chapter one

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There are those moments in life which you want to forget about. Those which you want to get rid of, the ones which haunt you each second and gnaw you alive untill they take away every part of you but, you can't do it. You put in your absolute effort, but you just can't. Let us pause for a second, shall we? What we can do is we can refresh those bad ones with the happiest memories.

But, what if nothing appreciable and pleasurable ever happened in your life?

I took a step into the school campus, whilst having a very rare genuine smile plastered on my face and wearing my pink barbie backpack. My small feet dragged me to the stairs which lead to my class. I was already late on the first day, since I've joined a new school. I ran as fast as I could and opened the door with a bang.

"May I come in, m-ma'am?" I asked out of my breath. The teacher nodded politely, brushing off the fact that I was late.I looked around the class, taking in the new interior and not to mention, the new faces of different people. All of the students looked at me like I had committed some crime. Their stares made me feel as if my face had "weirdo" written on it. Blood rushed through my cheeks at the unwanted attention and they turned to the brightest shade of pink.I slowly walked up to my assigned bench, where I was supposed to sit beside a girl.

I took my seat and for some unknown reason, she looked like she was offended or agitated by my presence. Her face was rather fair which perfectly conformed with her short hair and she seemed pretty tall, too. Overall, she was amazingly pretty. I diverted my gaze to the blackboard, not wanting to continue gawking at her randomly. The teacher was so disinterested, but regardless she continued to teach. The class was over in no time and I realized, now was the time to introduce myself to my classmate, whom I was seated beside.

I looked warmly at the girl and extended my hand. "Hi, I'm Amelia."

She looked at me with an amused yet, rude expression as she raised her eyebrows, "So?"

Ashamed, I looked down at my bench, not at all daring to look at her in the eyes. Tears threatened to come out of my eyes.

"I-I w-was ju-ust introducing." I mumbled, my voice cracking.

"I don't care. Now, get out of my way!" She yelled, annoyed and scratched my face with her nails, forcing me to stumble out of her way.

I looked at her shocked and defenseless as she devilishly walked away. I felt the funny stares coming from all directions as they quietly laughed at me. And that's when I realized something.

They  found a new target to mess around with.

Some of the stares were followed by laughter while others were just blank. Although, none of the students seemed to care. Maybe, I shouldn't too. And I didn't.

School was soon over. I got out of my bus and ran to my mother.

"Mommy!" I screeched happily, whilst wrapping my arms around her neck. She smiled brightly, but her smile slowly disappeared as soon as she saw my face.

"Sweetie, Are you ok? Go wash your face real quick." She said worriedly.

The red scratch marks soon disappeared from my face, but never from my life.

I told her everything, but being so childish, I couldn't explain a single thing properly. I still wonder if understood what I told her.

She called my class teacher, telling her everything and asked me the name of the girl.I felt so foolish at the time for not even knowing the name of the girl.

"Taylor." The name slipped out of my mouth, before I could even control it.

And I was once again, the laughing stock of the whole class and my family. Her name was Tessa.

The girl who soon turned out to be a nightmare which came true.


My clock snapped me out of my thoughts. I wiped the left over tears from my cheeks.

"Time to go to the hell hole again"

(I don't know why Wattpad is being a jerk. Cannot see the edited version )

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