If we have each other

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It has been 125 days since I have seen Hiccup the last time.Shortly after I received a message that my mom was sick I flew to Berk to stay with her during her last days on this earth.But those days turned into weeks and last night Alva Hofferson died after a long and painful time. I cried the whole night beside her bed, holding her hand and hoping that she would wake up the next morning. I want her to hug me and tell me that she will always stay by my side.

But I knew this would never happen.

So here I am standing, looking at the ocean and wondering what is going to happen to me. My Dad died when I was really young during a dragon attack. I don't have any siblings and the only person who is left of the Hofferson family is my cousin who got married a few weeks ago. I bet she doesn't want anybody right now in her household.

I feel a soft touch on my back. As I turn around I see Stormfly looking at me with sad eyes. "We will go through this together, right girl?". She nodded in response. I sigh and stand up, still looking at the ocean. Why? I don't know myself. Maybe I hope that somebody will appear and tell me that all of this is only nightmare.

As I walk to our house, I realize how lonely I am now. There won't be any person who could take me in their arms if I had a bad day, telling me how much they love me. Nobody will wait for me coming home after a long day of training dragons with Hiccup.


The thought of him gave me goosebumps. He lost his mom at a very young age too. I wonder how much it hurt him, knowing that he will never get to know the love of his mother. I shivered. He learned to live with this fact that is why I look up to him. I will need to learn from him.

I open the doors of my house. It's quiet and you can only hear the sounds of the fire. Wait..fire? I cleary remember that it didn't burn when I left the house for the funeral. I pick my axe from the corner and move slowly closer to the flames. "Who are you?", I ask into the silence.

No answer.

Suddenly steps.I get into fight position, ready for every possibility."Bloody hell, who are you?", I ask with a clear anger in my voice. The person moves closer to me and then she stands right in front of me.

"Woah, Astrid relax!"

I would recognize this voice everywhere."Hiccup?". He laughs. "Yes, it's me." "What the hell are you doing here?" He looks at me sadly. "How are you?" "I'm okay, I guess" I look to the side, not wanting Hiccup to be able to see the tears in my eyes. "No, you're not. That's why I'm here. My dad told me what happened last night. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It was pretty clear that she would die sooner or later." Hiccup moves closer. He takes my hand in his. "It's not okay. You don't have to be strong in front of me." Those words had been missing. Suddenly I feel the whole weight on my shoulders. I start to cry.

Thousand of tears are falling down and I just can't stop them. Warm arms are hugging me within a second and I sigh in relief. "Everything is okay, Astrid, if we have each other."

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