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Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Tears for Fears
0:43 ─●──────── -3:27
↻      ◁ II ▷     ↺

Acting on your best behaviour
Turn your back on Mother Nature
Everybody wants to rule the world.

• • •

In the beginning, there was one kingdom. Olympia. Ruled by one king. Each time a king fell sick and met death, his eldest son would take the crown. If there was no son, the eldest daughter would rule. It was like this for hundreds, maybe even thousands, of years. Olympia was one.

That was, until one year, a new King of Olympia became ill. His three sons began to fight over who should take the crown. The eldest believed it should've been him, as it always was the eldest son. The second said that the eldest wouldn't be able to rule. The youngest was the kings favourite, however he was much too young to rule the entirety of Olympia. It was much too large.

The king, either delusional from his illness or just downright insane, had an idea. He grabbed the map of Olympia off the wall. The princes watched as he drew a few lines, splitting the kingdom into three. It wasn't long before the princes started fighting again. One section was larger, one was smaller, one was beside the sea and the others surrounded by forest. The king, who was used to his son's constant fighting, made them draw straws. So they did. A week afterwards, the king died. His sons took over their own kingdoms. Rather than just one, there were now three kingdoms in the country of Olympia. Astrape, which the eldest son ruled, Ūdor, which was beside the sea and Thnēskō, which the youngest son was given.

Things went back to normal for the next few decades. Olympia was much too big to be a single kingdom, anyway. If anything, three kingdoms worked better than one. The kings had children, who had children, who had children. As normal, the eldest would take the crown. Within a few years, however, the new kings started to get jealous. How was it fair that their kingdom was the smallest? Why was one surrounded in forest, making the kingdom itself have less space? Why did one have worse soil? Why did one have more hills?

This greed and malice caused a feud between the three kings. No king has ever liked sharing. Some tried to fight, to make the kingdoms their own, but none succeeded. So the kings hid their hatred for one another and continued as normal, though they were secretly planning each other's demise. The kings got greedier and greedier throughout the years. Things didn't change, however, until five new heirs of the three kingdoms were born.

• • •
Word Count: 452
• • •

A/N: thank you for reading the prologue. Hopefully you stay to read the entire fic- trust me, it's been a long time in the making.

There is going to be a lot of world building for the first few chapters, as the story would be confusing without it. I promise, it'll get more exciting.

A heads up for those of you who didn't read the description- there is a reason this fic is marked as mature. It deals with many heavy topics:
Abuse, violence, suicide, mental illness etc. Please do not continue reading if you will be harmed by any of these topics.

I first had the idea for this fic during quarantine- four years ago. It's pretty crazy to think about that. I did publish a few chapters under a different title, but decided to restart after all this time. I plan to post a chapter every Sunday, though no promises. I am the worst person for writer's block. A lot of you readers are probably coming from my mortal au fanfiction. If you are, my apologies for the radio silence over the last year. I am still planning to rewrite the mortal au, but that's going to take a lot of work. School is a lot busier than it was back in 2020/2021. I'm much older and I have changed a lot, but I still love Percy Jackson and I still appreciate you all so much.

I hope you enjoy the fic

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