I'm Sorry

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Now I have a little problem with this story, or should I say stories! I have two ideas but the two are entirely different. But because in the request there was no specification, I've decided to write both of them and I want you to vote down in the comments on which story you prefer. That way when I try doing this kind of story again I'll have a clear idea of what most of you will like to read!! Thanks!!! 👍🏻👍🏻😍😍

Story 1: Accident

Astrid's POV:

I sat in the living room awaiting Hiccup's return. We've been married for a couple of weeks now and things between us have moved pretty fast, faster than I expected them to. I was reading my book on the couch when I heard the familiar click of the lock. Hiccup's home. My mind raced, how should I tell him, when should I tell him? I was so confused, excited and nervous all at the same time. I just had to tell him.

"I'm home!" I turned around on the couch to see him smiling back at me.

"Hi babe! How are you?" Hiccup closed the door and began to take his coat off.

"Hungry." I smiled, earning a soft chuckle from Hiccup. 

Hiccup quietly placed his coat on the rack and walked into the kitchen. When he was out of sight I pulled out the pregnancy test. I read the screen, 'Positive' and I was just hoping that was good. That Hiccup would be pleased, that he would appreciate this. I just don't want to disappoint him.

"What is there?" I asked as I entered the kitchen, the pregnancy still evident in my hands.

"Nothing... Wanna go to a restaurant?" He was still looking inside the fridge as he asked this. I smiled, this was my chance.

"Yeah, I mean I am eating for two..." 


Hiccup had closed the fridge door violently and hurriedly turned to look at me. He frowned before seeing the pregnancy test in my hands. He slowly walked over to me, his soft strong hands wrapped themselves around the test and pulled it out of mine. His brow furrowed as he read the result, the silence choking me as Hiccup remained quiet for the longest time.

Slowly, a smile spread over his lips and he met my eyes.

"Really?!" I smiled at him.

"Yeah!" Hiccup dropped the test and hugged me tight, spinning me around the room in excitement. Eventually, he stopped spinning me around the room and put me down on the ground.

"I'm... I'm gonna be a... Dad?" I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah!" We continued to celebrate throughout the night.

***The Next Day***

I woke up that morning and looked at my alarm clock. 8:30. I guess I'd better get up and head to work.

I walked over to the kitchen and looked for some cereal. I reached into the cupboard and grabbed my special cereal box marked, 'Astrid's Cereal, Hands Off!!!' and smiled at my little note to Hiccup. I poured out my cereal and ate whilst watching the TV. After getting dressed I walked down to the parking lot below our apartment. I quietly searched for my car whilst digging in my bag for my car keys. Once I found them, I quickly hopped into my car and began the journey into town.

I drove down the street towards my work. The road was strangely quiet this morning. I looked down at my watch quickly, 9:00. I was 5 minutes early for work, so I decided to go the long way around. That was my mistake. Just as I pulled out from the intersection I heard a loud screech coming from my left. I turned to look, but it was too late. The car came crashing into my car, instantly knocking me out. 

All at once, I could see nothing more than the picture of Hiccup's face.

"Shush now... Don't be afraid... I'm right beside you... Always..." Then everything went black.

Hiccups POV:

I was sat in my Office quietly typing away on my computer but my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't help but think about Astrid, and her pregnancy. I was gonna be a dad! I couldn't believe it. I smiled to myself as I thought of this.

"I'm gonna be a dad..." I whispered to myself. I couldn't believe it... 

Ring Ring. 

I shot a look at my phone, but not my office phone. My personal phone. 

Ring Ring. 

I grabbed it quickly expecting to see Astrid's phone number on it, but it wasn't. It was a number I hadn't seen in a long time. I answered the phone and held it to my ear,

"Hello?" I heard muffled voices on the other line before they cleared and a clear crisp voice spoke down the line.

"Hello, is this Hiccup Haddock?" I froze,

"Yes, this is he." The voice paused with a sigh and then spoke gently.

"I am sorry to inform you that your wife, Astrid Haddock, has been in a terrible accident. She is currently in the hospital on---" I almost dropped the phone but immediately answered back.

