Ch.4 Suit Up!

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(Y/n) Pov

"Here I was waiting in front of the store waiting for the girls getting their swimsuit as I already had my new swimsuit in my bag."

(Y/n):"*Sighs* I guess this was nothing more than coincidence that we would be running into each other."


"As I was relaxing in my house I realized that Sensei told us that we would be going on a trip soon to some island that we would be in training on for a couple or few days..can't really recall. Ahh well I figured I should at least spend my day doing something active instead of being coped up in the house all day so what do I do? Of course I go out and walk around town wondering what to do while I'm out. But I still have to make sure to follow Sensei's rule."

(Y/n):"(See if there's any new video games? Nah if I do I'll be investing to much time into it especially fighting games, Books? Possibly..What else is-)"


(Y/n):"Well first things first I'm going to go and get something to eat.(Though I have to make sure I have very little contact with the public.)

(Y/n):"(Huh weird how I was suggesting all things that would involve me sitting down.)"

"As I was making my way toward the heart of the town I was wondering what I could eat until I heard someone call out for me."

Asuka:"Hey (Y/n)!"

(Y/n):"*Turns around* Hmm?"

"I turn around to see Asuka and the others all walking towards me with Asuka now being in front of me smiling."

(Y/n):"Hey girls what are you doing out here?"

Katsuragi:"Since we'll being going to the islands I figured we should go get some swimsuits for us to wear. Heh heh~(And some big melons to admire!)"

Ikaruga:"*Sighs* Anyway that's our reason for being out more or less. What are you doing?"

(Y/n):"*Shrugs* I was going to go and grab something to eat."

Asuka:"Oh maybe we can go and grab a bite to eat together? You girls okay with that?"


Yagyu:"If Hibari is alright with it then I'm am too."

Katsuragi:"Heh~ I already see something I can devour for lunch."

Ikaruga:"That would be nice, as long as we don't interact with the public to much."

(Y/n):"Alright then let's do this.(Right due to those evil shinobi's.)"

"While we were walking to a store that sold swimsuits I felt my stomach grumbling a bit more making me lose HP fast. Once we got there we were looking around a bit until I found a nice pair of trunks that had my two (F/c) and was a good size so I went to the changing room and tried it on just to be sure it fits and once it was a perfect fit I bought it and told the girls that I would be waiting outside with them nodding."

*Flashback End*

"So that's how we pretty much ran into each other and now I'm just sitting here people watching while, waiting for the girls to buy their swimsuits. After a few minutes goes by they come out ready to find a place to eat although Asuka looks red and Katsuragi is smirking just a bit which gives me a clue that she did something pervy to her."

(Y/n):"Can't even go a minute in without doing something pervy huh Katsuragi?"

Katsuragi:"Nope I can't be stop!"

(Y/n):"Right this is you we're talking about."

Katsuragi:" I can do something to you if you'd like.~"

(Y/n):"Yyyeeaah no. I'm good let's just find a place to eat."

"After that we were now walking around town looking and suggesting places to each other on where we could eat at until some random guys were calling the girls trying to get their attention until got in front of us."

Random guy 1:"Hey there cutie what are fine gals like you doing with a guy like him?"

(Y/n):"*Sighs* Look guys we're busy so if you can just-"

Random guy 2:"We ain't talking to you boy."

(Y/n):".....(This is getting annoying really quick.)"

Random guy 1:"So what do you say? Come with us and we'll show you girls a good time."

Katsuragi:"Yeah no thanks bub. Besides like my friend here said we're kinda of busy."

Random guy 2:"Come on!! Don't need to be shy just let us show you that we're pretty cool guys."

Ikaruga:"Look we have things to do. Come on everyone."

We started to walk pass the two guys as they had irritated looks on their faces causing them to respond a bit hostilely."

Random guy 1:" Look god dammit just come with us okay?! *He says as he grabs Hibari's arm*"

"Immediate big mistake on this guys part as I quickly grab his arm and added pressure so quick that he let go of Hibari and started yelling a little in pain which I ignored and looked at Hibari who was being protected by Yagyu."

(Y/n):"You okay Hibari? Did he hurt you at all?"

Hibari:"*Shakes her head* I'm fine."

(Y/n):"*Smiles* That's good to hear."

