Chapter 4

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"Hi." I started off with a wave. "Didn't know I'd see you here. With Alex." 

Michelle stared at me, surprised. She didn't know I would even bother to wave at her, much less greet her with a smile. Alex looked at her in great wonderment. 

"Can we talk? Just for a short while?" I asked. "Please?" 

Michelle opened her mouth, but no words flew out. She closed it back again, and turned to Alex. She requested for him to wait for her at the nearby Café, and Alex walked away. Michelle turned her back towards me, folding her arms. 

"What do you want?" Michelle said in an annoyed tone. 

"I wanna tell you something." I smiled like a Cheshire cat. "You know, Mia cheated during the Scholarship Exam last year-"

Michelle turned to me and glared at me. "Was that a...secret?" 

I shrugged my shoulders, smiling mischievously. I turned around and ran off, back to my house. The moment I stepped in the house, Sis was already enjoying her fried rice. Mum was sending emails on her computer. 

"Sophie, what took you so long? Come and eat your dinner," Mum called. 

I placed my hoodie on the sofa and sat down at the dining table. Sis was watching her phone and Mum was on her laptop. I ate in silence awkwardly. 

After eating, I washed my bowl and spoon at the sink. I then walked to the living room and turned on the television, switched to Channel 7. It was already 8pm, which meant the news was going to be up soon. 

The moment I switched to Channel 7, a huge headline came on the screen. 


The camera then turned to the reporter, who stood outside our school. It was most probably recorded in the afternoon, as the sun was still shining. 

"Hello, this is Amelia Phillips reporting from Alston High School. A 9th Grader was killed here at around 10am-10.30am today. We've heard from some of the students here, and they have said that it was because of a game. Apparently, the murderer of this 9th Grader is unknown." the reporter announced. 

The camera then switches to a middle-aged lady, who was crying rivers. The man beside her, whom I assumed was her husband, was also tearing up. They must be the parents of the 3rd Grader who was killed. 

"My son was an innocent and cheerful boy. He was always kind to everyone and we loved him very much. He didn't do anything wrong, so why was he killed?" the woman broke down. 

"Please, if you have any information about the murderer of my son, tell the police. We don't want any other children to get killed like our son," the man told the camera. 

The camera than switched back to the reporter.

"The police are currently investigating. However, students of Alston High will still return to school as per normal. If you have information that could help in this case, please step forward and inform the police. More information will be shared soon," The reporter said. 

After that, the news was on to a different headline. 

I didn't know what else to say. Someone might get killed again tomorrow. Or maybe everyday. The whole of Alston High would just get killed for nothing. 

Well, there is only one way to stop this. 

I'd have to find out The Unknown's true identity.


"Alright, class, books on the table please." Mrs Jones instructed us. 

Everyone took out their textbooks and placed them on the table. Mrs Jones then started her lesson on polynomials. Many of us were staring at the whiteboard, while others copied down notes. 

After that, Mrs Jones handed us each a worksheet with questions to work on. Everyone started working on them eagerly, some sharing answers with friends, while others were discussing in small groups. 

I was started doing the questions, one by one. Just then, a sharp pain shot up in my stomach. I clutched my stomach in great pain. It must be the milk that I drank this morning. 

"M...Mrs Jones, may I use the bathroom?" I asked politely, raising my hand.

"Sure, go on." Mrs Jones replied in her warm voice.

I dashed out of the classroom and towards the bathroom. I swung open the bathroom door, dashed into a cubicle and locked the door. Sitting down on the toilet bowl, I felt a sense of ease. 

After I was done with my whatever business, I flushed the toilet and adjusted my skirt. I had to look tidy before I go back to class. When I felt that I was all ready to go out, I unlocked the cubicle door. 

Just then, my eyes saw something absolutely unbelievable. 

A girl wearing pigtails was being pushed into the bathroom with great force. Her eyes were filled with tears as she screamed in fear. There was a person wearing a black hoodie. The person had a knife, which was then brutally stabbed into the girl's heart and stomach. After being stabbed for a few times, the girl became unconscious and lay on the ground, uniform covered in crimson, red blood.

Did I...just walk into a murder scene? 

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