Ch.6 Training to be better

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Yomi Pov

"I now manage to patch myself up after that fight with (Y/n) I soon make my way to the main room to report to Sensei. Once I did make my way to the main room I see the others sitting meaning the others are coming soon so I simply sit and wait for the others."

???:"How's your injuries Yomi?"

Yomi:"It nothing major so I'll be fine Hikage."

Hikage:"That's good.."

???:"Well if you ever need a quick heal I can assist you sweetie."

Yomi:"*Smiles* Thank you Haruka you'll be the first to know."

Haruka:"*Smiles and nods*"

"After that we waited for a few more minutes the other two show up just in time as Sensei begins asking us how the mission went with Hikage and Mirai now describing their run in's with the Shinobi's with Hikage saying that the one she dealt with was nothing more than a joke, and the one Mirai was against literally had to have another Shinobi come and save her, which baffled me a shinobi who can't even fight back clearly wasn't meant to be a shinobi at all period."

Yomi:"(Seriously. What is this, some sort of pathetic daycare for these pathetic Hanzo shinobi's?)"

???:"And what about you Yomi? Was your mission successful?"

"I simply nod and began explaining the run in I had with (Y/n) and how he managed to hold his own against me which caused the others to become curious about him especially Homura who just smirked."

Homura:"He sounds like an interesting opponent."

Yomi:"He is, out of everyone in that group he would seem like the most challenging one to take down."

Haruka:"Fufufu~ I would definitely love to get my hands on him and that girl."

???:"Is there anything else that you were able to gather about him Yomi?"

Yomi:"Well...There is something.."


Yomi:"He did something during our fight. I'm not sure how, but it seems like he was able to enhance his speed and it was after he threw his weapon at me, he somehow was moving a lot faster. It's not the first time he's done this, I had first witness it, when he saved that bratty princess."

???:"I see.. anything else?"

Yomi:"No sensei. That is all I have to report on."

???:"Very well. Until further notice you are all dismissed."

Everyone:"Yes ma'am!"

"After that we left the room with me and the other now discussing what we should do until I brought up we should buy some bean sprouts with the some face palming and groaning. Although if anything I do want to have a duel with (Y/n) again if I ever get the chance, I want to be the one to finish it."

3rd Pov

"Meanwhile back on the island (Y/n) and the others decided to spend one more day at the shinobi island with (Y/n) getting dressed, and while getting dressed he realized after the encounter him and the others had, made him realize that training was in order so he got up early, got several water bottles, and began training himself as he began doing some basic warm ups running laps around the beach, several sets of push ups, sit ups, crunches, mountain climbing, etc. after he was done he began sharpening his skills so next time he and the girls run into the Hebijo group he'll be ready to face them, as for now he took a short break as he was now staring at the ocean as he opened his first water bottle and began taking a couple of sips."

(Y/n):"(The sounds of the ocean waves gently running slowly on the beach always gets me so relaxed..)"

Asuka:"So this was where you were."

"Turning around (Y/n) sees Asuka and Hibari standing right behind him giving a cheerful smile."

(Y/n):"Hey Asuka, Hibari. Did sensei call for me?"

Asuka:"*Shakes head* No we got curious and little concerned where you went, especially since with what happened yesterday. So the two of us came to check up on you."

(Y/n):"Yeah well here I am. Wanna sit?"

Asuka/Hibari:"Sure./ Okay!"

"And as the two sat down next to (Y/n) on each side enjoying the view with him not saying a thing, and after a few more minutes of enjoying the view and sound of the ocean that is until Hibari speaks up."

Hibari:"So what are you doing out here (Y/n)?"

(Y/n):"Mmmm....Well, I just wanted to get some early training for today, cause you know once we head back it's back to training. Hell for all we know sensei will start doubling down on our training sessions.."

Hibari:"You really think so?"

(Y/n):"*Nods* Yeah.. This is already our second encounter with the Hebijo memebers from here on out things will get rough.."

Hibari:"Do you think we'll be ready when that time comes?"

(Y/n):"....(I honestly want to think that we can, but the way that we are now we'll be lucky to come out with just a few scratches..)"




