freinds or foes?

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Snowdrops P.O.V.

Ok, so weres marcel go- wait what was that! "WHO'S THAT WHO GOES THERE!" I said "who are you!" A girl wearing a zipped blue and gray jacket came out from a tree um... how did she get up there! "I jumped haha! I am Ava, you can call me neon, this is star." She pointed at a girl with pale blue shiny hair, with blonde tips, another girl with a white shirt, light blue, jacket, and lavender shorts "can we come out now neon." She said "yea, sure jade!" Ava said "hey! Navah! You can come out now!" Jade said "hello? I can come out now Yay!" Navah said that stat, and neon girl look familiar " hey! Get away from her!" Seto shouted "SETO! Stop! They may think your the enemy!" I said Neon/Ava face palmed star just looked confused jade and  navah

Setos ( SetoSorcerer) P.O.V.

Who are these people I can't believe that snow let them follow us home and that girl ava, and star, they look so familiar how it's as if they are... NINJAS! ARE THEY THE GALAXY AND NEON NINJA IT MAKES SO MUCH SENCE!

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