Behind Glass (Part 1)

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Ashford's men drive the convoy down a steep hill with Mya and me in the front. The ground changes from its rocky state to a more plush, mossy surface. My feet sink into the grass as I step over fallen branches and bodies of infected.

After what feels like an eternity of silent walking, the trees clear and reveal a paved road. The white and yellow paint on the black asphalt is faded and peeling, and cracks snake across the surface.

A single gray Compound 1 truck sits in the middle of the road. A black tarp stretches over the bed, held up by metal ribs. The cab looks big enough to fit four plus men in.

"Get in," the woman barks, digging the pistol into my spine. I glare at her over my shoulder as I crawl up into the truck on my knees, staggering with unbalanced weight. Mya might not weigh much, but it's hard to step up without using my hands.

I walk on my knees to the back of the bed where black crates have been stacked against the window.

"Sit," the woman commands, and I do as I'm told, shifting Mya's body so that it sits beside me with her head leaning on my shoulder.

While Athena, Isaac, and Jay climb into the truck as well, I check Mya for a pulse. My shaking, filthy fingers find the strong heartbeat, and I breathe a sigh of relief. As long as she's not dead, we'll be okay.

Surely they'll send her to see a medical professional once we get to Compound 1.

After we're all in, with Isaac sitting beside Jay across from me and Athena on my side, the woman slams the back of the truck shut.

I could climb out the hole between the tarp and tailgate and make a run for it. It would be easy.

Yet, they have guns, and I have Mya, who I'm still responsible for. Leaving her isn't an option. The kidnappers know I won't abandon my friends, either. They're counting on it.

"Sakir, I think it's time you tell us what's going on," Jay says as the truck roars to life and moves forward with a jump.

"President Ashford is hunting me," I say, emptily. Isn't that obvious?

Jay rolls her eyes at me.

"I see that," she says, "but why is he hunting the both of you? I know he wants you, but she's just a child."

I run a free hand through my hair and shake my head.

I pause for a minute and glance down at the unconcious girl beside me. She should be telling her own story.

"Mya's story was written in full the day her mother moved her into the lab. She's supposed to be dead. Dr. Julien made a deal with Ashford. Her life in exchange for theirs," I explain. Does Mya even know that? Goosebumps spread across my arms at the memory of Dr. J giving that secret over to me. She thought I would die before I could reveal it.

"And where is the doctor now?"

"We aren't sure. After Mya's brother was killed, she left the lab and didn't return. Mya came and woke me up, and then we ran. I assume she was taking the anti-vac to Ashford."

"Mya's brother was killed?" Jay asks, looking at Mya with newfound pity.

"It was his week when Dr. Julien succeeded in making the anti-vaccine."

I tell them about the experiments and how I was used for testing the solutions. 

"But if he got what he wanted, why is he still hunting you?" Athena says, wiggling against her cuffs. "I mean, he doesn't need you for testing anymore. He could just contaminate the water sources and wait for the effects to spread. Why keep chasing after you?"

"I think we have something to do with that," Isaac says in a low voice.

I narrow my eyes at him.


"Yeah, Ashford wants us as well. We've been running up and down the east coast for two years starting rebellions," Isaac says with a sigh. "Wouldn't you want to stomp out the resistance at the source? Ashford was so close to the end that he could taste it, but we refuse to let him win. Jay is like a symbol of the compound's revolutions. Take her out of the picture, and you destroy everything she's built up."

Jay butts in.

"That's what President Kovach tried to do in Compound 5. She thought if she killed me that the forces behind me would stop as well."

"And will they?" I ask.

"Probably. It was hard enough convincing Compounds 2 and 3 to overthrow their presidents in the first place. They're standing on glass right now. One punch, and the whole thing will fall."

"Then maybe that's what Ashford's afraid of," I say. "He started all of this fifteen years ago. He feels his power slipping and wants to regain it. We're all responsible for this. We are the last original immunes."

The four of us fall silent.

"I'm not responsible for being immune," Jay mutters as she looks away from me. "My dad did this to me. Go after our parents, for God's sake."

"They already did," I mumble.

Jay's eyes go wide as she realizes I'm right. Her mother was killed in the attack on Compound 4. Mine fell naturally. Both Papa and Dr. Price are heavily guarded behind the walls of Compound 5. They're both lucky to be alive.

Athena groans loudly.

"But I haven't done anything!" she hisses.

"Guilty by association?" Isaac suggests.

That doesn't comfort her. She leans against my shoulder and heaves one big sigh before relaxing.

We spend the next two hours in silence. I guess it's a good thing we didn't try to walk back to Compound 1; Mya never would have made it.

The road stretches behind us with few blemishes, and the thick forests of Compound 2 fade into the distance. Trees shrink into nothing more than green dots, littered with bare fingers of trees that have already shed their fall leaves. The wind whips around us, and Athena shivers against the chill. I wrap a free arm around Mya and pull her close to me.

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