A new mission

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(This is the closest I could get to a picture that looks like Yuki and Diana together. Yes I know there in bathing suits but I'll try harder to find a better picture next time) 

Alexa's POV: "Wait so let me get this straight Yuki your a run away princess from another universe and your sister is this girl?!" Kenshi exclaimed pacing back and forth. "Yep" Yuki said looking at her sister still annoyed of her telling the secret. "Why didn't you tell us?" I asked. "Because believe it or not I wasn't sure if I could trust any of you guys and I didn't know if you would try to talk me into going home." Yuki said as if embarrassed. "Yuki, you know you can trust us and we'd never talk you into doing something that you don't want to do." Kaito exclaimed as if he's been practicing that line for weeks. "Really?" Yuki said with hope in her voice. "Of course stupid I may not act like it but I care about you more than I let on!" Akemi said choking up as if she couldn't believe she said that. "I agree with Akemi even though we don't show it and I act like your just another annoyance your really cool and a great friend." Kenshi said with sincerity. "Ya, I support you 100 percent!" I said. "Aw guys that's so sweet!" Yuki said opening are arms to gather us into a group hug. "Okay guys I love a nice sappy friendship moment but I didn't come here for nothing ya know!" Diana said breaking up the hug. "Oh, ya what did you come here for then Diana." Yuki asked. I'm trying to tell you that Avalon is under attack and its BAD!" "What! Under attack by who?" Yuki said with worry in her voice. "Were not sure yet because he wheres a black hood to cover his face but What we know for sure is that we need YOUR help!" Diana said with the slightest bit of hope in her voice that she would agree "NO, I swore I wouldn't go back there and I still swear on it and why me why can't you ask dad!" Yuki said huffily. "Because the man who's destroying Avalon has YOUR wand." "Wait HE'S the one that stole my wand, I've been looking for that thing for a week how did he even know where I was and how did he get here!" Yuki said in dismay. "I'm not sure but you know the rule if someone steals your wand the only one who can steal it back is the one it belonged to before it was stolen so either you come with me or Avalon parishes and you lose your wand!" Diana said. Yuki hesitated for a minute as if thinking over the choices even though we all know what the better choice is. "Fine let's go but can my friends come with me cause I can't do this on my own." Yuki said looking at us. "But you know how the Avalon citizens feel about non fairies!" Diana whispered just loud enough for us to hear. "I think I have just the thing to fix that!" Yuki said mischievously and suddenly I was terrified.

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