(Y/n):"I believe with enough training I believe we'll make it.(Even then I promised I protect you five.)"

Asuka:"He's right Hibari!! We can accomplish anything if we train hard enough!"

Hibari:"*Smiles* Yeah your right!"

(Y/n):"Heh well I'm glad you two think so cause we're going to train."


Asuka:"You mean right now?"

(Y/n):"Yes right now. Come on chop chop we're burning daylight."


(Y/n):"Alright then let's get started with a bit of warm ups."

"Soon the two began with some stretches only to soon begin to a hour in a half training montage of (Y/n) drill instructing the two from a small two minutes of jumping jacks, to soon a three minutes of burpees, only to give them a minute break and after the minute was over they resume they're training once again. Once the non stop training was done and over with the two were panting and sweating a little with (Y/n) now handing both of them water bottles."

Asuka:"Thank you.."


(Y/n):"*Nods* No problem. Alright then you two look ready..So who wants to go first?"

Hibari:"Um...I would."

(Y/n):"Alright then. Come on up and let's get started."

"Once Hibari came close to (Y/n), he grabbed Hibari's arms causing her to become confused until position them at the right angle with him spreading her legs out a bit until it was just right."

(Y/n):"Alright then that should do."



Hibari:"What fighting stance even is this?"

(Y/n):"Hmm...I don't really have a name for it.. For now it can be a simple combat stance for you Hibari since you don't use a weapon."


"And so (Y/n) spent at least 10-20 minutes teaching Hibari how to fight, while showing her a few moves to help her and while she did fumble several moves that she was taught, she did however managed to get the basics down."

(Y/n):"Alright. That should be enough for now we can pick up on techniques another time, but I got to say Hibari your doing well."

Hibari:"I am?!"

(Y/n):"*Nods and smiles* Yes keep this up and you'll be stronger in no time."

Hibari:"Hooray!!*She says while jumping up and down*"

(Y/n):"Hold on we still have to spar first."

Hibari:"Oh right!"

(Y/n):"Alright then Hibari I want you to come at me."

Hibari:"A-Are you sure?"

(Y/n):"Yes think of me as an enemy to make it easier for you."

Hibari:"I-I'll try."

"Thus their training had begun as Hibari was "trying" to hit (Y/n) only she was still hesitating or closing her eyes when her fist came close to (Y/n), with him still either dodging or parrying Hibari's attacks, and this going on for quite awhile at least for a good hour to an hour and a half, with Hibari making some progress as she tried to attempt low sweeping which was still somewhat sloppy, but still (Y/n) back away from her attempted attack."

(Y/n):"*Nods* Not bad your improving a little."

Hibari:"*Huff*..*Huff* Thanks! *She says smiling*"

(Y/n):"But that still means you have more room to improve."

"As (Y/n) said that Hibari then look a little down, that is until she felt a hand on her head causing her to look up and see him patting her which in turn causes Hibari to smile."

(Y/n):"We'll help you each step of the way so don't put yourself down so quick."

Hibari:"Got it!*She says smiling even brighter*."

(Y/n):"Alright then with that being said..Asuka!* He says while pointing at her*"


(Y/n):"Your up! Grab your weapons and lets spar."

Asuka:"Oh right!"

"As Asuka got to the center and stood a few feet away from (Y/n), she then pulled out her weapons and readied herself. After a few seconds of staring down each other, Asuka was the first to rush towards (Y/n) with her getting ready to perform her dual slash at him, which prompted (Y/n) to  jump over her and avoid her dual slash which prompted him to throw one of his combat knifes at her, only for her to deflect it and chases after (Y/n) while he was still in the air. Once Asuka took the opportunity to strike (Y/n), only for him to block her attack and kicks her into her sides sending her back to the ground with him slowly falling to the ground as well. Asuka slowly started to recover from the attack while (Y/n) just now landed on the ground and quickly looked up to see Asuka now standing up as well."

(Y/n):"Not bad Asuka."

Asuka:"*Wipes a bit of sweat off and smiles* Thanks your not so bad yourself (Y/n)."

"So this is where you were."

