chapter fourteen

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" AMELIA AND VERONICA. An ICED LATTE AND A CAPPUCCINO FOR YOU TWO!!" The Barista at Starbucks called out our names.

We glanced at the counter, our eyes landed on our drinks. We silently got up from our seats and collected our coffees while thanking the barista. The Starbucks was awfully crowded, most of the people were alone. Some of them flawlessly working on their laptops with their utmost concentration, while slowly slurping their coffee. Others were lost in their books, flipping the pages leisurely. We on the other hand were chatting like most if the teenagers would do.

There was first time silence between us. This was eating us alive. I knew she was aching to fire me with questions but she refused to do so. Her mind was processing with the information I provided her, the events which happened in my life when she left me. She tapped on the table, synchronising with the music playing in the background. The tapping stopped suddenly.

" So, what happened next? What did you tell Justin?" She enquired, glancing at me.

" I told him that I loved him.What else do you  expect me to say when a the other person truly cares for me and loves me?  I answered in an obvious tone.

" You are lying." She said skeptically, waiting for me to say something but I didn't. I wanted to know what was going on her mind.

" I know you Amelia. Tell me the truth." She continued.

" If you are so smart, why don't you tell me what actually happened?" I raised my eyebrows at her, wanting her to continue.

She sighed heavily and laid back on the chair before speaking

" I know Amelia, you've been through a lot. I've seen you getting bullied and harassed but Justin...... is no one. He is just an imaginary person who still sticks around you when you feel lonely and you have no one.  You  manipulate your mind into making Justin and make him do what you expect your boyfriend to do or expected your friends to do for you. All these advises and the help........all are fictitious. All the way Justin was you......a part of you. But why was Casey in the picture? " She looked at me, waiting for me to answer her question.

I smiled at her, I gave her a genuine smile.

" are right. Justin is no one. I just wanted a happy ending, I could never get so I made one for myself. And as far as Casey is concerned, I wouldn't ever want to ruin my date by having my boyfriend's ex girlfriend but wouldn't it be wonderful if that person chooses you despite his ex girlfriend being so much better than me? I think that would be the best thing ever. " I replied and smiled at her again.

Then again we were surrounded by silence, that I decided to break this time. I cleared my throat while grabbing the coffee.

" We should go now. It was nice catching up with you. " I opened my purse to take out the money but a paper fell out of my purse. I bent down to pick up the fallen paper but it fell on Veronica's side.

" Here, I got it. " She bent down to pick up the paper while I paid the money. I looked at her but she had what-the- hell? expression. Her eyes bulged out of her socket, her hand holding the pink  paper  and reading it over and over.

" What happened?" I snatched the paper out of her hands and read it.

Your smile is the only reason that keeps me alive. I would give you my soul for your comfort even if it leaves me dark and cold.

P.S.  I would love you, forever and always.....

My Cupcake.

" What the........" My throat went dry.

" There is a thin line between Reality and Fantasy. It all depends on which we want to live and believe in "


Finally, this story is over! I hope you all enjoyed it. There will be an epilogue though  which is not clearly associated with the story.

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