Random guy 1:"Oi! Asshole you still got me to-"

"I quickly shut him up as I grabbed his face and applied a bit of pressure to keep him quiet all while still keeping pressure on the other guy's hand as I started to release a little bit of my aura quickly making the two guys sweat in fear...huh I'm getting a weird sense of deja vu for some reason."

(Y/n):"Now here's what's going to go down your not going to bother us anymore and you'll especially apologize to my friend over there am I clear?"

"The two nod as fast as they could making me, turn the two over to face the girls and let them go."

Random Guy1 and 2:"We're sorry!! It will never happen again!!!"

"After the two immediately run away most likely in fear of me, I turn around to see the girls look at me in surprise until Katsuragi came up to me smiling."

Katsuragi:"*Pats back* Nicely done if I do say so myself."

Ikaruga:"Yes though I feel you didn't have to go that far, I think they already got the message."

(Y/n):"*Scratches the back of my head* My bad..."

Ikaruga:"Though it's nice that you stopped those two before it got any worse."

(Y/n):"*Nods* Right well shall we resume our search for food?"


"After that little crazy event we manage to find a place to sit down and eat, and once we did we were chatting for quite a bit until it started to grow a bit late which had us finishing up and me willingly to pay for their food and me walking back with the girls to make sure they were safe walking back home and once we did we all said our goodbyes and I was about to walk away until I felt my shirt getting tugged back causing me to look back at Yagyu who was looking at me with a bit blush on her face."

(Y/n):"What's up Yagyu?"

Yagyu:"I just wanted to say thank you for protecting Hibari from those punks."

(Y/n):"*Pats her head* It's no problem I would do the same for any of you girls."

Yagyu:"*Blushes even more*........."

(Y/n):"*Chuckles* You sure look cute when you blush like that."


(Y/n):"Heh right..well take care Yagyu I'll see you tomorrow."

Yagyu:"*Softly smiles* See you later (Y/n)."

3rd Pov

"After that (Y/n) dropped the girls off they were now in the house relaxing with now hearing Yagyu coming in and joining the girls with their chat and enjoying the rest of the evening.Meanwhile (Y/n) was walking by himself as he now about to walking to his favorite place and once he got there he opened the door and proceeded to head down stairs where he saw May and Sora who soon greeted him."

Sora:"Good evening (Y/n) how are you today?"

(Y/n):"Meh it's been okay just hanging out with a few friends today."

May:"Ooh ho hanging with some friends? Your becoming quite the popular guy huh?"

(Y/n):"Ooh please you should know I'm into that popularity crap."

May:"I know I know I just like teasing ya."

(Y/n):"Anyway have you two figured out any info with those school girls?"

Sora:"Yes according to some of workers we found out that those girls you described go to a school Hebijo Academy."

(Y/n):"Hebijo Academy.."

May:"Yeah and trust me when I say this, if you ever run into them be careful they are shinobi that train to be ruthless towards their enemies."

(Y/n):"Hmm right.. "

Sora:"They are known to be the evil shinobi's that are against the good shinobi. Even though you aren't a complete shinobi your still considered one in their eyes."

(Y/n):"*Sighs* I got my work cut out for me.."

(Y/n):"Anyway could I get some orange juice?"

Sora:"*Slides some orange juice over to (Y/n)* Here you go."

(Y/n):"Tthhank you."

May:"It's always orange juice with you.."

(Y/n):"You know I can't help it."

May:"Then have some self control or just stop drinking orange juice all together."

(Y/n):"And give up this amazing juice?! Yeah hell no."

May:"*Sighs* Honestly..."

(Y/n):"Heh *Sips some orange juice* Ahh that hits the spot.."



May:"Be careful you know Sara would devastated if you were to be harmed or injured."

(Y/n):"*Grabs his shirt* Yeah...I know... I know..."

"After that (Y/n) was just enjoying the atmosphere for a little longer before saying goodbye to May and Sora which after he did started to head home with him deep in thought."

(Y/n):"*Sighs* I fear that we may have a bigger fight on our hands."

To be Continued....

(A/n):"So what did you all think of this chapter? Yes it was a short one but I have another chapter coming up soon so be sure to keep a look out for it. Until then see you guys next time!"

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