Chapter 4

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We started to walk to the lake. Sophie lead the way with Jake close behind her and Sarah behind him. I stayed towards the back with James as we walked in silence. James wasn't that graceful, he kept tripping over roots our hitting his head on low hanging branches. Some one had to make sure this idiot didn't kill himself after all our struggle to heal him.

I pushed a few branches out of my way as we trudged on. Everyone was carrying a large bag to carry our findings in. Sarah had stopped to pick up some herbs our fruit a long the way and stuffed it in her bag, thank fully, James brought a bag too so he could make up for lost space.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you get here", James broke the silence and asked me.

"What do you mean", I replied and watched my steps as to not sprain my ankle on a chipmunk den.

"Why do you live out here, in the middle of no where?" James said and waited for me to answer.

"Well, eight years ago, the town in Maine i was living in was bombed by the Overtakers. We gathered supplies and barely made it out alive, unfortunately, our parents had risked everything to keep us safe and they died. We wandered for weeks through forests and along side roads until we found out we were in Canada. We kept exploring until we found the abandoned cabin that we now call home. I have helped my family ever since," I said with  sorrow.

Recalling all those memories, how we ended up the way we were, how are life changed in only seconds.

"I'm sorry for your loss", James said quietly and politely.

"It's fine, after four years i moved on from the past", I said, more of trying to convince myself.

"We're here!" Sophie called back and we emerged onto the beach.

The sky was gray, the clouds showed signs of rain, that hopefully, would not arrive soon. I saw the plane crash site ahead. The engine was no longer smoking but sat soundless and still. The only thing that looked the same was all the scattered debris that littered the sand.

"Wow", James said with shock, "How did I survive this?"

"We asked the same question when we realized you weren't dead", I walked past him and started to search through.

"Why the rush?" James asked and stared over the water.

I nudged him and pointed to the sky, "Rain."

"Oh", he said and started looking through the wreckage.

"You were in the army, how could you not recognize rain clouds?" I said with amusement.

James looked up at me and shrugged, "Must be brain damage from the crash."

"Sure, keep believing that", i said with my head down in the plane's engine.

I had already grabbed the propeller, that could be useful, the little blades could easily be turned into knives. We already had one wing so we grabbed the other. Jake had pulled off one wheel and Sarah found the other one further down towards the water.

"How do you plan on using this garbage exactly?" James asked and tossed a large piece of metal aside.

"When your isolated, you use what you can find to your advantage," Sophie said with frustration as she tugged at the seat in the cockpit.

"You need help?" Jake asked her.

"No, I got it", Sophie said with determination.

Jake leaned in and pulled out something from under the seat. Sophie flew backwards with the seat in her hands.

"Jake!" She cried, "I said I got it!"

Jake backed off and went back to searching through rubble.

"I was just trying to help," He muttered under his breath as he walked by.

My bag was getting full with metal scraps and propeller blades from the engine turbines. This was not a plane you'd find in world war II, it was a modern day one of course.. When i thought of war planes my mind went to the ones used back in the 1930's and 40's. I was completely wrong.  A crash in one of those, you'd be dead.

The glass was still intact despite all odds. James shoved it in his bag and continued searching. I felt a cold drop on my cheek, then another. It trailed down my cheek and splattered on the sand. I looked up at the sky only to get a water droplet in my eye. I winced with pain then looked at the lake.

The rain had come.

"The rains here", i said to everyone who was intently searching for at this point nothing.

James looked at the clouds, "It will down pour before we know it."

"Let's go," Jake said and he lead us back on the trail.

Sarah and Sophie picked up their pace to follow Jake through the woods.

"Come on slow poke", I teased to James who was all the way in the back.

"I'm injured here", he gestured to his shoulder.

"Your injured arm shouldn't effect your legs, "I stated, "Come on unless you want to get sick."

James nodded and started to jog after me. I saw the cabin ahead and when i opened the door and threw my bag on the floor, it started to down pour. It's like the clouds liked me and decided to let the rain fall when i was safe and dry inside. James on the other hand who was behind me was not so lucky. He stood a few feet in the house completely drenched. His brown hair was darker and in his face. His clothes were soaked and he stood there for a moment.

He was about to take a step forward when Sophie stood in front of him.

"Can i not come in any further?" James asked and Sophie gave him a stern death stare.

"Not like this!" She tugged at his soaking wet sweatshirt (that i had lent him because the clothes he was wearing were reasonably not useful. And Jake had given him a pair of sweatpants).

"It's not like i can help it", James tried to reason, but what he didn't know was that once Sophie had her mind set on one thing,it almost never changed.

Sophie crossed her arms and stood silently. I ran upstairs to the bathroom and grabbed a blue towel. I ran back down the stairs and handed James the towel. James smiled and took it happily. Jake came over with a black t-shirt and handed it to him. Despite his younger age, Jake was almost the same height as James and he was only 13. I'm not saying James was short because he wasn't. He was taller than me, Sophie, and Sarah, and Jake by a little.

