Prologue: The Unfinished Mission

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Sara Pov

"I'm here again to babysit (Y/n) who was only seven years old though I didn't mind I've been watching the kid since he was two since his parents always go out to do missions assigned to them. So here i am at the front door with (Y/n) hugging his parents before leaving."

(M/n):"Wahhh!! I'm going to miss my baby boy!!"

(D/n):"*Sighs* Well at least (Y/n) isn't-"

Young (Y/n):"Wahh I'm going to miss you too mommy! Daddy!!"

(D/n):"Heh...*Pets head* We'll miss you as well my son..but don't worry we'll be back before you know it."

(M/n):"Mmhmm!! We'll be here so I can hug you over and over again!"

Young (Y/n):"Y-*Hic* promise?"

(M/n)/(D/n):"We promise."

The family hugs one more time with (M/n) bringing me in the hug which caught me of guard, but I gladly accepted it. I didn't think I could be considered as family so soon..I say that, feels...nice.."

(M/n):"*Sniffs* We're sorry Sara. You must have something to do other than this."

Sara:"Heh it's fine. Really. *I say while waving my hands side to side.*"

Sara:"I'm home most of the times, plus I don't mind watching the kid."

(M/n):"Well again thank you, truly for watching him."

(D/n):"Make sure he doesn't get crazy."

Sara:"*Giggles* Don't worry this is me we're talking about.(Maybe it's just me but he always wears himself out before his bed time.)"

(D/n);"Heh yeah that's true. Well we'll be back within a two weeks."

(M/n):"Bye sweetheart I'll bring you a souvenir from our trip!"

Young (Y/n):"Okay Mommy! Daddy! Mommy! Be safe!"

(D/n):"Don't worry son we will!"

(M/n)/(D/n):"Bye you two!"

Sara/Young (Y/n);"Bye!"

"After saying our goodbyes I closed the door and, we immediately sat on the couch and watched some Tv. We were enjoying ourselves or at least I thought we were until I heard someone sniffling. I turn to look at (Y/n) tearing up a bit. I knew why, but I decided to ask why."

Sara:"Hey..what's wrong?"

Young (Y/n):"*Hugs you* I miss Mommy and Daddy already..*Sobs*."

Sara:"*Sighs and Pets his head* Don't worry (Y/n) your parents are strong people. They can handle themselves."

Young (Y/n):"Yeah...*Sniffs*..mmm..Sara?"


Young (Y/n):"Can we train again?"

Sara:"Heh sure. But you know if you keep training then you'll be too strong to be on a team right?"

Young (Y/n):"B-but! If I don't train then I may not be good enough!"

Sara:"*Giggles* True. Alright go get your stuff on and we'll shoot some hoops."

Young (Y/n):"Okay!"

"I chuckle a bit as he goes to get changed. I was a bit surprised when he told me that he knew what his parents were or rather what they were doing for a living. His mother is Kunochi and the father is a hunter. Then again the kid was bound to get curious sooner or later. Though when he said his parents told him I immediately spit out my drink. Even now it leaves me baffled that they told him right then and there. Anyway I immediately hear (Y/n) come downstairs as I see him eagerly waiting on me."

Young (Y/n):"I'm ready Sara!"

Sara:"Heh alright then you know the usual give me ten sit-ups and ten push ups."

Young (Y/n):"Right!"

Sara:"After then while go out and shoot hoops."

Young (Y/n):"Okay!"

"This was our usual routine when ever I would watch him, I would always do what I can to help him stay healthy. Of course he would want to follow in his parents footsteps. But for safety reasons I decided to go easy on him."

Young (Y/n):"Okay Sara! I'm finished with my workout!"

Sara:"Good, now let's go outside before it gets dark out."

"Once we go outside I watch (Y/n) shoot some hoops, he said that him and his friends were playing basketball and he's become interested in it so of course any kid that's hooked on something, stays hooked until they lose interest at least that's how I thought. After an hour or so we go inside and I start cooking dinner which was a simple curry and rice with a side of meat. I make him a plate and give it to him and immediately he digs in."

Young (Y/n):"Mmm!! Big sis this is really good!"

Sara:" just say..big sis?(God that was way to cute!)"

Young (Y/n):"Oh..umm..was that wrong of me to say..? I'm sorry.."

Sara:"No..Just that it was unexpected, that's all. If you feel happy calling me that then okay."

Young (Y/n):"Mmm! Thank you Big sis! Oh and thank you for the food too!"

Sara:"Your welcome."

"After dinner I help (Y/n) get ready for bed  and after getting tucked in he looks at me."

Sara:"Yes? You look like you want to ask something?"

Young (Y/n):"Do you think besides you think I'll ever be a shinobi as well?"

Sara:"*Smiles* Yes I think you will. Your parents are amazing at what they do and I'm sure you'll be something even greater."

Young (Y/n):"*Smiles back* and a ninja..*Yawns* that"

Sara:"*Giggles* Rest well (Y/- lil brother."

- - - -Timeskip- - - -

"I was starting to get a little worried. Normally (D/n) and (M/n) are immediately home after a mission, unless the mission requires them to travel to a far away area then maybe, but still they're always true to their word especially when saying they're coming back. It's already been the three weeks and still nothing. (Y/n) is already asking where are they and it's going to keep getting harder to hold up whatever act I'm playing. I was sitting in the couch until I heard knocking I quickly went towards the door opening in hopes that its the parents, only to see Kiriya with a bit of sorrow shown on his face."

Kiriya:"Hello Sara."

Sara:"Hey Kiriya..*Sighs* I'm not sure if I should even ask."

Kiriya:"Is (Y/n) here?"

Sara:"Yeah he's upstairs, but let's step out front for a bit."

