Last Chapter

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 So Here is the last and final chapter of the story.Thank you so much for all the love you have given to this story.💖💖💖 Thanks a lot !!


Dhruv,Sahil,Adi and me were waiting outside the washroom as girls were inside.Suddenly we found girls coming to us with furious expressions.

" What happened..? " Dhruv ask worried.

Arohi showed the thing they found in there.All of us surrounded her to get a clear view.The small,sharp,shiny thing is reflecting in Our eyes as we look at it.Now we all are sure but still that one last clue is yet to confirm.But How..? I was scratching my stubble and thinking about it when suddenly one something pop up in my mind.

" Kajal..Before the day of our campfire,had our classmates taken the permission of Principle sir..? " I asked.

" Yes.." Kajal replied.

" Lets go guys.." RV said as we all run to the notice board.


We reach the corridor and was searching that old short notice on the long notice board.

" Guys..its here. " Adi said pointing to the notice across the glass shelf.

We all look at the notice written in the handwriting of one of our classmates followed by the sign of our Principle Raghuvaran Sir as " RV ".Now everything is as clear as crystal.Every piece of a puzzle is at right place.We get what clue Divya wants to convey to us.

" RV..means not Rajiv means Raghuvaran..our Principal Raghuvaran. " RV said pointing at the sign where the two letters are scribble in an elegant way.The sign with initials R and V which are very familiar to us,on every assignment,marksheet,notices and certificates.

" How we fail to notice this..? " Dhruv said caressing the sign.

" That means Raghuvaran sir..?? "

" Yes Champ..he is the one. " I confirm.

" Now come on guys..we need to check the principles cabin. " Dhruv said and we all headed to the final destination.


Arohi's POV

We stop in front of the cabin.The dim light inside the cabin confirm that someone is there at this hour of night.Silently we all came close to the door.Rajiv slowly try to sneak inside through the key hole.After confirming there is no danger he kick the door with a thud and open it.We all went inside the cabin to find our so called principle Mr.Raghuvaran sir was checking on some documents in his hands.He gets scared with the loud bang and is looking at all of us with fear in his eyes.

" what's happening here..? What are you guys doing here in college till now..? Don't you guys know the rules..? " He asked with raising his voice with a blood red eyes.

We remain silent still staring at him.

" authority will punish you for the loss you have done to college property. "

This time he raise his voice more.

RV smiled this time.

" And what is the punishment for the loss you have done to our college..? " RV said sliding his hands in his jeans pocket smiling sarcastically.

" What..? What do you mean..? " He asked firmly.

" You know what we exactly mean Mr.principal Raghuvaran. " Druv said crossing his arms and coming closer to him.

" I don't understand what you guys are saying..? "

" Maybe this will help you to understand. " I said showing the golden nif of his pen which I found in the washroom.

His face fell dull.He started sweating and his throat went dry.The tie around his neck started suffocating him.

" Your game is over Mr.Raghuvaran. " Kajal said looking at him with anger visible in her eyes.

He look at us with impossible expressions.RV clap his fingers to get his attention.

" Are you shock..? Now let me tell you how you executed your plan and carry out your tricks by fooling us showing it as horror things. RV said smiling wickedly at him.

" Let's start from the first incident in the library.Arohi.." RV said and looking at me gesturing through his eyes to continue.

" When I entered the library,there is no one around as it was a break time for staff.You had attach magnets below each and every book shelf and by creating electromagnetic waves below it  the book shelf started shakin.But by naked eye it will look like they are moving automatically.Right Sir..? " I ask showing the piece of magnet which I found below the book shelf.

" Hmm..Absolutely Right..Now lets get ahead. " Dhruv said walking to the sofa in his cabin and sit on that resting his leg one on other.

" When our classmates have taken your permission for campfire.You are the one who create shot circuit on that pole by creating the low resistance in the connection of that pole so a high current will flow and it will result in falling that pole.I have check the meter reading.What a brilliant idea.." Dhruv said scratching his nape smiling.

