Chapter 2

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Southampton dock - day 84 years ago

as the gleaming white superstructure of Titanic rises mountainously beyond the rail, and above that the buff-colored funnels stand against the sky like the pillars of a great temple.
Crewmen move across the deck, dwarfed by the awesome scale of the
steamer. Southanmpton, England, April 10, 1912.
      It is almost noon on sailing day. A crowd of hundreds blackens the pier next to Titanic like ants on a jelly sandwich. IN FG a gorgeous burgundy Renault touring car swings into frame, hanging from a loading crane.
         It is lowered toward HATCH #2. On the pier horsedrawn vehicles, motorcars and lorries move slowly through the dense throng. The atmosphere is one of excitement and general giddiness. People embrace in tearful farewells,
        or wave and shout bon voyage wishes to friends and relatives on the decks above. A white Renault leading a silver-gray daimler-Benz pushes through the crowd leaving awake in the press of people. Around the handsome cars people are streaming to board the ship, jostling with hustling seamen and stokers, porters, and barking white star line officials. The Renault stops and the liveried driver scurries to open the door for a Young man dressed in a
stunning white and purple outfit, with an enormous feathered hat. He is 17 years old and gorgeously beautiful, regal of bearing, with huge innocent sparkling brown eyes. It is the boy in the drawing. Hiro He looks up at the ship, taking it in with cool appraisal a small smile on his lips.

"I don't see what all the fuss is about why you forced me here It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretania" Hiro said with a shrug. "You can be blase about some things,
Hiro, but not about Titanic. It's over a hundred feet longer than Mauretania, and far more luxurious It has squash courts, a Parisian cafe... even Turkish baths" Krei turns and fives his hand to Hiro's.

Hiro's aunt Auntie cass who descends from the touring car behind Krei him. Cass is a happy person who took in Hiro when her sister and her husband passed away in a car accident leaving Hiro an orphan ,money may be low but she rules her cafe with iron will "Your nephew is much too hard impress, Cass". "Well he is Krei" aunt cass stares in amazement at the ship.
Imagining how much she will miss her precious Hiro.

A White star line porter man scurries toward them, harried by last minute "Sir, you'll have to check your baggage through the main terminal round that way--
Krei nonchalantly hands the man a small bag. The porter's eyes dilate to a glare. "I put my faith in you my good man".

"Well We'd better hurry. This way hiro" He indicates the way toward the first class runway aunt cass in tears hugs Hiro "I'm going to miss you so much sweetie" "me too aunt cass you've showed me so much throughout my life I don't know how I will manage" let's go of Hiro cupping his porcelain cheeks "you can do it Hiro I have great faith in you" aunt cass hugs Hiro again "last hug".
Krei grabs Hiro's wrist "we better get a move on now" "bye aunt cass take care of mochi tell honey lemon and GoGo That I'll meet them there!" Soon enough there engulfed in the crowd.


"Fred I can't believe you bet our tickets!" "And you bet his money so it's technically not my fault wasabi" tadashi rolls his eyes an amused smile upon his lips Tadashi takes the card and slips it into his hand. They betray nothing. licking his lips nervously as he refuses a card. in the middle of the table.
        Bills and coins from four counrties. This has been going on for a while. Sitting on top of the money are two 3rd class tickets for The titanic .The Titanic's whistle blows again. Final warning that's it's about to leave.
"The moment of truth Fred,wasabi Somebody's life's about to change!"
    The man across named Gary puts his cards down. So does Tadashi.  "Sorry Gary you lose".  Tadashi stands up taking the tickets along with the money.
    "Oh no! 5 minutes move! Let's move!" They run for the door.

Arriving at the titanic flushing and panting Tadashi waves the tickets  "Wait!! We're passengers!" "Have you been through the inspection" eyeing Tadashi and wasabi and Fred "of course!" "Alright come on aboard" "Come on, Wasabi! Tadashi and Fredwhoop with victory as they run down the white-painted corridero... grinning from ear to ear.
"We are the luckiest alive!"

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