"We step out and walk away from the front door so now we're in front of the house that way (Y/n) isn't trying eavesdrop on the conversation."

Sara:" straight with me..what's going on."

Kiriya:"*Sighs* There' easy way of saying this,but..we don't have about his parents.."

Sara:"What do you mean?"

Kiriya:"Well the reports are shown that they..disappeared-"

Sara:"What do you mean disappeared!?"

"Thank god i was yelling loud enough for the two of us to hear."

Kiriya:"That's what the reports have shown plus..this.*Pulls out your fathers necklace.* This could also confirm that they're-"

Sara:"*Grabs him by the collar* Don't!...don't bullshit me! Cause I swear if you are!"

Kiriya:"Sara you know I wouldn't lie."

Sara:"*Loosens her grip* Dammit..."

Kiriya:"So what should we do about (Y/n)?"

Sara:"I'll take care of him for the time being. At least until I can figure something out."

Kiriya:"Very well...Sara.."


Kiriya:"*Places his hand on her shoulder* Please don't hesitate to call me if you need any help whatsoever...."

Sara:"Don't worry...if it comes to that then I'll call for you."

Kiriya:"Alright. Farewell for now Sara I'll update you if anything has happened."


After that Kiriya disappears by using a smoke bomb, leaving me with a very difficult decision on what to do? If I tell (Y/n) who knows how he'll handle it. If anything he may charge out to try and find them, but if I don' won't take long until he starts to suspect that something's amiss.."

Sara:"(Fuuckk!!! This is such bullshit!!)"




Sara:"*Sighs* Dammit why...*Starts tearing up* why?"

"I start walking back slowly dragging my feet back back to the house wishing that this was all a dream, but by the time I closed the door. Then I hear (Y/n) coming down the stairs coming towards me and hugging me crying which left me concerned and confused."

Sara:"(Y/n) what's wrong why are you crying?"

Young (Y/n):"Did *hic* something happen to..*hic* mommy and..*hic* daddy?"

Sara:"Wha..w-why would you s-say that?"

Young (Y/n):"I *hic* saw..daddy's necklace..."

"I couldn't control myself and immediately pull him into a hug as I was silently letting out the tears while he was crying uncontrollably and we were like this for quite awhile until I spoke up again. I had to do what I can to encourage him or at the very least lift his spirits up."

Sara:"There's still a chance that they're still out there."

Young (Y/n):"Really?"


Young (Y/n):"Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go and find them!"

"As he tries to go for the door knob I instantly grab his hand causing him to look at me surprised, yet confused."

Young (Y/n):"Big sis?"

Sara:"We can't just charge out there without preparation. Plus you still need to go to school."

Young (Y/n):"B-but sis! We need to find mommy and daddy!"

Sara:"And we will, but for now you also need to worry about school as well."

Young (Y/n):"But!"

Sara:"No buts! Now come on I'll train you soon, but for now come on let's eat dinner."

Young (Y/n):"*Pouts* Okay...(As long as I get my chance to search for them then I'll do it.)"

"After this little talk I was now setting up dinner for the both of us, so as soon as I set the plate down for him and sit with him with a plate of food with me as well, while watching tv, but it was quiet and what's worse is that I can feel his determination flowing out of him, giving a clear sign that he was eager to do this in order to search for his parents."

- - - - Timeskip- - - -

A few years has passed and I've trained him physically and mentally, now that he's at the age of ten I think it's a perfect time to start training him in weapons. As I was thinking which weapon to train him in first my thoughts were interrupted by him rushing towards me."

(Y/n):"Hey sis! I finished my homework,so what are we going to do for training?"

Sara:"Hmmm...(I think I know what to start with.)"

"I pulled out my combat knife and tossed it to him which he caught and looked a little confused."

(Y/n):"Big sis?"

Sara:"We'll start with that.*I pointed to the knife in his hand.*"

Sara:"I'll train you in different type of weapons, so think of it as yourself as a jack of all trades in a way."

(Y/n):"So I'll be good with all of them, but I won't exactly be a master of all of them is that right?"


(Y/n):"Alright so how exactly do we do this?"

Sara:"*Takes out her halberd* Come now (Y/n) I figured you would know by now."

(Y/n):"...Oh...Oh! Sparring!"

Sara:"Right. So while we're sparring, I want you to come at me like you mean it."

(Y/n):"Okay big sis."

Sara:"Oh! Hold on one second."


Sara:"Shinobi Kekkai!

(Y/n):"Whoa!! What happened?!"

Sara:"Don't worry I set up a barrier that way we can spar peacefully."


Sara:" are you ready?"


Sara:"Good then come at me then."

"Immediately he rushes in to strike and I do the same as well and we clash our weapons, making the both of us look each other in the eyes, I couldn't help but smile as I see that determination still burning in his eyes, nice to see his resolve hasn't wavered. I push him away which gave me the opportunity to grab him and throw him across the field. He quickly digs the combat knife into the ground halting himself so he could stop and gain his ground again."

(Y/n):"Nice one sis."

Sara:"Thank you."

"Once again he charges at me, but swiftly side steps and slashes horizontally, he's quick, but as I grab his arm stopping him in his tracks I give him the look of who's still quick one here. I give him a quick kick to the gut causing him to loosely let go of the knife as it is now in my hands. I see him slide a bit before coming to a stop again."

(Y/n):"Darn it!"

Sara:"Not bad, but don't think I'm going to give you an inch. *I say as I toss the knife at him.*"

(Y/n):"Hmph! I'll get a hit on you just you Wait!"

Sara:"We'll see about that."

"As we resumed I knew this would be a long time of training."

To be Continued....

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So that was the prologue what did you think of it? Let me know in the comments. Until then see you next chapter!

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