:well i still call you 808 then olso i jason kohaku

???:kohaku huh alright then

jason keep advace trough the area as he jump into an lift witch is use to clean window as he land the device break as jason fell down more deeper as he hit the ground leading tech company and they have the worst mantiance gear i ever see

he said as he continue his path as he goin more down as he reach an area with an cristal an front

???:battery production activate,don't touch the red lazers obviously

jason:well tell me something i don't know

he said as he begin to dodge the lazer as he continue to dodge until it stop  as from the ground an device appear

jason:is that the battery?

808:i sugest to not touch it

jason end up touch it as he feel an jolt and energy on his body as it stop

808:well you not dead that is plus

jason:i think the battery give me an boost

he said and look the glass door with an crack as he smirk


808:judge by you laugh and readings i have an you mechanic parts you plan to let it out do you


he said grab his bloom and hold it like an katana as he focus as eletrecity flow trough the weapon as he unleash an swing as mutiple slashes appear cut the cristal door into pieces


he said suprise and sheath the blade

808:how you do that

jason:say thanks to the battery

808:{not way even with the battery can do such thing}

jason continue trough the facility olso meet smidge and explain about the new ability he obtain as jason continue his path as he reach outside but he stop and see two robots land

gnr:there it is rekka want him wasted,soo let's wasted him

they say point they cannon at jason

jason:great now they have guns

the robots begin to fire as jason run while dodge the energy blasters as jason jump and land behild one the robots and use it an shiled as the other robot stop fire

gnr 2:let it him go!


he lauch the robot toward the other the second robot avoid but he was with the guard down as he look foward see jason slice his head off as he look the other who recover and begin to fire but jason slide and kick the robot follow with bloom combo and end with an tail swip an the face as the robot was stun

jason:here goes

he punch the robot an the face as he grab the blaste and aim an the robot face as the later have an expression of fear and


jason use the robot blaster to blew his face off


but two more robot blasters appear along with the ones with melee weapons

jason:you never give up do you

he said and got ready as the robots with melee weapons charge towards him but jason smirk as he use his special attack as mutiple slashes cut the robots an pieces as jason quick dash toward one with the blaster an use his tail to grab it an lauch to the air as jason jump as jason give mutiple swings with his tail and finish with an grab and an dive to the ground make the robot explode as jason recover he see the other robot ready to fire but he lauch his bloom stun the robot as he goes for finishes

jason:you done

he dash toward the robot and hold his blast and make shoot his own knee make it explosde as the robot try to drag himseft away but jason finish with an tail stab an the head

jason:that should do it

he said and look the door who were lock now open as he keep advaced but see another door and lock

jason:great is lock

he look aroud and see an crane with an prataform above him witch lead to an faclity

jason:maybe i reach the other side trough the buiding

he jump some contaiments and reach the crane and jump to the other side and enter an the facility as he enter he realise where he was

jason:looks like i am an the production line

he see robots turn into scrap metal by getting crush

jason:yeah better watch my step

he begin to pass trough the production line while avoid be crush by the equipment as he finish the final production line but the lights go out

jason:now what

he look foward to see an damage generator

jason:great the generator is busted soo no lights

808:can you fix it is there any tools nearby

jason:there is no time for looking..goes i do the odd trick

he walk toward the generator and smack it an few times until it was back on

jason:ja guess is true you just need an good hit

he continue and exit the production line as he arrive another area

jason:wow guess is the production facility

he continue his path by jump and do some parkour as he arrive an big area as robot appear this one is blue and big compare to the others

jason:well you are an big one

the robot try to crush him with his hads but jason dash to side and hit the legs mutiple times with his tail as the robot counter with an wild swing but jason jump and hit the head mutiple times with his bloom and the robot was stun as jason goes an an finisher

jason:time to goin down

he run toward the robot and make an jump and swing his tail blade cut the robot chest as an the air he pull out the katana blade and dive toward the robot stab it an the chest as he the blade was still inside he drag it all the way to the head cut the robot an head

jason:that should do it

808:that was...brutal

jason:it works

he said and continue trough the facility and enter trough an vent witch take him to an door witch lead outside as jason look

jason:we almost close just an few jumps an dash towards freedom

he said as he jump an few pratafoms and land on the ground as then more robots appear

jason:of course you won't make it easy

the robots attack as jason pull out his katana blade and strench his tail with his blade out as he begin to spin turn himseft into an tornado of slashes cut down the robots as jason stop as he begin to strench his tail along with 808 an it's cat form as jason got ready and 808 turn back into an ball form

jason:everyone want some too?

