Chapter XV

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The Family Jewels
0:49 ─●──────── -3:27
↻      ◁ II ▷     ↺
Oh don't you find it strange?
Only thing we share is one last name
Did I beat you at your own game?
Typical of me to put us all to shame


The day before the wedding came quick. Nico sat in the carriage, on his way back to Astrape. It was happening tonight. They were leaving tonight. Will assured him that he and Hazel would get to Astrape easily. Perseus said he had supplies. Thalia said Jason was convinced. Things were going to plan so far.

The entire day passed much too slowly. Nico was too anxious to relax. During dinner, he had a silent conversation with Perseus through his eyes. They were all nervous. They all knew what was coming. Once the sun had set and everyone had went to bed, Nico went out to the garden. That was where they arranged to meet. He was the first one there.

He thought he was alone until he saw someone walk out from the shadows. He jumped, realising it was the Queen of Thnēskō. What was she doing out there so late?
She walked over to Nico, leaning down to be eye level with him. For a minute, he saw Bianca in her eyes. They looked alike.
"My son," the queen whispered. "Make Bianca proud. You will be the change Olympia needs."
Did she know? How would she know? Nico hadn't talked to her in years. No one had. "I- I will."
The queen smiled. Nico had only seen her fake smiling. Her real smile was beautiful. "I love you, Nicollò. Nico."
"I love you too," Nico paused. "Mama."

The queen put her hand on his cheek for a second, leaning closer to his ear. She whispered, so quietly that Nico wasn't sure whether she actually said anything. "Angel."
She walked away, back inside. He couldn't believe that had just happened. He didn't have much time to think about it, though, because Perseus walked outside a minute later.

"Hi," Nico said, voice shaking slightly.
"Hey. Where's Thalia and Jason?"
He shrugged. "I'm hoping they come soon. Hazel and Will should be here in a minute."
"Hazel is the one helping us escape? And Will is coming with us?"

"Jason, please," Nico heard Thalia's voice.
"Thalia, this is a bad idea. The guards will look for us. We can't survive out there-"
"Yes, we can."
"Hey?" Perseus called over to them.
"Come on," Thalia whispered, before walking towards Nico and Perseus. "Hi."
"I thought you convinced him," Nico nodded to Jason.
"I have. Sorta."

Suddenly the ground opened, causing Perseus to jump back.
"They're here," Nico said, crouching down. "Hey, Will. Hazel."
"Hold up," Jason laughed. "Whoever did that," he pointed to the hole. "Is magick. Did you fail to mention that part?"
"How else would we get out of here unseen?"
"I'm not travelling with magicks."

"Woah," Perseus grinned. "That's kinda cool."
Nico frowned with confusion. He expected Perseus to react more like Jason.
"It's not cool!" Jason said. "It's dangerous. What were you thinking?"
Nico rolled his eyes, before jumping into the hole. He almost fell, but Will caught him.
"Hey," Will whispered, less than an inch away from his face.
"Uh- hi."

Perseus jumped down a second later, also falling. Will didn't catch him. Nico tried not to laugh. Thalia came next. After a minute, Jason followed.
"Hey guys," Will smiled. No one replied.
"This is a tunnel," Perseus pointed out.
"Yep," Hazel said. "Now, we're going to the woods?"
"Mhm," Nico said.
"Stand back," Hazel held out her arms. The dirt disappeared for several metres. "Hey, sunshine, none of us can see."
"Oh- right," Will said, before he started to glow.

"You're joking," Jason said. "Both of them?! This is a fucking joke."
"It's not a joke," Nico said, walking beside Will as Hazel continued to make the tunnel longer. "They're harmless."
"We're almost there," Hazel said. "Ugh, I hate making new tunnels."
"We should just live underground," Perseus said jokingly. "The guards won't find us."
"No," Thalia said. "I hate underground. Plus there's something in the woods. There's something we need to find. There's a reason all this is happening."
Nico frowned. "What?"
"I don't know. I just feel it."

• • •

"We're here," Hazel broke to the surface. It was weird- Nico had never seen magick like it. He didn't believe Will at first.
Will boosted Hazel up. It seemed like they'd done it a few times. They worked well together. It made Nico feel weird- it almost felt like jealousy.
"Never thought about how we'd get out," Perseus said.
"I could make dirt steps," Hazel said. "But that's a lot of effort. So I use Will instead. Personal torch-ladder."
"Cmon," Will smiled at Nico, holding out his hands for Nico to step on them.
"I'll fall."
"You won't. Hurry up."
"You're nice," Nico muttered, stepping on Will's hands and getting boosted up. Hazel helped him up the rest of the way. "Thanks."

