Chapter 1

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Oikawa Pov

I him softly as I finished getting ready for school when I see a flash of teal coming from my bed

"Weird..." I mutter softly I walk over and see a Teal Moon Hairclip on it

(Looks like this)

"What is this?" I slowly reach for it but I'm cut off by a squeal.

Through my open window, a Teal light flies through and bounces around my room. When it stops the light reveals-

"A BAAAT!" I scream out, yeah that...

"Ah! Hey shhh!" The bat spoke

"A talking bat!" I run to my bedroom door but the Bat uses some sort of power to stop me

"Shhh! Please listen to me!" The bat spoke again

"W-What are you!?" I question "Why are you in my house!? Why are you talking!? And why are your eyes teal!?"

The bat giggles "Ah, all Luna's seem to have the same reaction!"


"I should introduce myself! My name is Hoshi!" It hums "And apparently you were chosen!"

"Chosen for what?"

It flies over to the Hairclip on the bed "This Hairclip is powered by magic, it can make you into a superhero"

"Aww you're so cute" I chuckle "But I know it's not real, you know why? Because Iwa-Chan hit me in the head with a Volleyball yesterday for embarrassing him at his practice, and I'm hallucinating about a talking bat because of the pain killers I took"

"Nope, really here..." Hoshi flies over to me and places his claw on my nose

I back away from it and start packing "No! No, this is the pain killers! Magic isn't real!"

"Allow me to explain..." Hoshi smiles sheepishly "Many, Many, Many, Many, Many, Many and so on years ago there was this man named Aku Nikushimi, in my world he was really obsessed with power, but it only sent him into an evil reign! Four people used the magic in our world to create powers that would stop him hopefully for good, but none have been able to completely stop him" He flies back to the Hairclip and I follow him "This Clip, a Watch, And 2 Necklaces have been passed down by the first owners to stop Nikushimi but none have been able to do it"

"And you think I can?" I question "I'm a High School Student! What am I supposed to do?"

"I can show you when it's time, but for now put it on!" He insists

Hesitant, I pick up the Hairclip, why a Hairclip? I simply shrug before putting it on and looking in my mirror "Cute... Never thought it'd be my style but I like it"

Then there was a knock on my bedroom door followed by a voice "Kawa?"

"Iwa-Chan!" I saw in a panic before looking at Hoshi "I don't think he can see you right?"

"Nope he can" He quickly hides in my school bag "Okay! You're good now! Oh! And you can't tell him about the clip or me, got it? "

I nod, going to my door, taking a breath before opening it "Heeey Iwa-Chan!" I smile

"Are you ready for school?" He looked at me before blinking "What's with the Hairclip?" He questions

"Ah... My cousin sent it over, I told her it wasn't my style but you know her" I shrug, smiling sheepishly "Don't you like it?"

"I guess it looks good on you..." He shrugs "I guess you don't look like a complete idiot" He starts walking

"Hey!" I follow him "I'm not a complete idiot!"

"Never said you were"

Kageyama Pov

"I think I'm still going crazy..." I say, not quite processing the fact that there was a talking Crow in front of me

"Please, I'll explain everything in details later..." Yami sighs "But for now-"

There was a knock on my bedroom door

"Alright fine" I grab the necklace, holding it in my hand as Yami goes into my school bag

I open the door and see Hinata

"Hi Kageyama!" He smiles "Ready to go?"

"I guess..." I shrug

We walk out the house and his eyes landed on the necklace I had in my hands

"Woah! What is that!?" He questions, eyes sparkling

"This?" I bring my hand, showing the orange stoned necklace "Um... My sister gave it to me?"

Yami said I couldn't talk about him or the real reason for the necklace, so I guess this works

"Shouldn't you probably wear it?" He tilts his head

"You've been locked up in your house most of your life! You have no reason to tell me how to live!" I tell him

"Sheesh, no need to be so mean about it..." He pouts, crossing his arms

I look at the necklace, Yami says it's useful... I might as well... After hesitating, I put it on...

