Poor Jacob

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Johanna knocks on the bathroom door.

"What?" Jeanette shouts angry from behind the bathroom door.

"I want to use the toilet. Hurry up!"

"I'm still busy. You'll just have to wait!"

Sauntering over to the living room, Johanna flops down on the couch.

"If mom saw you doing that, you would have been in big trouble." Charmain said with eyes fixed on the television set while eating pop corn out of the bowl on her lap.

"We've got to do something. She's going to stay in that bathroom for hours. We must teach her a lesson. She always does this when mom is not home." She said whining.

"What do you want to do?" Charmain puts the bowl down and fixes her attention on Johanna. She's always game for making Jeanette's life hell.

"I don't know. We must do something to scare her. Maybe act like there's an intruder in the house, and shout blue murder. We must scream like crazy people or something."

"Hahaha. That's a plan. Do you think it will work?"

"I don't know. Maybe she'll leave the intruder to kill us and continue with whatever it is she's doing."

"Yea, you're right."

"Okay, I think I have a plan. You go out the front door. Go round to the back door and knock. When I open the door I will act like someone wants to force entry into the house, and I'll start screaming for her to help. What do you think?"

"Yes, yes! It's a good plan." Giggling, they both got up and went to the front door.

It was raining and cold outside. As soon as Charmain opened the door to go outside a cold breeze blew in.

When she looked up, a man was standing in the door, towering over her. He was dressed in baggy, old and torn clothes and smelled dirty, a big bag hanging over his shoulder. He had a smile on his face, two front teeth missing and his eyes were skew.

At first she just stared at him and then realised it was Sakaboela.

"Sakaboela!" She got such a fright that she started shouting and screaming. Running into the house jumping up and down like a mad child, while screaming all along. She was hysterical. She just kept on jumping and shouting.

Johanna in the meantime, realised what had just happened, and fell into a fit of laughter.

Jeanette burst out of the bathroom with a towel around her, running into the dinning room. She was sliding all they way there, her feet still wet from the bath.

"What the hell is going on?" She shouted above Charmain's screams.

"Sakaboela!" She shouted while pointing at the door.

Jeanette rushed over to the door and saw Johanna laughing so hard that she almost couldn't keep herself upright.

"What happened?" She asked.

When she realised that Johanna was in no position to speak she turned to the door.

"Oh, hello Jacob. What happened here?"

"I don't know, Jeanette. I was just about to knock when the door opened. The little one saw me and started screaming, then she ran away."

"I'm sorry Jacob. What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm finished in the garden."

"Thank you Jacob. Enjoy your weekend." Turning around to look at me with one hand on her hip.

"What were you guys up to? And stop crying, Charmain, it was only Jacob."

Charmain approached the living room carefully, still crying. Johanna was in stitches about what just happened.

"If you don't stop laughing now, I'm going to tell mom you scared your little sister, and she will punish you."

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." Johanna told Jeanette what they planned on doing to get her out of the bathroom. "It was only a joke, and when she opened the door, there was really someone standing there." She snorted.


Hi guys. I hope you enjoyed reading the story just as much as me writing it.

This is actually a true story. I was about ten years old when this happened. My eldest sister is fifteen years older than me. She was getting ready to go on a date that night. My sister loved taking long baths. The problem was, we only had one bathroom in the house. So, if someone was in there you had to wait your turn.

Sakaboela. Mmmmmmm. Lol. I haven't used that name in years. It's a name our parents used to scare us. It is supposed to be a big ugly person who wants to steal children. It's an Afrikaans name. Sak - means bag. And Boela - means boooh - to scare you. A scary person who wants to put you in his bag and take you away. They used to say, "I'm calling Sakaboela if you don't behave now".

It was a silly plan, but in the end it got her out of the bathroom, lol. I can't remember if she ever took long baths after that.

Thanx for reading;-)

I would like to thank deadbeatsparkles for making the cover for this short story. Please check out her book here http://w.tt/1PseMqy.

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