Thalia came up seconds later. She was covered in dirt, making Nico realise that he probably was too.
Perseus came up. "That was fun! Thanks torch-ladder dude."
Nico looked down to the tunnel.
"Here," Will said to Jason, who stared at him for a second. Then he climbed up himself without Will's help. Somehow, he didn't fall.
Jason walked straight over to Thalia. "You okay?"

"Let me help you," Nico knelt, reaching out his hand to Will. He took it, pulling himself up. Once Will was out, the ground closed again.
Nico turned to Hazel. "Thanks for that. How can I repay you?"
"Well-" Hazel started.
"Once we return, I'll give you and your mother freedom. I'll make sure you both have enough money to last generations," Nico said. "I promise."
"Nicollò," Hazel sighed.
"I'm coming with you."
"Hazel, you can't. I promise we will return as soon as possible. You'll get your freedom eventually."

"Nico, this isn't about freedom."
Nico looked over to Will, wanting to ask if he knew what she meant. Will shrugged, shaking his head.
"What do you mean?"
"Firstly, there's no hope you five will survive in that forest without me-"
"Thanks," Perseus laughed to himself.
"It's the truth. Secondly, if I don't come, your 'plan' will be pointless."
"Look, I appreciate what you've done for us, but we'll be okay. Go back to Thnēskō, Hazel."
She shook her head. "Nico, have you ever wondered who my father is?"
"Not really, no."

She frowned. "I was born in the castle. I was conceived in the castle-"
"Then your father is one of the servants or one of the guards. Ask your mother. If you want, I'll give him money after we come back, too."
"My father isn't a guard or servant. Your plan is for there to be no heir, so take me with you."
"What are you saying?" Nico asked.
"Hazel?" Will muttered. "Are you-"
She nodded. "I'm the King of Thnēskō's daughter."

Nico laughed, then realised she wasn't joking. "Wait what?"
"You heard me. Your- our father let my mom keep her job, as long as she told no one about their.. affair. So she didn't. No one apart from me. So, if you run away, along with all of the other heirs, what do you think he's going to do? He'll claim me as his daughter. I don't want to be in charge of the kingdoms. I don't want to cause war."
"You're lying- you're magick. No royal can be magick."
"Why would I lie?! You need me."
"Shit!" Nico put his hand on his head. "Okay, fine. I don't believe you, but you can help us. Right. Let's go."

"This is ridiculous," Jason muttered under his breath.
"Wait," Perseus said. "They should be here."
"Who?" Thalia asked.
"Connor and Travis. With the supplies. They'll be here. Just wait a minute."
"You said they didn't know about the plan!" Nico groaned.
"Not me fault that they read our letters!" Perseus put up his hands. "Look, we can trust them. They know they're not coming with us, don't worry."

Suddenly, a flash of light came towards them. The two brothers appeared.
"Sorry we're late Percy," Connor said, holding a bag that seemed to be full. "Here's your stuff."
"What took you so long?" Perseus asked.
"Someone insisted on coming with us," Travis sighed, pointing to the air.
"What is going on?" Thalia asked. "They're powered too? This isn't normal."
"It is normal, princess. There's more people with powers than you think," Connor said. "Sorry, we forgot to mention our powers. That's how we got from kingdom to kingdom so fast. Super speed."

Nico looked over to Perseus, who looked strangely sad. He was staring at a spot beside Travis.
"Annabeth," he whispered.
"Now he's delusional," Jason sighed. "Great."

A girl appeared- she wasn't there a second ago. How did she do that?
"Percy," she whispered. There were tears in her eyes, but she was smiling.
"I had to carry her most of the way here so we'd make it on time," Travis said. "I'm too good for this world."
"Right," Nico muttered.

Perseus took a step closer to the girl. "What are you doing here?"
"Did you really think you could leave without saying goodbye?"
"I told you I had to go."
"I know. Be safe out there, Seaweed Brain."
"I will. I love you, Wise Girl."

Nico frowned. What was happening? Who was this girl? How did she appear out of nowhere?
She smiled, closing the space between her and Perseus.
"I'm dreaming," Thalia said. "I knew this whole running away thing would be weird but come on. What is happening?!"
Nico looked over to Will, who was trying not to laugh. Thalia was right. This was all very weird.
After they'd done kissing, Perseus and the girl had a whispered conversation. He kissed her forehead before she disappeared once again.
He wiped his eyes and turned to the others. "Let's go."

Word Count: 1673

A/N: they've finally gotten out of the kingdoms!!!

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