"I'm on my way!" I quickly hung up before the voice on the other side could answer. I rushed out of my office and ran out of the building. I was so concerned about Astrid that I didn't care about the weird stares I was receiving from fellow co-workers.


I burst through the doors of the hospital and ran through the clean, white corridors of the hospital. I recognized most of the nurses from when I had my leg amputated 7 years ago. As I passed them in the hall they greeted me but I was too focused on finding Astrid.

Eventually, I found the reception desk in the Accident and Emergency room. I quickly asked where Astrid was, and I was given a short and snappy answer from the rather worried receptionist on the other side of the desk. I saw the worry in her eyes, or was that just my worry reflected in her eyes? I ran down the corridor in which the receptionist had directed me and finally arrived at her room.

There I saw her limp figure covered in bandages from head to toe. Her left leg was raised and wrapped tightly in a cast. Her face was badly bruised, and her arms were in casts as well. To be frank, she looked awful. But I still managed to see her beauty beneath everything, which never failed to make me smile. I quietly wandered over to her and sat in the chair that was beside her bed. I grabbed her hand and held it in mine. I kissed the back of her hand gently whilst I listened to her calm breaths.

"Shush now... Don't be afraid... I'm right beside you... Always..." I allowed the threatening tear to roll down my cheek. 

I miss you Astrid, I thought to myself. 

"Oh, hello. You must be Hiccup Haddock. Mrs Haddock's husband, correct?" I nodded. Afraid that if I say a word then I'll burst into tears. The doctor nodded in sympathy and looked at the notepad that was in his hands. He clicked the pen once he saw Astrid's heartbeat monitor,

"Is she okay?" The doctor was so absorbed in his work that he barely heard me.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. She'll be fine. She's broken her leg, broken her arm in three places. She's also experienced some major bruising to her face," He paused. It felt like he was going to continue but he just stared at the heartbeat monitor.

"What's wrong?" The doctor smiled at me,

"When you grabbed her hand or when you arrived her heart rate has increased, not by much, but just enough to be noticeable..." With that, he turned to leave. But then when he reached the door he stopped. He had looked through Astrid's notes once more before leaving, but he had obviously seen something of note. Or at least some importance to me.

"Doctor, I just need to ask... Is there anything else you need to tell me about my wife's condition?" The doctor turned to me and nodded sorrowfully,

"I'm afraid that because your wife was in the early stages of her pregnancy..." Oh no. My stomach turned, I didn't want to know. I couldn't know, "Unfortunately the baby didn't survive... I'm sorry..." Then the doctor finally turned to leave, but not before giving me one last glance of pity. The door to the room finally closed and all that was left was silence and the sound of quiet tears falling to the ground.

What did you think? Alright, I won't say much and I'll just continue onto the next one but please let me know what you think of this one as well!!!

Story 2: Purpose

Astrid's POV:

I looked at the pregnancy test that sat on the edge of the sink. Positive. I couldn't believe it. I can't be pregnant! I remember what happened, but it was a mistake what happened. Hiccup and I just got really drunk one night and messed around. I didn't expect this to happen, nor to sleep with my best friend and roommate. How am I supposed to tell him?

I quickly binned the pregnancy test and left the flat along with my coat and keys. I ran out of the building and walked along the street in the pouring rain, just me and my thoughts. I just needed to think.

Heather! Maybe she could help me? It's worth a shot. So I picked up the pace and swam through the wet polka-dot streets of Berk to Heather's house.


I arrived at the entrance to her house and stood in the gateway for a moment. I just need to be confident, she'll help me. She's been in this kind of situation before, I remember. I took in a quick deep breath and sighed. I felt my feet carry me towards the entrance to her house, and I couldn't help but recollect my memories of our past. Her crush on Fishlegs, mine on Hiccup... It was short-lived as soon as we went our separate ways. But we never lost touch.

I reached out my cold, damp fist to the door. Do I knock? I was scared and nervous, I'd never been in this situation before. After a few moments, I finally made up my mind and viciously knocked on her door in an effort to be loud enough for her to hear me in her mansion-like house.