" is." Priya said coming forward.

" After that you hack the computer lab system using your this pc and and successful in appearing that sentence on each and every computer again making a fool out of us. " Priya said showing the number of IP address of the server on the tab which was hack by sahil a movement ago.

" Then you want a super duper thrilling attack so you crash all the glass windows of our college by laser method and not by throwing stones so it will look like it was a supernaural attack.Am I correct..? " Adi said walking to the sofa and sitting besides Dhruv.

" Perfectly it sir..? " RV asked sitting on the table looking into principle's eyes which are showing pure anger.He was sweating badly and looking at us horrified.

" But what about Divya..? What's her fault..? Why did you kill her..? Why..?

This time Sahil spoke up who was listening silently all this while.He came close to him and held him by his shirts collar.

" Tell me you bastard..Why did you kill her..? Why..? " He asked shaking him.

" Bcs she get to about my plan. " Principle shouted on him.

" Yes..I have done all this.I am the mastermind behind all these happenings.I was working here from almost fifteen years.Ten years as a teacher and from five years as a principle. I have taken lots of efforts for the upliftment of this college but all went in vain.The college authority is playing politics and wants to shut down this college by spreading rumors about this college so they can destruct the building and sell its huge land to foreign investors who will bye it in millions and make the college trusties millionaire.Being the physics specialist and principle of the college they have given the responsibility on me to carry out the plan in such a way that none of us will be under suspicion.

That day after my announcement in the common hall when I was speaking on phone about the plan in my cabin Divya heard the conversations and ran to the ladies washroom.There was no other option to save myself so I followed her and stab the nif of my golden pen back of her neck. After insuring she was going to die I left that place. "Raghuvaran sir finish his part and we all are still hell shock by thinking about how can be our college authority is corrupted to this extent.Holy crap..

" But what about the postmartam reports..? You will get arrested when they got to know that this is a murder. " Dhruv asked.

" No..The that police guy is already with us.He is the biggest corrupt.And the mark on her neck was too small so they can easily proof it as a heart attack. " Raghuvaran explain.

" But you are a murderer and we will not let you leave in peace. " Sahil said angrily.

" Yes..We have already recorded all your bullshit in our phones and it will be the biggest proof against you guys in the court. " I said showing him the video recording.

" So Now Raghuvaran see you in the custody. " RV said directly looking into his eyes. "

Kajal and priya had already inform to the police station and all our teachers and students to come here when we are entering the cabin.

" Come in.." RV shouted and all of them come one my one in the cabin.

Police arrested Raghuvaran and announce to arrest all the people behind this crime.They congratulated us for our bravery and intelligence and left.We all look at each other and finally we had the satisfactory smile on our faces.Suddenly Ahire sir came to RV and hug him.

He patted his back proudly as all the teachers and students watching it with teary eyes.

" Sir.." Rajiv look at him smilingly.

" You save our college..Rajiv..I am proud of you. " He said smiling.

" Its my duty sir.." RV said bending down to touch his feet smilingly.

" So finally we get the Student Of The Year of this year. " Sir said proudly patting his back.

After our mission completed seven of us headed to our respective houses but not before giving a group hug.

" So..what is the next mission Mr.Student of the year..? I asked RV holding his arm lovingly.

" First Graduation, Higher studies in london , then I will take over Dad's business and after that I will open my new company. " He said smiling dreamily.  

" And then..? " I asked blushing.

" Then I will marry a girl who is beautiful,intelligent and dashing. " He said smilingly.

" Who..? " I asked blushing more.

" I will surely get someone in london. " He said smiling mischiefly.

I hit his arm playfully and he pulled me into a tight hug laughingly.

So with caring besties,charming new crush,little fear,little sorrow,final mission and some proud movements the last year was as expected as it to be.A Blast..

The End 

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