chapter - 6

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Today I am really happy and feeling like updating the next part as my birthday is nearing and I want birthday wishes from all of you on  1 Feb.

Happy Reading.

Arohi's POV

It was a pure bright sunny day.After attending first three lectures we were sitting at our regular spot in college campus.

" Don't you guys think that time is running really slow today..? " Kajal said with a tired expression on her face.

" Hmm..I am too feeling the same. " I said sitting beside her.

" Then Lets go for a movie now.What say guys..? " Dhruv asked excitedly.

" Perfect.I am in. " Kajal supported him.

" Yes..Me too. " I said smilingly.

" You guys carry on.I am not able to come.I have a class. " Sahil said in a serious tone adjusting his spects.

" Come on man,Don't be so sticky.." Dhruv said trying to convince him.

" You are saying this bcs you have already done with your revision twice on that chapter. " Sahil said to him frowning.

" I will not fall for your tricks.Only  that's why I came second everytime.But not this year. " He said frustrated and we all are trying to control our laugh but fail badly.

" Ok Arohi and Kajal we will go. " Dhruv said checking the timing of the shows on his phone.

What am I supose to do between these love birds..? I don't want to be a kabab me haddi.

" Dhruv..actually I forget but I am also not able to come. " I sounded genuine as much as I can.

" Why..? " Kajal asked me.

" Bcs I have to complete my assignment and for that I have to find out the references in library. " I said and wink at her suggestively.

" But Arohi.."

" Sorry Dhruv..Next time. " I interrupt him before he trying to convince me.

" Now Kajal definitely you will also say no right ..? Dhruv asked her sarcastically.

" No , I am coming. " She replied laughingly.

" Thank God , Come let's go. "  

Oh..!!!they are so cute.

After waving bye to them Sahil went to attend the next class and I went to library for using this precious time to complete my assignment.

I slowly climb the stairs of the third floor of library.Our college has very big library including different books.I entered the library and found no one there.Its not like daily the library is crowded but at least there were few students present there.Surprisingly the oldy librarian was also not there.I found it little weird but thought may be he gone for his lunch as it was nearly the lunch time of library staff.

Ignoring the fact I slowly pulled out one chair and rested my assignment book with all my stationary stuff on the table.I was looking for a book in the various shelfs but not finding it.I was searching it in different shelfs when I feel someone is following me.I look at my back but there is no one.I again started my searching mission.

After searching for more than five minutes finally I found that book.I sit on the chair and keep the book aside.I started writing the practical while searching the reference in the book when I feel someone is looking at me.I look sideways but again found no one.

I again started writing but still I was feeling like someone is staring at me.

But how can it be possible..? There is no one in the library other than me.

Truly I was scared a bit but then I shoe my thoughts away.I again concentrated on my assignment when I hear the sound of a book falling from one shelf.I startled by that sudden voice.

I look at the direction of that shelf and one by one all the books started falling from its place with a loud thud.I quickly get up from my place and collecting my stuff I started running to the exit of the library.Slowly slowly one by one all the book shelfs started moving collapsing the books on floor.I was taking the faster steps.I was sweating with fear and my heart was loudly thumping inside my chest.I was getting down from the stairs.My foot steps were fast.Suddenly I bump into someone.She was Priya.All the things in my hand scattered on the ground.I didn't realize when I reach the second floor in my fear.

" Don't you have sense to look at front when you are walking. " Priya snap at me with so much anger on her face.

" Sorry " I said wiping the sweat on my forehead.

" You bloody Idiot.."

" Enough Priya.."

She was saying something from her filthy mouth to me but someone interrupted her.RV was standing with his friends beside us witnessing the whole scene.He shout on her in front of their whole group.Priya went away glaring at me.I bend to collect my books which were scattered on the floor when RV come to me and he also started helping me collecting all remaining things.We stand up and he handed that things to me.

" Are you fine..? " He asked me concerned.

I nodded with a faint smile as I headed towards my classroom again.

Are You Scared..?

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