After a couple of minutes, she finally arrived at the door and saw my shivering, wet figure standing in the doorway. She breathed in a sigh of shock as she ran over to my limp, damp body.

"MARY! We have a guest!" Out of my now blurry vision, I saw a quick frail figure dash to me and the two carried me over to their drawing room. Just as we entered my body and mind gave up as I suddenly fainted.

Hiccup's POV:

I arrived home early from work and entered our flat. Astrid and I had agreed to share a flat in order to save money as both of our parents had cut us off from their funds. My father, being the mayor, wanted me to have a life that I built and not one that he had built for me. Just like a mayor building his town. It was an independence lesson and a bad one at that.

I called out into the empty flat, I was hoping that Astrid was in so that I could talk to her about our little incident a couple of weeks ago. I needed to tell her that it did mean something to me. I love her. I searched the flat in the hopes of finding her asleep somewhere or even just ignoring me.

I reached the bedroom to find it also empty. I sighed into the empty silence. Maybe she isn't here. I decided to go and wash myself off, I then walked over to the eerily dark bathroom. I switched on the light and walked over to the sink. I washed my hands and looked in the mirror and at the stranger that stood in the reflection.

"What am I doing?" I whispered to myself. 

That's when I looked down into the bin. At a glance, I noticed something odd on the rubbish that cushioned the base of the bin. I bent down for a closer look.

"A... Pregnancy test?!" I picked up the test and looked at it carefully. 


What?! She's pregnant! I couldn't believe it. I dropped the test back into the bin and ran back into the flat, this couldn't be happening, could it? We only had sex once, and it wasn't like we'd... No! She couldn't be. Even though I would love to be a father, I don't think Astrid feels the same way. Why would she? She's never wanted kids, she's told me. She said that only someone special would change her mind. I had to find her before I'm too late.

With that, I ran out of the flat and in pursuit of Jack's apartment.

Astrid's POV:

I finally regained consciousness and saw Heather's bright green eyes staring back into mine. I held my head in discomfort as I tried to sit up.

"Ugh... What happened?" I asked as Heather quietly sighed. I think she was glad that I was okay, at least I hope she did.

"You came into my house and fainted. But you looked a little shaken as you came in, are you okay?" It was my turn to sigh. I had planned on telling Heather but I had obviously fainted before I had the chance. I turned to look back at her emerald eyes, but they don't shine as brightly as Hiccup's do. 

"Heather... I'm pregnant." I watched as Heather's expression turned from soft sympathy to a hard, cold stare of surprise. 

"No. Way! Who's the lucky fella?!"Heather asked, teasingly. I took a deep breath before I answered hesitantly,

"Hiccup..." Heather smiled. She quietly and charmingly took me in for a hug. Her muscular arms wrapped themselves delicately around my shoulders.

"Let me guess... You came here for help?" I sighed and pulled away from her warm embrace and as soon as I did so, I felt cold and empty.

"Heather, I don't want an abortion. But I don't want to keep the baby..." Heather's eyes widened.

"Are you saying what I think you are saying?" I nodded. She instantly understood what I was asking. "Alright... I'll get Mary to run you a steaming hot bath and I'll open this new bottle of Vodka I have bought recently." I looked at her confused. "Don't worry. It'll work. I've done it this way before." I nodded slowly. 

Here goes nothing.


I slowly sat into the scalding hot bath, I dipped my toe in and watched as the vicious water encircled my toe and wrapped its deadly heat around my innocent toe. But I knew I had no choice, I didn't want this baby. At this thought I carefully lowered myself into the magnificent bathtub and watched as my skin turned from pale to red in seconds.

I took the bottle of Vodka that Heather had given me before I had come to the Bathroom. I quietly chipped the top off the bottle and looked at the colourless liquid that sat inside the bottle.

"Well, down the hatch..." I quickly brought the alcohol to my lips and allowed the cold liquid to run itself down my throat and settle into my stomach. Of course, I didn't drink it all at once. I just drank a tiny bit and set it down on the table beside the bath, and I let my mind think about the night that had brought me here. 

The independence lesson for Hiccup. The party. My idiocy. The fact that I got drunk. Me and Hiccup having sex. Ugh! If he and I hadn't got drunk, then this would never have happened. 

