..but i love you♡

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Mashiho still had his hands interlocked with doyoung's and had no intentions to let it go. He was more focused on doyoung than the movie.

Smile did not leave his face and his cheeks were constantly being pushed up by the growing length of his smile. Now that he finally realized his feelings and accepted it this whole feeling was happier and blissful than ever. He felt like he was the happiest person alive.

Doyoung presence was now more meaningful and he could finally understand what his heart was trying to tell him since so long. He was completely lost in his happy thoughts when he felt doyoung's fingers move a little and his head slightly move away from his shoulder.

Without even thinking twice mashiho tightened his grip of doyoung's hand and rested doyoung's head on his shoulder softly with another hand.

"Just stay like this it's comforting" mashiho softly whispered to doyoung.

Doyoung felt rush of emotion inside him. The hold of mashiho's hand to his made his heart flutter. Mashiho's touch and presence was really calming and relaxing to him.

Doyoung did like mashiho said and clinged on mashiho's arm. Mashiho also rested his head on doyoung's head. Doyoung felt weirdly comfortable in that position so did mashiho.

They watched whole movie in the same position. When the movie ended all members just chatted with each other and went to their respective dorms.

Jihoon followed mashiho and doyoung to their dorm.

"Mashi lets play a game." Jihoon said as he entered doyoung and mashiho's room.

"What game hyung" mashiho replied.

"UNO" jihoon said in a excited tone taking out uno cards from his pocket.
"Doyounga you too. Let's play." he added.

"No hyung you two can play" doyoung said taking out his phone from his pocket.

Mashiho and jihoon started playing on the carpeted floor meanwhile doyoung just stared at his phone's screen.

Doyoung could not help but listen to the chuckles and giggles from them. His eyes unintentionally kept checking on mashiho who was frequently being hugged by jihoon and other times his cheeks were softly pinched by jihoon.

This sight pinched his heart but he ignored it and kept scrolling through twitter. While doing so his eyes landed on one post. It was a photo of mashiho and jihoon and caption -
'Mashiho and jihoon literally look so cute with each other i really want them to date each other 😭'

Doyoung felt a wave of jealousy developing inside him seeing the post and finding them laughing right in front of him. He left his phone on the bed and headed to a small balcony in their room.

It was bright night as the full moon was visible. He looked at the mesmerizing night sky for a while and sat on the couch.
He ruffled his hair. 'wait- did I just get jealous!?' he thought to himself.

Before the train of his thoughts could start it's journey he felt someone sit beside him.

"It's beautiful, right?"

"Yes very much" doyoung replied mashiho fixing his gaze at the moon like mashiho.

"Jihoon hyung left as he lost" mashiho said with a little chuckle trying to initiate a conversation.

"Hyung, do you like jihoon hyung?" doyoung said without even realizing what he just said.

He immediately face slapped himself mentally but before he could do anything physically he heard mashiho's answer.

"Yes" doyoung felt his heart sink listening to mashiho's answer. He froze at the spot and felt his eyes become blur with the tears forming in his eyes.

"I like every members except for you I-" mashiho's confession paused as he saw tears rolling down doyoung's cheeks.

"Doyounga" mashiho cupped doyoung's face wiping his tears.

When mashiho saw doyoung's eyes he knew his feelings were reciprocated. He knew he was not only the one to have those 'feelings'. He knew doyoung loved him back.

"I may like everyone but I love you doyounga" mashiho said in assurance before softly reaching doyoung's lips and crashing it with his own.

Doyoung had his eyes wide open at first by the sudden confession of the older along with the sudden kiss but slowly closed his eyes to feel the moment and kissed him back.

The kiss was soft, gentle and most importantly it was mutual.
The kiss was a long and sweet one. It felt like dream to both of them. A dream that they would never want to wake up from.

Finally both understood their feelings. Acceptence and confession made the moment magical as they finally found their happiness which was within each other.



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