"The three turned around to see where the voice came from, only to see Ikaruga, Katsuragi, and Yagyu walking towards them with Katsuragi giving a devious smirk."

Katsuragi:"So what you three doing out here all alone?"

(Y/n):"Just training is all."

Katsuragi:"Oh I see..decided to get some alone time I getcha.~"

(Y/n):"(I don't think you do.)"

Yagyu:"*Sighs*...Anyway why are you training?"

(Y/n):"I figured we could use the extra training so why not?"


Katsuragi:"Then you got any more energy to train us?"

(Y/n):"*Nods* Yeah why not? I got a bit of energy left."

Katsuragi:"So how we going about this?"

(Y/n):"I'll spar with you and Ikaruga then Yagyu."

"The girls all looked at each other before looking back at (Y/n) questioning his choice."

Katsuragi:"Uuhh you sure about that? I'm mean I like a good fight, but it kinda seems unfair if me and Ikaruga tag team you."

Ikaruga:"She's right are you sure about this?"

(Y/n):"Yeah. But first a bit of a warm up."

Katsuragi:"Ooo~ I'm liking where this is going."

"Another hour in a half later Katsuragi was wishing she had kept her mouth shut as the warm up (Y/n) put them through was a little rough, leaving them a bit sweaty but thankfully they weren't as bad as Asuka and Hibari."

Katsuragi:"Heh that wasn't so bad..*She says wiping sweat off her chin*"

(Y/n):"I'm glad you think so.*Begins handing the three of them water*"


Ikaruga:"Thank you (Y/n)."

Yagyu:"...Thank you."

(Y/n):"*Nods* Your welcome. We'll take a short break then resume our training."

"After that everyone was just sitting down chatting about what they were going to do tomorrow since it was the weekend. With (Y/n) staring out at the ocean lost in his own world."


(Y/n):"*Turns around* Huh?"

Ikaruga:"Is there anything you planning on doing this weekend?"

(Y/n):" I'm not sure honestly.."

Asuka:"You alright?"

(Y/n):"*Nods* Yeah just spacing out is all. Well I'll figure something out."

Katsuragi:"Well if you got nothing to do maybe we can hang out together.~ *She says giving a coquettish grin*"

(Y/n):"*Blushes a bit* A-Anyway let's get back to our training."

"After that (Y/n), along with Katsuragi, and Ikaruga soon got themselves ready as they as they had they're weapons out, with Katsuragi making the first move with her running at (Y/n) smirking a bit before jumping up in the air doing a straight dive kick causing (Y/n) to dodge roll out of the way of Katsuragi's attack only for Ikaruga to take this moment to strike (Y/n), only for (Y/n) to unsheathes his combat knifes and clashes with Ikaruga as a few sparks flying out in different directions and while the two were having a power struggle with neither side moving an inch Katsuragi was using this opportunity to rush and attack (Y/n) while he wasn't looking by jumping once again and began twirling and was coming close to (Y/n)'s face. That is until (Y/n) turned around with a smile only disappear in front of Katsuragi as she now accidentally crashed into Ikaruga with the now groaning with Katsuragi now looking up to see (Y/n) giving the peace sign."

Ikaruga:"Right his hunters ability..."

Katsuragi:"Dammit (Y/n)..."

(Y/n):"Yep that's my name..What's yours?"

Katsuragi:"Tch! Someone who's about to get serious!"

(Y/n):"Glad to see your up and "kicking."

Katsuragi:"That's it!!"

"Katsuragi then began rushing towards (Y/n) attempting to kick him several times with her soon actually getting a hit in as she gave a straight kick to the gut causing (Y/n) to be pushed back with Ikaruga rushing past Katsuragi and grab her sword tightly only to slash a few times at (Y/n) leaving some afterimage slashes and after Ikaruga had sheathed her sword, the afterimage slashes began hitting (Y/n) left and right and soon sending him flying. Once he hits the ground he lays there for a few before getting up, dusting himself off as if the attack didn't faze him even though his clothes spoke differently."

(Y/n):"Not bad you two really work well together."

Katsuragi:"Heheh! Hell yeah we do!"