more robots appear among then the big blue one and two blaster ones

jason:je i have an idea

he said and begin to pick the blasters attetion and begin to fire but he dodge as the lazers hit the big one as jason repeat the process while avoid the big one blows until jason see the big one weak one and goes toward him and jump on his head and use his tail to stab it an the neck and cut his head off and jump toward the robot with the blaster and stomp his head crush it and look the final one who was olso an blasted and begin to fire as jason dodge and run toward it and give an roudhouse kick stun it

jason:say goodnight

he sack the robot with his tail as the later fell to the ground as jason pull out his katana and stab it an ground between the robot legs as then he grab the legs and pull toward the blade cut the robot an haft

jason:well i sure cut to the chase


jason:it was an good one

he look the door as it was unlock and lead to the exit

jason:the exit

808:is an bait

jason:it won't be fast enough

he said as he begin to run fast toward the exit as he reach an big room as he run as he was about to reach the exit the door was shut and jason hit his face


808:told you


he look aroud until he hear loud cranks

jason:...and we got company

hyper man:introducing the head of production REKKA

the duo look above an prataform an woman appear

808:oh no

it face palm

jason:bad news i presume


rekka:hey oh!,there you are little man,messing with rekka's crew,rekka's production,and worst of all yeah rekka's perfect score no defect record!

she said crash her fist together

jason:ja yeah maybe if you security didn't try to kill me i won't mess with you stuff you dumb monkey

rekka:project armstrong E.U.L.A fine print,should read it punk! defect get recalled!

jason:recalled? more like get killed

rekka:rekka ain't pick the verbs! that is for the mooks in marketing

jason:pfff then they have the worst if they choose worlds like recalle

rekka:anyways thanks for be dumb enough to just waltz in here even trough you were fast rekka is faster and ain't get her hands dirty

808:i told you

jason:i know

rekka:welcome to the project armstromg defect check honey

she crash her fist together with loud clanks

rekka:and our qa the best of the business hey oh!

an that moment the prataform jason's is begin to rise

jason:not good

he feel something on his chest and lift his shirt see the mp3 beat an diferent tone

from the darkness an giant robot appear

robot:i like defects

jason:uhh that is good

robot:i like how they taste like

jason:and that one is not good at all

the robot raise his fist

robot:inspection level one million!

it slam his fist down as jason jump back and look back an the robot

jason:well then

he grab his bloom and unsheath the katana

jason:this will be the last meal an you life

the robot roar as swing his arms toward jason from the side as he jump as the robot try again but jason dodge it again

jason:is that all

the robot respond with an fist toward jason as he dash away and see the fist still on the ground

808:kohaku his hands are extra senstive to huh...inspecting

jason:you could say "attack the hands" you know

he said and begin to attack with multi slash attack from his katana and tail and finally damage the hand stun the robot

808:now is you chance!

jason dash and slash the hand as the robot try to counter with an punch but jason counter with an kick as the force send the fist to the robot face damage one side to the face

robot:my face

jason:no soo tough are you

the robot scream and from his back misile lauches appear

robot:i can finally use these try to dodge this!

he begin to fire misiles as jason begin to dodge then along with the explosion as the robot swing his fist again until one of then stay on the ground as jason begin to attack with mutiple slashes from katana and tail blades damage the other hand and stun the robot as he swing his blade an the hand send it to the air as jason punch the hand as the force send to the robot face damage the other haft as it reveal another layer of the head but another thing jason notice was

jason:who was the idiot who write"weak spot"on his head

808:by desing speak for itseft

jason:more like ask to be butt kick

he said as he avoid another punch as jason act and jump on the arm and run as he reach the elbow and jump land on the robot head as he quicky begin to stab the head with his katana and tail blade as the robot scream an pain

jason:why don't you die!

he finish with an strong punch as jason jump off and land on the prataform and look back as the robot look his hand as it begin to cover an eletricity get.serious!

he scream and now his color was red with its hands cover of eletricty

jason:well that is shocking you have an second phase

he said as the robot begin to swing his hands toward jason as he dodge and the robot keep try to punch him but jason dodge he decide to attack the chest since the hands were cover of eletricty as it work as cause damage as the robot act and release an shockwade but jason see that coming and jump back as he use his special attack as mutiple slashes hit the robot damage ball

808:you almost got him!


he jump and hit the robot an head as the force push him to the wall as the impact make lose his misiles lauches and look back to jason

robot:i crush you!

he swing both fist down as jason block as he was hold the big weight

808:get out of there! i can do it

he begin to push the hands back


jason stab one of the hands with his katana while the other stab with his tail blade and hold as there was an burst of power as jason begin to lift the giant mech


jason:fuck you that is how!

he begin to spin aroud with the robot an few times and then lauch it as the robot hit the wall hard stun him

jason:time to finish this and send you to the scrapyard

he run an inhuman speed and jump above the robot with his katana ready as the last thing the robot see was jason's eyes change


with one slsh jason phase tought the robot and begin to fall down as the robot was cut into millions of pieces as jason land and look up to see the pieces fell off

jason:je guess i was too much for you to chew

he said but then feel pain on his eyes

jason:{d dammit is been long since i use this ability}

he said and his eyes turn normal as he pant as he look up and see the head fall down right toward him but he jumpback

jason:that was close

he hear a alarm sound and look the head witch have the world seft destruct

jason:tell me you jocking

and there was an counter starting by 5

jason:son of

he begin to run away as the counter hit zero an the robot parts explode the explosion send jason fly


he notice he was fly toward an screen as jason act and land with his legs the impact cause an crack as he jump of the screen and land on the ground and see the screen was about how many days have pass without was an zero

jason:ja fitting

he turn aroud to see 808

jason:oh you okay 808

808:yeah yeah but we have to move now follow me

808 guide jason and see the big hole to the ground

jason:undeground we go?