I just wish I'd never met him...

Hiccup's POV:

I arrived at Jack's and vigorously knocked on his door. He hastily opened his door and allowed me to enter. I ran in and straight away, turned to face him. Jack looked at me worriedly,

"Hiccup, bro. Are you okay?" I sighed and scratched the top of my head in frustration,

"Yes, no. Maybe. I don't know... Astrid's pregnant and I can't find her anywhere." Jack sighed and looked into my eyes with a look of sorrow. He placed his hands on my shoulders as I sighed.

"Hiccup, don't you think that she's hiding from you because she doesn't want to be found?" I pushed his hands off my shoulders and stared at him,

"NO! She's hiding because she wants to be found! Not because she doesn't! But I'm scared of what she might do to the baby..." Jack gasped as if he'd just remembered something. He then ran into his apartment and then reappeared a couple of seconds later with his phone in his hand. He then pressed a button and a familiar voice was heard on the other line:


Hi Jack, it's Heather. I wanted to know where Hiccup was as I believe Astrid is about to make a big mistake regarding her current status and I am really scared for her but she does seem determined to shut herself out from the world. If you see Hiccup tell him that Astrid needs him more than he or even she knows and you've got to be there for each other, no matter what... Thanks.

The line cut off. I stood in shock and stared at the phone that had left the message. Jack stared at me.

"What are you waiting for? Go!"


I arrived at Heather's house, out of breath and sweating from head to toe. But I didn't really care. I wanted to stop Astrid from making the biggest mistake of her life. I quickly knocked on Heather's door and waited impatiently on the doorstep. I soon heard the door creak open and a few small footsteps from within the house. I slowly turned to face the girl in the doorway.

"Thank the gods you're here, Hiccup. Come in, quickly." I rushed in and turned to look at Heather but she soon turned me around and was instantly pushing me up the stairs of her grand house. I didn't even have enough time to take in my surroundings, she was pushing me that fast. I just quietly went along with it and allowed her to push me up her rather steep stairs.

We soon came to a door which had a sign which proved to be rather illegible over the years. Even I couldn't make it out now. I turned to Heather and shrugged.

"Why have we stopped?" Heather sighed and rolled her eyes whilst putting her hands on her hips.

"Astrid's in there." I face-palmed. Of course, she was. But why hasn't she opened the door to the room and allowed me in?

"So, are you coming in with me?" Heather chuckled at me. What was so funny?

"You're the only one who's seen her naked. I don't think she would appreciate me being in there." I was dumbfounded. This was the bathroom! How could I have been so blind? Of course! It's the only room that could possibly need a sign. I sighed.

"Fine. Wish me luck..." Heather smiled and put a hand on my shoulder in comfort,

"Good luck. I'll be right here..." I took a deep breath and turned the door handle. I heard a rustle of water from inside. I slowly pushed open the door and saw Astrid's perfectly shaped body comfortably resting inside a rather large bathtub. I closed the door behind me and saw Astrid's surprise at my presence.

"Hiccup? What are you doing here?!" I kneeled down beside the bath and placed a hand on the side of it for balance.

"Heather called," I answered bluntly. I saw the worry in Astrid's eyes as she looked down at her bare body. But I kept a firm look at Astrid's face. I didn't want her to feel any more embarrassed than she probably already was. 

She sighed.

"I'm guessing you know that I'm pregnant..." I nodded. I searched for her hand and grabbed it, placing it in mine,

"I do. I just want you to know that I am happy to do whatever you want. If you don't want it that's fine. I just want you to know something." I paused and looked deep into her eyes and she looked back into mine.

"Yes?" I took another deep breath.

"Remember what I said before we slept together?" She nodded hesitantly, "I told you that I love you, and I meant every word. I do love you Astrid Hofferson. Whatever choice you make... I will be by your side." Astrid smiled as I saw a tear cascade down her cheek.

"I love you too, Hiccup..." I smiled and held her hand tighter. At that moment I really couldn't have cared less what choice she made. It was just me and her. That was all that mattered.

This one is also in my other One Shot book!

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