(Y/n):"Good let's continue then."

"(Y/n) had rushed past Katsuragi and Ikaruga and activated his ninja art."

(Y/n):"Ninja Art Monstrous Fang!!"

"(Y/n) then started delivering three powerful slashes at Katsuragi and Ikaruga with the two managing to dodge the first slash, but got caught with the last two attacks, which (Y/n) delayed and used on them at the right moment, sending back a bit. With them slowly recovering, but managed to stand up with scratches and their clothes looking a bit tattered."

Katsuragi:"Damn.. Not bad.."

Ikaruga:"Yes.....quite the opponent indeed."

(Y/n):"*Nods* You two are good, but I can see that you still have room for improvement. But for now that should be enough."

"After that Ikaruga and Katsuragi nodded and went over to where Asuka and Hibari were and laid down while (Y/n) and Yagyu get in their stance ready to spar."

(Y/n):"You ready Yagyu?"

Yagyu:"*Nods* Yeah.."

"(Y/n) was the first to rush at Yagyu, with Yagyu tossing her umbrella at (Y/n) with blocking the attack and pushing it back only to see Yagyu rushing at him with her grabbing her umbrella again. She raises her umbrella above her head only to slam it down hard with (Y/n) guarding against her attack, with him pushing her back creating some distance between the two, with (Y/n) rushes at Yagyu and slashed at her a few times with her managing to block his attacks, with her opening her umbrella pushing him back a bit with Yagyu not wasting anytime charges at (Y/n) attempting to strike him at his head only for him to flip back kicking the umbrella out of Yagyu's hand causing her to lower her guard for a spilt second as (Y/n) delivers a kick straight to her stomach sending her back a bit with her umbrella landing right next to (Y/n), with him picking it up and putting one of his knives back while walking over to Yagyu extending a hand out with her grabbing it."

(Y/n):"You alright?"

Yagyu:"*Nods* Yes."

(Y/n):"Would you like to continue?"


(Y/n):"Alright then let's continue.*Hands her the umbrella*


"After that the two continued with Yagyu and (Y/n) rushing at each other clashing with their weapons, Yagyu opening her umbrella once again with her activating her ninja arts."

Yagyu:"Ninja Arts: Sweeping Leg!!"

"Yagyu began twirling with her guardian now appearing on top of her umbrella, as she began twirling faster and faster it was smacking (Y/n) at a fast pace giving him no room to guard against her attacks with the last attack sending him off flying. With (Y/n) landing on the ground sliding until he finally came to a stop as he looked up to see Yagyu gracefully stops twirling as she is now staring back at (Y/n).(Y/n) began walking around rushing at her as he chucks his combat knife at Yagyu while gripping the other tightly in his hand, Yagyu acts by opening and twirling her umbrella deflecting the knife away only once she had closed it she didn't realize is that (Y/n) had gotten so close to her causing her to have no time to react as before she knew it (Y/n)'s weapon was aimed at her face causing her to be unmoving, only for (Y/n) to pull away his weapon."

(Y/n):"It looks like this is my win, nice match Yagyu."

Yagyu:"*Nods* Thank you.."

(Y/n):"Alright then I say that should conclude our training session for today, you all did pretty good."



Ikaruga:"Thank you for training us."


Katsuragi:"Heh heh now that training is done I know something that will make this day better.."


Katsuragi:"Enjoying ourselves on the beach!! Who's with me?!"

"The girls began cheering and started walking back with (Y/n) following behind and soon afterwards the group was enjoying their time on the beach on the beach before going back with Ikaruga sitting in the shade reading a book, along with (Y/n) who's sitting next to Ikaruga snoring that causes Ikaruga giggling at the sight, and adjusts the umbrella so it's covering the both of them, while Yagyu and Hibari were just enjoying swimming, all while Asuka was splashing water on Katsuragi to get away from her perverted antics. A enjoyable last day on the island with everyone relaxing."

To Be Continued......

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(A/n):"Holy crap 8K reads?! I didn't think my story would be read that much well for those who read this thank you so much for being patient on waiting. So what did you think of it? Let me know in the comments and until then see ya next chapter!"

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