808:yeah and don't complain since you plan of speed didn't work now is my way

jason:well down to the rabbit hole to wonderland

808:really alice refence?

jason:hey i read the dark version of the tale is way better than the family friendly version

808:what ever let's go

both jump down to the hole


the duo were walk trough dark alley as jason look aroud

808:are you scared

jason:more like keep my guard up an case thoses robot try to ambush us

808:don't worry they don't know this place i make sure of it

jason:hope soo

the duo arrive to an door

jason:this is it

808:yes come on

808 enter trough the cat door as jason open the door and see it was dark as he enter and close the door

jason:808 where are you

he walk futher an the dark as he step an something as then something was wrap aroud his ancle and lift jason jump into the air hit the feeling and then leave him hangin upside

jason:auch what the actual fuck!?

and from the darkness someone came out it was an girl

the girl aim her gun at jason

jason:is this is how you treat you guest

he said sas he look an the rope and realise the trap

jason:huh a rope snare silly but effetive that is something out of cartoon

the girl notice the mp3 on jason's chest due to him be upside down her shirt was lift up as she touch the device

girl:sooo that's where the magic happen huh

she said as she touch his mechincal cat eats as jason flich

jason:h hey!


she touch his mechanical tail and ull as jason tense up and yelp

jason:eehh!! don't pull you idiot you have an cat you should know the feeling

the girl let go as she begin to careless 808

pepermint:my name is pepermint

jason:well you already know my name and nice to meet you an person gottan say you have an interesting cat

pepermint:808 is my eyes and ears out there,but looks like she is talking an liking into you

she said as 808 was lick jason's face as he giggle

jason:well maybe because the cat mechanical parts

he said while rub 808 head with his tail as pepermint aim her gun at jason

jason:you not gonnad shoot me do you

she smile and aim up and shoot the rob as jason was fast enough and land on his hands

jason:good thing i have cat reflexes

pepermint:well then let's go we have work to do


both were an the living room of the base witch is empty with only an few computers and an couch

jason:okay soo you said you can get me out of here right but i have to do something first relate to vandalay ...soo what it is

pepermint:i need you help to look into spectra

jason:never hear of it but i guess you know what it is

pepermint:actually i don't this is an whistleblower level

jason:soo you want to dig up an super secret project you have no idea that it must be really bad if you want me to help

pepermint:yes and i working with an team to expose then we're small but

jason:more than you and cat agaist an big tech company with an lot of robots and nut heads bosess you gonnad need an miracle

pepermint:same as you,you gonnad need one if you want to leave the campus you need my help

jason:do it i can simply break anything on my path

pepermint:oh yeah and how that work soo far

jason:well an this point they want me death soo i help you


jason look the place

jason:i can see you small group you have almost nothing here

peperment:well we're plush one you can rest on that sofa,by the way i can give you upgrades if you have some spare parts let's chat before you head out

jason:oh good thing i collect i was plan to use then to create art

he said and walk toward pepermint

jason:soo about the upgrades

pepermint:well i not the master with vandelay tech but with some gears i may able to give you a bite more fight

jason:oh soo can upgrade things like my arm and tail to make then more stronger

pepermint:that is..little out of my field but i can try olso i can give you some items soo you have better chance to fight olso you get new moves and attack you can do

jason:sweet witch is fitting for you


jason:you name is pepermint witch is an candy name soo is fitting

pepermint:oh ok that is an clever one

jason:say can you make weapons

pepermint:i could did you something on you mild

jason:i have an big ideas

pepermint:okay just something simple remeber small operation

jason:okay soo show me what got

pepermint show the stuff she have as jason get an few things as olso show the idea

pepermint:interesting i can do that just give me time and i give you weapon

jason:thanks sweet girl

pepermint:..don't call me that

jason:you ask for it when you name pepermint

he sniker as pepermint rolled her eyes as jason head toward the couch as he laid down

jason:wow never trough things goin out like this is like..

he was quiet as he shake his head

jason:{ no no let it go is the past they now life they own lifes no point to regrets}

he said and careless 808

jason:{still i wonder what else this world offert to me}

he trough as this was just the begining of his adveture

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