"It looks so good on you!" He smiles


We soon make it to the school and while at my locker, I hear a familar voice

"Hey, Tobio" Tooru Oikawa, an Editor like me in the Journalism Club... We played Volleyball in middle school together and he just wouldn't give up trying to 1-up me in volleyball or legit anything else

"Oikawa..." I put simply "I already have class with you first today, what do you want?"

"Ugh, rude..." Oikawa rolled his eyes "I was wondering if Tsumu or Suna have sent you anything to edit today, they haven't gotten anything to me"

"If I did, I wouldn't care to ask you..." I mutter closing my locker as the bell rings "Let's go..."

"I'll see you guys later!" Hinata waves as we go our separate ways

Oikawa and I meet up with Iwaizumi and head to class. We get to class and sit through it, Tanaka and Nishinoya messing around as usual, and once again getting sent to the principal's office. When would they learn? Never apparently...

Nishinoya Pov

In School Suspended. Only for today, as the principal said, we aren't bad kids we just do bad sometimes

"Boys, I have to meet with a teacher, can I trust the two of you to be here by yourselves?" The teacher asks us

Tanaka nods "Yes Ma'am!"

"You can trust us!" I smile

"That's what I'm afraid of..." She mutters before leaving the class

"Hey! Next periods about to start soon, how about we go greet our beautiful Kiyoko?" I suggest "Really fast, we'll be out and back here before Miss Teacher Lady even notices"

Tanaka grins "Of course! Let's go!"

Before we could leave the classroom, we're stopped by two black colored moths

"Woah! Look, those are some weird looking butterflies bro..."

I nod "Super Weird bro...waith, those are moths!" I say holding my hand out to one, it flew right towards the bracelet Asahi gave me and the other went for Tanaka's phone then they disappeared

"Hello Prank Stars" We hear a voice "Nobody seems to like your little jokes do they? I am Nikushimi and I'm here to help, in return for these powers I've given you, bring me Luna and Daku's Power Charms and your little jokes will be respected"

"Sounds like fun!" We say in unison then everything went black

Oikawa Pov

We sat in another class, board out of our minds when we heard a shout

"You boys should know better" It sounded like an older lady speaking "You shouldn't be-oh my!"

Looking at each other, we go to the window. The poor lady was soaking wet.

"Now" The shorter boy waves his hand as it glows red, he turns the lady into a duck "Waddle away"

The two boys seemed to laugh running off through the streets, almost causing car accidents

"Atsumu!" Suna yells, grabbing his school bag "Super Villains! We've got a great scoop!"

"W-Wait! You guys can't go!" Koganegawa says quickly

"Where there are Super Villains" Atsumu put his school bag on "There will be Super Heroes!"

He and Suna rushed out the class

"Psst" I look down and see Hoshi in my bag "It's time, leave the class so you can transform" He whispers

"Transform?" I whisper in confusion

"Did you say something Kawa?" Iwa asked curiously

I smile sheepishly before raising my hand "Bathroom?" I look over to see Tobio doing the same

The teacher sighs "I don't get paid enough for this" He says "If you wanna see Heroes, go see them..."

That's when most of the class left including Me and Tobio. Tobio and I went separate ways, I went to the first floor bathroom, making sure no one was there before letting Hoshi out

"Okay Hoshi, you say I can transform..." I say uneasily "How does one do that?"

"Easy!" He giggles "Just say 'Luna to Hoshi'! Then you'll get your powers"

I nod "If you say so..." I took a breath before saying "Okay... Luna to Hoshi!"

With those words, Hoshi disappeared into my Hairclip and in a flash of Teal light, my outfit changed

"Woah..." I say in amazement, looking at myself "This is crazy..."

"Oikawa! Can you hear me?" I hear a voice then I realize


"Yep! You can't see me, but I'm speaking to you through your charm. When I speak, the charms send waves to your brain and processes it to human speech! Enough of that! I'll go into more detail after we find those boys, for now, let's meet up with your partner!"

