Chapter 9

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It was a tough decision to let Jake come, but I guess he wouldn't stay young for ever, and as the older sibling, I would have to adjust.

"Thank you Emily for letting him come, the kids growing fast and needs this," James told me, "You did the right thing."

"Thanks James, and your welcome," I smiled, "Let's go."

Jake smiled and ran ahead. His feet crunched leaves and twigs below the snow, if there were any other dogs, we'd have to move fast.

"Come on, we have no time to waist," I told James and he nodded.

"Do we even know where we're going?" Jake moaned as his head hung down.

"If you were listening to Sarah, then you would know," I grinned, "Also,don't waist all your energy in the first ten minutes."

Jake looked at me and frowned, "Really? Could you at least tell us where we are going."

"Us?" I asked and smiled at the look of frustration on my brother's face.

"James deserves to know too!" Jake pointed out and I nodded.

"You're right, James come here," I beckoned him over.

I leaned up and whispered in his ear, "On the far side of the lake."

He looked at me and smiled and nodded, "Thanks."

"No problem," I replied and gently nudged his shoulder with mine.

"Oh really!?" Jake exclaimed and turned to me with his arms folded.

"Well if I told you, who's not to say you wouldn't just run there yourself," I sneered in his face and he backed down and rolled his eyes.

"Fine, play it your way then."

Jake stomped ahead and I gave a short and quiet laugh. I flinched at the touch of a hand on my shoulder. My neck turned and I saw James smiling.

"You just never give in, do you?" He joked as we started to walk again.

"Hey, I have more experience then him," I said and I looked ahead at the lake.

"Well I do believe I have more experience than you, so I guess I'm in charge now," James teased pushed pass me as he ran to the water.

"Oh it's on," I said through gritted teeth and rushed to the edges of the lake. The waves gently lapped the shore.

As I bolted to the shore, I was going to fast and couldn't stop in time.

"Watch out!" I cried as I tried to stop.

The sand below me dispersed and I fell forward.

I closed my eyes tight and waited for impact, but it never came. Something, more like someone, had broken my fall.

I squinted and looked up, James had me and was trying to help me up, but I wasn't cooperating.

I stood up, a little shaky on my feet and leaned on James's shoulder for support.

"You ok?" James asked and I nodded.

"Thanks," I said and we went to the other side of the lake.

I heard a bark and turned my head to see a an young male husky. He had icy blue eyes.

"He's probably their brother ," Jake proposed as he let the husky sniff his hand.

"Careful Jake, we don't know how friendly he is," James cautioned and put his hand out to Jake.

The husky rubbed its head on Jake's knee and looked up at him.

"I think he likes me," jake laughed as the dog started to lick his face.

"He's yours," I said.

I decided. Everyone else could have one of the puppies.

Jake looked at me with shock.

"Really?! I thought you would take him hunting," Jake reasoned.

I shook my head, "he chose you, and I respect that. He's young, not an adult but not a pup. He's yours."

"Are you sure your sure?" Jake asked again.

"Don't make me change my mind," I teased and let the do sniff my hand.

"Hey Emily, you might want to see this," James said with worry and I turned to see where he was.

James was crouching down by a wood pile. I walked over and looked over his shoulder. My heart skipped a beat. We had found the pup's mother. Her fur was all mangled and matted and her tongue was lolling out the side of her mouth. Jake's dog walked over and sniffed her with a whimper.

There were cuts and gashes along the husky's neck. Jake walked over and ran his hand by the wounds that were still fresh.

"Guys," Jake said with fear, "These weren't on accident. Those are bite marks, and the sheer amount proves it is not one individual."

Jake pointed to the gash, "You can see where the canines went in, the jaws must be powerful. The neck is strained and the bone feels cracked in some points. These have to be wolf bites."

I knew there were wolves in the area, but I have only seen one, once. And old and injured one, all by itself, no pack, thankfully.

"Those marks are fresh, we gotta go, now," Jake said and his dog growled.

"Oh no," Jake sighed.

"Run!" I yelled and sprinted forward.

A snarl ran in my ear and four wolves burst out of the bushes and trailed us to the beach. I was breathing heavy and my heart was racing. Me being me was not paying attention to where she was walking and tripped over her own feet. I fell down with a yelp and James turned back to look at me. The wolves were closing in. James shook his head and ran to me. He yanked my arm and I was on my feet.

"Run Emily! " He ordered and pushed me forward.

Jake had reached the woods edge and he had stopped.

"Run Jake! Don't look back!" I cried but Jake did the opposite.

He rushed towards us and pulled out a long dagger from his pocket.

"No, I'm staying to help," Jake pressed.

"There is no time to argue, so don't even start," Jame yelled.

He had a hunting knife in his hand and was pointing it at the wolves. I pulled out mine. My hands were trembling and drop of sweat rolled down my face. The husky snarled and bared its teeth.

The wolves' lips were curled into a snarl, showing off their dagger like yellow. Then, one wolf lunged at James. He sliced his knife in front of him, hitting the wolves face and trailing down to its snout. The wolf yelp and pawed at its nose. James growled and the wolf back away with its ears laid back against its head.

I heard a howl and a large, dead, gray wolf was lying at Jake's feet. His dog snarled and pawed at the dead body. The third wolf's tail was tucked in between its legs as it turned and ran. Then there was one. It lunged at me and I thought, why me!

I held out my knife but it was flung from my hand and skidded across the sand. Oh no. I was dead. I was definitely dead. I tears forming in my eyes. This wolf would show no mercy. If I moved, my throat would be ripped out. James and Jake were to far away.

The wolf barked and lunged at me. I closed my eyes and took in my last breath. Awaiting the pain. But it didn't come. I opened my eyes and saw who had saved me. James. He was lying in the sand, clutching his stomach. But how!? They were to far away! Or so I thought. Jake stabbed the last wolf and I knelt down beside my friend.

"James? James? James!" I rolled him over onto his back.

"Emily?" He groaned.

"James! Are you OK?!" I was starting to panic, "Jake! Quickly! Go get Sarah now!"

"It's no use," James rasped, "She'll be to late."

"No! You won't die! I order you to stop dying! NOW!" I cried James smiled.

"Can't make any promises there," He broke off with a cough.

"Emily what happened!?" Sarah shouted as she approached.

"We were attacked by a small wolf pack! I was going to get killed but James took the hit!" I yelled as Sarah knelt beside me.

It felt like the first time we saw James, just more urgent.

Sarah started to press a wet cloth on the wound to try and stop the bleeding.

"This seems to hurt more than last time," James groaned and i met his eyes.

His hand lay still by his side. I held it in mine and smiled at him.

"That's because last time you were unconscious," I laughed through the tears."

James feebly smiled and looked at the sky.

Sarah finished up about ten minutes later and James lifted up his head.

"Easy. You don't want to reopen the wound," I cautioned and placed my hand in his chest and pushed him gently back down.

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