Magic appreciation day

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Authors Note: I know this is a while after the 4th of July. I'm sorry I forgot to do a chapter. Just pretend it's an accurate date. Okay thx for reading enjoy!

Alexa's POV: It's been a few weeks now schools out for summer and we haven't been Called to work yet so I'm pretty sure not only have we taken a vacation but the evil has to. Anyway today is the 4th of July! A day to celebrate the land in which I was raised in! I've Done my research though and I found out that here they've got something almost identical to 4th of July here but it's celebrating the day that people were free to use magic where ever they please! Now since I came from here I thought I'd give it a try! I think they call it magic appreciation day. Anyway I guess I'll stop jabbering on and just start with the story, you guys are probably really tired of me talking.

"Happy magic appreciation day!" Yuki yelled at Akemi and me with a sing song voice as she entered the room startling us both. "Yay." Akemi said sarcastically happy. "Oh come on aren't you happy! This is the one day a year I get to celebrate my magic!" Yuki said with pride. "So how do I celebrate this day?" I asked. "Well usually here we have a huge party where everyone shows off there magic to everyone! Professional magic street performers come in to show off there talent and last year Akemi sang! At the end we usually have fireworks like you all do in america!" Yuki's description sounded so cool it pumped me up! I walked out of the room in utter excitement for what was to come. I skipped chirpily down the hall. I walked down stairs where I found Lilly putting up the decorations. I saw a HUGE banner with the words "happy magic appreciation day!"  Written on it. Lilly was covered head to toe in paint. "Oh, Hey Lilly seems like your really working hard!" I said kind of impressed. "Well I want to make today perfect for everyone!" She said cheerfully. I looked around to see a stage with a Mic. There were tables to sit at all around and a food stand for people to grab food. There was also a space for people to dance as well. "Did you do all of this yourself!?" I asked. "Well I got help from Miku and by that I mean she helped me eat the food I overstocked." I kind of guessed Miku would do something like that. "Well do you need any help?" I asked wanting to contribute. "I do still need to put up the streamers and I'm to short to get them up high even on a ladder!" She said in distress "Well worry not Alexa is here!" After that I helped her out.

Kenshi's POV: "Are you going to go to the party kaito?" I asked in wonderment. "I plan to master Covalt said we HAD to considering were representing magic for all of Zulla." He said annoyed. "Oh right!" "You know this would be a perfect time to tell Alexa how you feel about her!" Kaito said teasingly. "Wait what makes you think I have any feelings towards Alexa!" "Oh, come on we've seen the way you look at her!" Yuki said coming through one of her portals. This didn't phase me considering she does it all the time. "What since when!?!" I asked sweat dropping from my face. "Since a few days after you met her." Akemi said walking into are room. "Why are you here now!?!?" "Just own up to your feelings!" Akemi said ignoring my question. "Picture it the night sky during the fireworks you look into her eyes and say Alexa I like you and then you kiss under the moonlight!" Yuki said dreamily. "That's a little cheesy." Kaito said. "Alright I'm done!" I said storming out of the room.

Alexa's POV: We finished decorating! Just in time to because every one started arriving. In a matter of seconds the place was crowded with people. I saw what looked to be Kkemi about to sing a song. It was so pretty she's a really good singer. "Uh, Hey Alexa." I look behind me to see what looked to be Kenshi. "Oh, Hey Kenshi what is it?" "Um I was just seeing if you are enjoying the party!" He said nervously. "Yes its so awesome and so cool!" As I say that someone screams that the fireworks are about to start. Without thinking I instinctively grab Kenshi's arm and pull him over to where the fireworks were taking place. "Look Kenshi the fireworks are about to be lit!" I said with a beaming expression on my face. "Ya, it's really romantic don't you think?" He said. I was a little weirded out at first but then realized that his notion was actually kind of right! "Ya, I guess so." I said agreeing. "Alexa, there is something I want to ask you before the fireworks started." Kenshi said nervously. "Ya, sure what is it" He blushed deeply and hesitated to answer. "Well um I was um wondering i-if you would like to maybe go on a-   As he was about to finish the fireworks started. (For plot convenient reasons of course!) "Oh my goodness look that ones a present! I said looking at the cool shaped firework completely forgetting about Kenshi and his question. We watched the whole show without Kenshi asking the question again. After the firework show Kenshi walked me to my dorm room. When we made it to my room I realized I forgot to answer his question. "Oh, what was your question again?" "Oh.........n-nothing.......forget about it.......well.......bye!" He said and left without another word.

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