"Partner?" I question as I left the bathroom, leaving the school and heading into town

"Akuma, he is someone with a charm like your own. You can't tell him your real identity, for both of your safeties, you meet up in battle and fight then go right home to avoid any risks"

"Who are you my-" I start, looking off into the main part of town. It was covered in animals and pranks, cars all stopped in lines "Mom...?"

"Wow, they really did a number..." I hear a voice and see a boy in a Navy Blue and Orange outfit

He then looked over at me "Hey, Luna right?"

I nod "Akuma?"

He nods "Not gonna lie, I thought you were going to be a girl..."

"What? Can Luna only be a girl name?"

"Luna, Focus" Hoshi tells me

I sigh "Right... Let's find these prankster boys and put a stop to them"

"How do we do that?" Akuma questions, I shrug but he spoke again "Moths Huh? Could they really be students from the High School?"

"Huh?" I blink, confused, did he have something like Hoshi too "Hoshi, can you tell me what moths he's talking about?"

"Yeah, Nikushimi's Moths are what give people with desire the power they need to fulfill their desire" He explains

I gasp before whispering "Tanaka and Nishinoya got kicked out of class for their childish behavior... Could this be...?"

"We just have to find a way to destroy them!" Akuma concludes "Let's find them!" He starts to run but he starts floating a bit "Ah!? Hey! What's going on!?"

"Floating huh? Lucky!" I whine "But even if we know what we have to do, we don't know-"

"Suna! Look out!" I hear Tsumu gasp "This isn't worth it, let's go back!"

"And miss out of this awesome story?" I here Suna laugh "I might as well start a blog for this!"

"That's Suna and Atsumu..." I say and take Akuma's hand (As he couldn't control his floating) "So Tanaka and Nishinoya must be this way!"

With no resistance, Akuma let me pull him along to where I heard the voices. When we get there, we see Tanaka and Noya standing on top of a car and Suna and Atsumu who seemed frozen in place, somehow Suna was still determined to get his scoop

"Oh! Luna and Akuma, what a pleasant surprise" Noya seemed to grin "You're just in time to see our press interview come to an end!"

Tanaka grins, his hand glowing red, aiming right at Suna and Tsumu "No more questions, no more photos"

"Luna! Shout 'Star Shield!'" Hoshi sausage quickly

In nod, holding my hand out "Star Shield!" My hand glowed teal and a teal star appeared in front of the two boys "Woah..."

With the two of them out of Tanaka and Noya's sight, they were able to move again

"Atsumu? Get this on Camera!" Suna grins "This is way too epic not to write about!"

He was still excited

Akuma managed to land, holding his hands across his chest "Alright... Akuma's Claws!" Blades come out of his gloves and he jumped at the two boys but they dodged

"Too slow, little crow!" Tanaka ttaunt

Akuma clicks his teeth before attacking them over and over again

"Akuma! We can't be hasty!" I say quickly

"No! We have to get them back!" He says, continuing to attack

"Here's a new move Luna!" Hoshi speaks "Celestial Shot, while they're moving around from Akuma's attacks you can see their next move and hit them!"

I nod "Right" A teal orb appeared in my hand and everything had slow down for me, I kept an eye on Noya and when he dodged Akuma's attack, I attacked Noya "Celestial Shot!" I sent the orb at him and they landed

"Hoshi, Those moth things" I say "How do we know where they're hiding?"

"They're usually hidden in an item most important to the person, if it's on them" Hoshi replies

"So that means... Tanaka's phone since he loves to record their pranks, but what about Nishinoya?" I say as I still attack

"Nishinoya got a bracelet from Asahi!" Akuma replies, still attacking "If we can get the Moths out of them, we can use our powers to uncorrupt them!"

"I hope we don't have to destroy their special items..." I mutter

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