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I was in a completely normal school.

No rumors. No murders. Not even ghosts.

But now, this 'normal' is no longer normal. It has became a horrendous and terrifying school. Full of betrayal, fear, and even murder.

Now, what is this murder about?

When we were young, I'm sure we had childhood games we loved to play. Simon Says, Truth Or Dare, and the Telephone Game. 

In this school, there is a game of Pass On The Secret. To make it more fun, it's deadly.

You will know what I mean if you read The Unknown's letter.

My whole school is full of traitors. It's either you be a traitor or be someone who trusts everybody. Be careful of who you trust, because you never know who can backstab you. It's life and death, and it also shows who your true friends really are.

The game is all about the choices you make. Betrayals within friends, misunderstandings, sacrifices, they all happen. But, that's not all. The only one good thing is, you can pass the secret to your enemies, so you can get your revenge. But isn't it a little too much if it's deadly?

Well, I mean, if your enemies did something really bad, then I see no point if you just keep the secret to yourself.

Anyone can backstab you. Even your closest friends, your siblings, the class chairperson.

So, keep yourself mentally prepared for the worst.

The doomsday of Alston High is here.

I doubt we're all going to survive. Together. 


"Have y'all heard about the new Pass The Secret game?" 

"I hope I don't get picked!"

"I wonder who's The Unknown!"

Gossips filled the air of the school cafeteria as everyone had their lunches. The new Pass The Secret game had been the headlines of the gossipmongers of Alston High. Everyone didn't know what to do about it, neither did the teachers. We could only hope for the best. 

I placed my tray of food beside Mia, my best friend. She didn't seem happy. 

"What's wrong, Mia? Is everything okay?" I asked, looking into her eyes. 

"I...I don't want to die, Sophie. I don't want to lose anyone either. I'm scared, really scared." She replied, looking away. 

"We just have to abide by the rules. Everything is gonna be okay, alright?" 

The rest of our lunch was eaten in silence. Everyone around us was still busy gossiping, wondering about who would get the letter first. I didn't want my friends or myself to get killed. I wanted everyone to be happy and safe. 

Lunch came and went, as the school bell started chiming. Mia and I picked up our trays and placed them on the rack. We then walked back to class together. 

Mrs Jones, our Mathematics teacher, was already seated in the class. All of us settled down and placed our Math items on the table. 

"Most of you, actually all of you, have heard about the Pass The Secret game, right?" Mrs Jones began. 

People started murmuring to each other. 

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it. We don't know who's the culprit, the mastermind behind all of this. We just have to abide by the rules and play along, but not to fret, our school staff will be taking actions to protect all of the innocent ones." Mrs Jones continued, with a worried look on her face. She was scared too. 

My desk partner, Freya, was not listening to whatever Mrs Jones had said. Freya was a Know-It-All and was her confidence level was extremely high. She thought she was always right, and most of the time she was. Exams, she was always the top of the cohort, except for History, as she didn't bother to study that boring subject. 

"I can't wait to get the letter!" she said excitedly, smiling at me with her braces. 

"Even so, who are you going to pass it to?" I asked, a little annoyed. 

"Hm...Josh it will be. I hate him so much, like, his annoying voice!" Freya rolled her eyeballs, as I stared at her in wonderment. 

I looked back down at my shoes. If I get the note, who do I pass it to? I didn't have anyone I disliked, everyone was all nice to me. I couldn't pass it to my sister, either. Should I keep it for myself and let myself die? 

Well, I doubt I should think about this now. Until I get the letter, I should just stop thinking about this deathly game. 

Mrs Jones picked up a marker and started giving us a revision on the topics we had learnt last year. Many others, including me, copied down the notes as they would be very useful for our upcoming Math exam in two weeks. 

After that, we were each handed a worksheet to complete for the rest of the class. People groaned as they flipped through the worksheet. Most of us had already forgotten how to do such questions after our long summer break. 

Despite that, we started discussing the answers in small groups of three or four. Mrs Jones always encouraged such discussions, as we were able to hear different opinions and learn from them. 

Once we knew what to do, we went back to writing equations on our worksheet. 

Just then...


A loud gunshot was heard from the hallway. Loud screams and shrieks were heard, making everyone in the class worried. Most of us started running out on the hallway, wanting to see what happened. 

I grabbed Mia by the arm and we walked out together. Crowds of people filled the hallway as they gasped in shock. 

Then, I saw a boy, most probably 9th grader, lying on the ground in a pool of blood. A bullet had shot through his heart, making his shirt stained red. He had an arm twisted at a distorted angle, and his leg was covered in scars. The boy's eyes were still open then, and fright was written all over his face. 

Oh no. He must be the first death case of Pass On The Secret. 

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