Part1:I'm tired

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"Please don't leave me hyung?" doyoung hardly forms a sentence as tears flow through his cheeks.

"I'm sorry doyounga" mashiho utters, head hung low trying oh so hard to not show his own tears.

Earlier that day

It's finally a free weekend for the 12 boys as being idols, they never had a fixed rest days. And yedam suddenly announcing that he has made the decision to take a break from the group just made everyone fall into a pit of sadness. Doyoung refused to talk to yedam, he's too angry to think about anything rationally. But mashiho feels that he totally understands him.And he himself os trying to find a way to say the same but he yet has to rethink and muster up the courage to do so. 

Mashiho is tired, so drained out and lost in thoughts. It didn't take doyoung to realize that mashiho wasn't feeling well, both mentally and physically and honestly speaking neither was he.

After being in a relationship for quite a while now doyoung has noticed how every now and then mashiho isn't himself. It wasn't just today after yedam's shocking announcement. His eyes look tired and sad, doyoung totally understands the random changes as he knows he's himself hardly getting hang of it.

"Hyung, let's go." Doyoung smiles faintly grabbing mashiho's hand not expecting anything response.

Just like his expectations, there's no response but yet he walks along.

On days when mashiho looks sad doyoung always takes mashiho to his house. They both have warm home cooked meals made by doyoung's mom, play with the cats, and listen to doyoung's dad's stories of his time which are quite entertaining as claimed by both the boys.

And when they leave doyoung's house as they walk hand in hand under the moonlight mashiho always thanks doyoung for the day. And tells how better he feels, although doyoung needs no explanation to the visible truth.

Today too they reach doyoung's home, caused today both weren't in any good condition than the other and get welcomed by ever so warm hug by doyoung's mom as he scans both the kids and complain how much more skinner they look ruffling their hair.

Mashiho feels overwhelmed as he remembers his mother's hug and how hard she was trying to hide her tears on the video call yesterday.

As they walk inside they are greeted by pink who walks straight to mashiho and sniffs him and ever so sassy coco just scans the both the boys with her big does eyes. Mashiho squats down as he pats pink.

Mashiho remembers how kotestu did the same as soon as he saw mashiho. He smiles with heavy heart.

The time went quite quick and it's already time to leave with full stomach and a lit up face, looking so much better than the gloomy faces they entered the house with.

"Can't you guys just stay over for today?" Doyoung's mom says caressing mashiho's hand she was already holding.

"We also want to stay but we have early morning shoot tomorrow so we have to be at our dorm" Doyoung says tying his shoe laces.

Doyoung's dad comes towards them as he hands both a popsicle and taps their shoulders also reminding them to walk their way back dorm safe. Mashiho looks at the peach flavored icecream in his hand

Mashiho remembers how his dad and him would always bicker over the last peach flavored icecream in their freezer because both loved the flavor dearly and how his father would always end up giving him the icecream.

With that doyoung's mom simultaneously hugs them both and they walk out as they bid farewell.

Mashiho walked out with a smile and heavy heart because this time even doyoung's beautiful loving family could not fix his wounded heart.

Doyoung noticed, noticed how although mashiho had a smile on his lips his eyes were still sad. So he intertwined their hand as they throw the popsicle's stick in the bin nearby.

They walk silently.

"Can you sleep in my room today?" Mashiho beaks the silence.

Doyoung nods with a smile as he slightly squeezed mashiho's hand.

"Is it about yedam hyung?" Doyoung asks as they now sit facing each other in mashiho's bed.

"Actually I don't know what to feel about it, maybe he has his reasons."
Mashiho replies.

"I understand but abandoning us might not be just the solution right?"

"Doyounga he's not abandoning us, he said he'll be back soon"

"And no  one has any clue about when is that soon. You know right hyung that yedam hyung isn't just my hyung, he's my brother, my best friend and also my idol, so him telling that he'll just take a leave doesn't make any sense to me"

"Doyounga it's a big decision so I think he had thought through it and made the decision so lets not pressurize him, okay?"

"It might be a rush thought, it's so absurd to think to take a break from the group."

"I don't think it is"

"How do you know that?"


Mashiho pauses pondering over the words he was about to utter.

"Because,,,,I'm also trying to figure out how to say the same thing to you, to the members"

Mashiho looks at doyoung who looks dumfounded and broken as his eyes start to glister, and mashiho blames that to himself.

"What are you saying hyung,??"

"I'm just too tired doyounga, I just feel  overwhelmed about everything. I feel like I'm not me anymore and I hate all these emotions I feel. I have been thinking about it, I just want to go back home and live a hassle free life and find myself again" Mashiho hardly completes his sentence trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to fall.

"Please don't leave me hyung? Earlier yedamie hyung and now you??" doyoung hardly forms a sentence as tears flow through his cheeks.

"I'm sorry doyounga" mashiho utters, head hung low trying oh so hard to not show his own tears.

After hearing those words doyoung wastes no time to get off the bed and walk through the doors with his eyes blurred vision, all thanks to the tears forming with no intention to stop any soon.

A/n: Hello!! A surprise update cause I miss both yedam and mashiho alot. I know I need to stop being dramatic but honestly it breaks my heart thinking about how much must both our boys had endured to take a break like that. But I know it's gonna be their healing time and they'll be more than happy to see teumes happily waiting for their return.

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