Chapter 8: Fast Forward

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"Poor little thing" I said in the most possible sarcastic tone. "What do you think you are doing so early in the morning honey?"

"What do you mean?" She says trying to act all innocent. I don't know but she really got an annoying voice.

"Girl you know it better than i do what you are trying to do." I said but with a serious tone this time. By now kids already gathered around looking at a small live drama happening.

I mean this one is not such a serious one nor I'm trying to act like a bully. It's just that she got on my nerves early in the morning when I was minding my own 'business'.

I never chose to get in contact with her but she chose so I guess that's alright for me to play for a little while.

"Bitch can you stop annoying me?" She said while I laughed.

"You know...mocking birds look beautiful when the sing not when they scream" I said with a calm voice.

"Wait wait wait. Are you trying to say I'm a mocking bird? You little peice of shi-" she was about to grab my hair when suddenly a few students stood infront of me.

Woah woah woah now that was something I didn't expect to happen. I suddenly feel so special. I guess afterall what Lisa said me was true. Maybe I'm actually the so called 'angel' in the crowd.

So goes from 'princess' to 'angel'. Amazing!

Just then I heard a familiar voice speak.

"Should I let you go or maybe play with you a little and then push you a bit closer to the cliff?"

The great Kim Taehyung joining is the drama. What could be any better than this?

"No one dares to call my princess a bitch" Here we go again. Oh I swear someday I'll throw a fist on his ugly face.

Everyone around us started hooting while I smiled sarcastically at Taehyung. "A dog will obviously bark at the person who tried to hurt it's owner" I said smirking slightly when I heard someone break into laughter from behind.

"That was a good one Eonnie! BWAHAHA"

I was satisfied with what i said but Kim Taehyung looked not bothered at all but instead smirking me when he walked closer to me and whispered something in my ear.

"Baby I don't mind being your dog if I get to kiss you"

What the fuck is wrong with this mf?! I glared at him while he walked away smirking leaving the whole scene to school students to decide what to do with that bitch.

I stood there probably planning on how do I probably murder Kim Taehyung when Lisa walked towards me.

"What did he say?" She asked while laughing. I rolled my eyes and replied with..

"BaBy I dOnT mInD bEiNg YoUr DoG iF I gEt To KiSs YoU" i said in the most possible mocking tone because I was damn annoyed with a weird ass alien flirting with 24/7.

Hearing this Lisa started laughing again. "Don't be so mad Eonnie. Oh god this is damn funny" she said while being in the verge of falling down because of laughing so hard.

I rolled my eyes and started walking towards my locker when Lisa ran up to me. "YAH yah don't be so mad"

"Yeah yeah.."

Today for sure is going to be a long day.

When I reached my locker and was about to get some books, all of a sudden hundreds of letters fell out my locker making the whole place a mess.

"What the hell-" I stood there completely speechless.

"OMG- you surely have a lot of fanboys. No wonder why there are so many love letters" Said Lisa.

"Are you freaking serious?- Says the one who gets proposed by someone every other day"

"Bro never in my life I've recieved so many love letters together-"

"How can you be sure they are love letters?"

"Then does a high school girl receives job offers and that too hundreds of letters?"


"You got a point though"

"Thank you!"

But I don't understand what I'm even going to do with a bunch of letters from people I don't even know. Well I might know some.. but never all-

- Time Skips -

First half of the day is almost over. I'm heading towards my 4th class but I don't want to go- Don't ask me why. Who likes Geography class? I'm pretty sure you don't like it aswell and...if you do then can you please tutor me? Cause I for some reason can't memorize it at all *cries in pain*

I have to go anyways cause if Jisoo catches me bunking, my day will be totally ruined! Anyways my geography class is not far away so I was taking my sweet time to reach there ofcourse.

I was walking towards my class when I saw students gathered near the notice board. Curiosity took the best of me so I didn't hesitate to push everyone and get in the crowd to see what's going on. There could be a new drama. Not trying to get myself involved because I like watching drama not being a part of it.

So I managed to get into the crowd of students who were squealing a bit too much in excitement. Okay. Now I get why both boys and girls are so excited suddenly.

What do you think I saw? Something that gets both boys and girls excited. Something that happens in all the rich private schools.

Yes yes you thought right. The notice is about a event that is going to take place soon in our school.

The event that is specially for just the high school students.

Yes! Senior Prom Night and School fair!

High school Prom night takes place one every year. Everyone is excited for this event throughout the year cause this is the only time the school authority gives kids a chance to feel love for once a year and let's students be couples throughout the fair which lasts for a week!

Well most of the couples here in school are ofcourse dating secretly cause if they get caught being love birds in school they are so dead. Once the day in school ends no one minds being public about their relationship but when within school all sort of such behavior is prohibited.

So this is probably the best chance for couples to show off during the Fair.

School fair is going to soo fun but prom- I don't know if I will be going or not. Let's see what happensss. Just when I got out of the crowd, I saw our dear head girl Kim Jisoo on her way to send all these over-excited kids back to their classroom.

Lmao I should get going.

-Time Skips-

Aw man I should have stayed home and slept well instead of coming to school today for nothing but just pain! First the unnecessary drama and then the locker thingy and then shitty Geo class where I got a good scold from the teacher for no reason when that mf Jimin was the one who was annoying me and now moving these boxes! Ughh I never wanted to carry boxes but Jin out of blue suddenly dragged me here.

Although there are just few boxes left to move cause we have moved most of them already but still I'm feeling kind of annoyed. Who won't be? If someone calls you to carry boxes during recess then ofcourse you'll be annoyed. I couldn't say no to Jin cuz he was making puppy eyes and- saying no to it will be simply rude.

Just when I was about to walk and grab the last box I will be carrying, I saw Jin carrying it already with his's.

"Hey let me help you carry one of them" I offered but he just flashed me a smile and said "Thats alright I can carry these last two boxes. Just wait for me here"

He said and left me under a tree. Although Jin dragged me all way here but still he is a gentleman. Maybe~ not all Royals are cold as ice towards me.

Anyways I decided to wait for him but it is taking him forever to return. As I was standing under the tree waiting, suddenly I felt a soft hand cover my eyes. Oh I know who is this !

I giggled and said "Lisa I know this is you" but got no response in return. I knew it was her. Only her hands are this soft and warm. Afterall all I hold them everyday hihi.

"Yo Manoban I know this is you. Haha I caught you already so remove your tiny hand from my eyes" I said.

"Ugh yes you guessed right but I won't remove my hands" She spoke finally.

"Yah Lalisa!"


"Remove your hand from my eyes!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes bish I am"

"Here you go~"

The moment she removed her hands from my eyes I saw the most shocking scene infront of my eyes.. 

[Listen to "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran while reading for best experience]

Jin was kneeling on his one knee and held a flower Boquet up high towards me.

Everyone was around us aweing at the scene and I was too shocked to even speak. I didn't expect such a thing coming ahead.

He gave me a comforting smile and spoke..

"Lee Y/ do I explain this feeling to you? The feeling of butterflies in my stomach everytime I see you smile. I have fallen for you so hard that I can't even imagine a boy other than me being your date. So...Y/n, Can I be your date?"

A/n: I successfully managed to ruin the mood hihi- sorryy for that but i need to keep the excitement going on 🤓 Y'all probably didn't expect such a thing from Jin right? Neither me lol. Let's see what happens in the next chapter 👀 till then see ya! <3

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