April Fools

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Modern AU

Summary: Hiccup has a crush on Astrid but recently her boyfriend, Eret, committed sucide leaving Astrid depressed and ruined. As Astrid's friend, Hiccup is there for her giving her a shoulder to cry on.

This one shot might not contain an actual Hiccstrid kiss but will have some moments between the two, so don't expect much!!!

It was just an April Fools.

He stared at the screen of endless profanity,

But it was just an April Fools.

His trembling hands slam down the abuse,

He knows it was an April Fools.

With courage. With cowardliness, he stands,

It was only an April Fools.

Fingers wrapped around the deadly metal,

It's just an April Fools.

Shaking. Trembling. His fingers allow Death to take him home,

But it was just an April Fools.

When the fire rang out, the body fell. Lifeless. Dead,

Yet it was only an April Fools that led him home...

Silence filled the teary classroom. Astrid watched the final tear soak into the paper. The words blurred, and filled with emotion, Astrid sank down into her seat. A pair of tear - stricken eyes watched her from afar, not knowing whether to hug her in his arms or whether to wipe away her tears. He missed Eret as much as she is, but what happened wasn't her fault and yet she still blames herself.

"Thank you, Miss Hofferson. That was... Beautiful..." Her eyes hot with tears and yet dry as a bone. Hiccup watched Astrid's breathing, in and out then in and then...

"Miss? May I go outside for a minute?" The teacher's eyes flew towards Astrid, although stern they had a sense of kindness in them. Unable to speak, she nodded and her eyes followed Astrid out of the room. The boy sighed as he watched his 'Divine Beauty' leave the room.

Silence. That's all there was, apart from the distant sound of tears slowly cascading down onto the floor below. Hiccup couldn't sit there, his attention stayed with Astrid. Wondering. Hoping, that she was okay.

"Is it alright if I check on her?" A small, delicate voice shattered the stillness of the room, yet no answer followed. His eyes, teary and blurred, faced the teacher who sat quietly at the front of the classroom. A gentle nod was all the boy needed to lift his spirits.

His trembling hand reached for the door knob. Cold and rough, his wrist twisted the handle. A small click sounded throughout the class, a sound loud enough to shatter glass, he opened the door. A bundle lay quiet on the floor beside him, it was curled up against the wall and yet red with sorrow. Hiccup's eyes met the beauty and he softly sat beside her,

"I miss him, Hiccup..." Hiccup's eyes teared up, wet and blurry he watched the bundle cry without end,

"I do too Astrid... I do too..." The beauty fell, her weight shocking the crumpled boy. His body was shaken yet he allowed his arm to wrap around her body in comfort. Words were a distant memory as they felt their tears flow,

"It's a-all my f-f-fault! I did t-t-this to him!" Hiccup gripped Astrid tighter,

"Astrid, you can't think like that... None of this was your fault..." Astrid buried her face into his chest further,

"And yet it is! I was the one who played that prank on him! And now look where he is! GONE!" Astrid yelled rattling Hiccups ears. The drums were silenced and the tears spoke for him,

"Hey! This was not your fault! He loved you, and yet he couldn't live with his own life! He didn't commit suicide because of you!!" Astrid tears stopped, her breathing calmed. She looked up, emerald green meeting sea blue.

"Then whose fault was it?" Hiccup sighed,

"You can't blame someone for what happened. It's just a part of life... Some things happen that you can't control and sometimes, we just have to accept them for what they are. Eret died because he wanted to escape, another way out of his misery--"

"And yet he put me into my misery!" Astrid interrupted. Hiccup pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. Damp and crumpled, his fingers gripped it tight. Like a forgotten locket. He reluctantly gave her the illegible paper.

"He wrote this to me on the day he died, it was written to me with his own hand..." Astrid frowned as she read the scrambled words. Her brain ached and her eyes became dizzy. "It says, 'I'm sorry. I wish there was another way but there isn't... You've always been like a brother to me Hiccup and I wish there was a way you could forgive me for what I'm going to do but there isn't. Tell my Divine Beauty that I love her, She will always be in my heart... Goodbye my friends, I'll miss you dearly........' and that's all he wrote." Astrid stared at the crumbling boy beside her. his words carried such burden and yet she had blamed herself. Her arms gripped him tightly into a hug. At first he was shocked but he felt no need to hide his shame anymore. She was here and now she knew the truth.

It wasn't just an April Fools... But yet Death had still taken him home...

I'm crying right now...

Ugh! I'll have to wipe my keyboard now!! I wrote this one shot to raise awareness of people committing suicide because of cyber bullying and I know someone who almost did. I was there for him and gave him a shoulder to cry on, I stood up for him and now we are best friends! I was there for him and when things got tough I kept him strong. Never give up on your friends no matter how dark or mean they become. Friends are for life, not just for school...

This one is also in my other One Shot Book!

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