Meet and Greet

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"Well, we're here." Marie said, hand on a doorknob. She turned towards my direction.

"Y/N, meet the allies of Squidbeak Splatoon."


The door clicked and opened, revealing the room within.

Pearl quickly came to view, spinning around her chair and exclaiming a few words. Marinas voice quickly followed after with an all too familiar voice of Callie.

With those voices three more, that I've never recalled hearing, joined in soon after.

Marie walked in, revealing both of our presences to everyone.

"About time!" Pearl exclaimed, "It was getting boring in here!"

"Long time to see, Agent 4!" Marina smiled.

"Agent 4! Good to see you tagging along!" Callie waved.

I stunningly waved at Callies greeting, my eyes too focused on something else to give her my full attention. be more accurate.


"Y/N, this is Klasser. Also known as Agent 27." Marie introduced, making a straight line towards his side.

The inkling stood tall with his attention just on me, hand out for a shake. He appeared nothing like the pictures Marina and Pearl revealed to us. Sure, his appearance was spot on but something didn't feel right. His photo clearly showed no interest in anything. But now that I'm greeting him in inkling, he's holding out a friendly demeanor. Have I inspected the photo incorrectly?

"I've heard a lot about you, Agent 4." Klasser said, beaming me a small smile. "I'm pretty impressed by your accomplishments."

"I- uh- yeah." I sputtered back, shaking his hand. "It's nothing big really. Just fought a brainwashed idol and a bunch of machinery."

"I got told plenty of that." He replied back, his hand firmly gripping mine as we greeted each other. "That makes two of- ow-" Klassers head pulled back as Marie yanked his ear. His smile turned into a frown as he turned to her.

"We're just now meeting after all this time and this is how you treat me?" He huffed, swatting her hand away.

Marie lowered his mask, revealing her signature toothy grin. "It was barely a small yank and you're acting as if I snipped you. Also, don't talk too much." She told him, finger pressing against his lip. 

He scoffed, a smile reappearing once again. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever you say." He brushed her hand away before turning back to me, "Good to see another agent tagging along in the group. Did you volunteer or did you follow someone under a squidhole (manhole)?"

"You can assume the ladder," I replied jokingly. "" I asked, "I've never heard of you before. Let alone an Agent 27." I informed him.

I let this new information sink in for a few seconds. Once it clicked, my eyes widening at a realization. "You're the new idol and an old agent?"

Everyone grew silent at my words. None bothered to look at me or give me a satisfying answer. To say I felt betrayed can be a vivid understatement. Marie met my eyes first, realizing my demeanor changing. I crossed my arms, physically showing that I demanded an explanation.

"Look," Marie began, "I feel like throwing this all on you all at once would probably make things more complicating than more sense." She tried explaining to me, "So I figured we can take it one at a time."

"One at a time?" My brows furrowed, making less sense than before. I could not even vocalize my irritation about this before she simply smiled at me.

Her eyes moved behind me. Whatever she glanced at gave her a grin. "Looks like you need to start training again." Marie told me.

My eyes widen, turning my body to check what she spoke about. Unfortunately, she was right. Something engulf me into a choke hold of an embrace.

"You must be Agent 4!!! Hi, hi, hi!!! It's so good to finally meet you! I've heard so much about you!!" A voice exclaimed. My body lifted from the ground as they swung me about in joy.

"Loxo, put her down." Klasser ordered, the tone I got introduced with changing to a stern one. "What did I say about greeting other squids like that "

"Sorry! I just couldn't help myself!" The voice giggled.

My feet touched the ground with the grip around me releasing. I finally had the chance to look up at the one who held me hostage.

"Hi! I'm Loxo!" The octo exclaimed, beaming me a smile with green tinted in his fangs. "Also known as Agent 7!" He added proudly while puffing his chest in, what any can assume, pride.

"Agent 27...Agent 7..." I mouthed, pointing at the rightful owners of those titles. "So...if you two are agents, does that mean-" I stopped myself from finishing the sentence as I skimmed the room.

I heard a whistle from Callie who pointed at the inkling I never even noticed sitting besides her.

The quiet inkling gave me a wave. "I'm Agent 6..." she spoke softly, "E-Everyone just calls me Sunset. You can call me that as well if you'd like." She smiled.

"Agent 6..." I whispered to myself. "Agent 27, 7, and 6. You three are the new idols, too." My mind drifted everywhere, trying to grip on what could make sense.

Just one question kept bubbling in my mind.

"So...Why haven't I ever heard of you guys? Let alone knew of your existence?" I asked, getting rather serious. "How come I was never told of you three or the fact that you all seem to know each other more than I've known you? Especially after everything"

The joy in the room quickly died down right after my questions as everyone got quiet with Loxo still beaming a smile. A nervous one at least.

"Because we were keeping them safe." Marie informed me.

I looked up at her, not finding her answer right. Something still felt off. "What do you mean safe?"

She sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose, "I don't want to get into so much details about this. Especially since this is their first week resurfacing."

I frowned, arms crossing against my chest. "So why are they resurfacing as idols?"

"How else are we to reintroduce them? Look at them, you'd really think they could easily blend in?" Marie gestured to their fashion and colors. "Besides, Inkopolis was getting kinda boring so bringing them up as new idols seemed to spice things here." She waved her hand, "Once you get more information later on, you'll understand."

"So, why the agent names?" I asked next.

"Because," Marie sighed, "Before it was Agent 3, 4, and 8. It was Agent 27, 07, and 6." She explained to me. "They were the actual originals."

I frowned again. Nothing was adding up. If anything, it couldn't add up and only made a more splatted mess than a turf war aftermath. "But before you opened the door you said they were allies. Not actually agents."

"You'll know more later on. Don't start hurting your nonexistent brain now." Marie told me, pressing her finger against my forehead.

I shot a glare at her to which she simply shrugged off. I shifted my attention back at the two new idols and veteran agents who stood nearby me.

"Well..." I held my hand out again. This time to Loxo. "Agent 4. Please to be of your acquaintance."

"And hopefully more!" Loxo replied, gleefully accepting my hand onto his. He shot Klasser a wink, earning him an elbow to the gut.

"You'll get the joke once you've known them long enough." Pearl spoke up, waving her hand over her head as she slowly spun around her chair. I assume she refers to Loxos wink.

"Don't think too much about what comes out of his mouth." Klasser added in, ushering the octo away. "Hope our sudden appearance isn't too much to take in."

I shook my head, "No, don't apologize."

Although irritated, but moreover just confused, secrets are secrets for reasons. Maybe there'll be a time where this is explained to me. Until now...

"Well," I gave a respectful bow to the three new acquaintances, "Y/N L/N, also known as Agent 4, may we know more of each other in the future."

I raised my head back up, noticing a satisfied grin on the newcomers face.

"Only time will tell."

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