"Thanks", James took the shirt and pulled off he sweatshirt. He had a white shirt under neath that was also soaked.

"No problem", Jake smiled and patted James's shoulder before he sat on the couch.

James went upstairs to get changed and i gave him another pair of sweatpants. He came down the stairs with my sweatshirt in his hands.

"Sorry it got completely soaked," He said and i took it from his hands.

"No problem", I replied but James didn't look so sure.

James sat in one of the chairs and sighed.

"So, what do you do when it's raining?" He asked and rested his arms behind his head.

"Whatever we feel like", Sophie said with her head in a book and Sarah (also reading) nodded from next to her.

Jake was playing with a deck of cards at the kitchen table. I was sitting on the couch just watching the rain fall steadily. I ran my fingers through my damp and heavy hair. I felt the couch cushions sink in and I heard James sit down next to me.

"It has been a crazy couple of days", he said and I nodded.

"Definitely, we haven't seen another person since Maine", I replied and continued to mindlessly stare out the window.

"Quiet!!" Sophie hissed.

"Then go up stairs!" I shot back.

Sophie sighed and I heard her close her book and walk to the stairs with Sarah behind her.

" I used to live in Massachusetts", James said quietly, "I had two brothers, one a year older and one a year younger. I can't wait to see them again."

I turned to look at him. He must have felt my gaze because he turned to face me.

"You expect to leave? Alive?" I said and shifted my position.

"Yeah, why?" James said with concern.

"The nearest town is miles away and the wild animals with rip you to shreds in a heart beat," I said and pulled my knees up to my chest.

"Oh," James said sadly and stared at the floor.

"It's ok though. You can stay with us, me and Sophie can teach you to hunt and how to survive," I offered and nudged his shoulder gently, "it won't be that bad."

James turned and smiled, "I guess not."

The room was silent for a moment. Then I felt an odd feeling. Like someone was watching me. I look up to see Jake staring at me and James.

I give him and angry look and he backs down. I didn't think of James that way, he was just becoming friend. Leave it to Jake to take it one step further. Jake could be pretty immature some times, OK, most of the time. Then again, it's not like most of us out here can socialize that often with others.

I stood up and walked upstairs. I let my hand slide up the cool railing as I walked. I threw myself on my bed and grabbed the bag with all my findings. I grabbed the propeller blades and brushed off some of the dirt. I leaned under my bed and pulled out a medium sized rock. I know this is completely strange but if i'm bored, i'll sharpen my hunting knifes for the next day. I sat back down on my bed and started to sharpen one of the blades.

The task always calmed me after a stressful day. I intently watched the blade scrape against the rock, it was quiet and relaxing, just what I needed after today. Today's findings had the potential to be useful in the future. We could always use some new hunting and defense knives, just in case of emergency.

I heard footsteps come up the stairs and walk to the spare bed. Then, the springs in the old mattress creaked as someone sat down.

"What are you doing?" I heard James ask from across the room.

I quickly looked up then went back to work, "Turning the propeller blades into lethal knives."

"Will you turn all the metal into knives?" James asked and i shook my head.

"Some will be used for other purposes," I said, did he think I used all metal for knives and other weapons.

"Some will be arrow heads, fishing hooks, and anything else we think of", I stated calmly and touched the end of the blade.

It was getting sharper, at this rate, i could get all the propellers from the engine done by tonight.

I heard James get up and sit on the edge of my bed. He gently picked up a blade and inspected it closely.

"You got another rock?" He asked me while looking closely at the blade.

I reached down and grabbed my spare rock from under my bed and handed it to him. He met my eyes and nodded.


"No problem, it will go quicker this way", I replied and looked back down at my blade.

I heard James start to sharpen the blade.

"You can keep it," I blurted then regretted my words.

"Hmm?" James said and looked up.

"When you're done with sharpening the blade, you can keep it for hunting or defense", i finished.

"Oh, thanks," James smiled and went back to work.

I heard someone in the other corner of the room and saw Sophie reading on her bed.

"Where's Sarah?" I asked Sophie.

Sophie closed her book and looked up, "What?"

"Where is Sarah? You know, our sister?" I said with concern and my heart started to beat faster.

"I don't know, she went down stairs a few minutes ago", Sophie said and opened up her book again, "Probably went to go talk to Jake".

I stood up and walked to the stairs, I just wanted to make sure she was down there. Jake was sitting at the kitchen table, still playing with his deck of cards. I looked around for Sarah but she wasn't anywhere. I started to panic.

"What are you looking for?" Jake asked and turned to look at me.

"Have you seen Sarah?" I asked and tried to calm down.

Jake nodded, "She just went out back to get some berries from the store for a snack like a minute ago."

I nodded and threw a rain jacket on, "Thanks, Jake."

"No problem", Jake replied and turned back to his game.

I opened the door and walked into the freezing rain. I pulled on my hood and started to walk out back.

I heard Sarah's voice, she sounded nervous and scared. My heart skipped a beat as i turned the corner. There was a big bear at the woods-line about 30 feet away from Sarah!

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